Friday, December 23, 2005

coming to the end of another year...

its been over two weeks since the last entry...
i've officially moved to a more ulu place in 'eternity'...
still in the process of unpacking and settling in...
but its no excuse to miss out on the festivities...

its been a rollercoaster week... (or days rather, since i am referring to the upheavals within the last 24hrs..)
it's a strange thing to be attending a wake the night before a party...
to be stalked during lunch..
and even more taxing to haul myself out of a state of 'moodiness' to suddenly be the 'life' of the party...
(shan't get into the details.. lets just say curiosity did not kill the cat.. but the truth did sour the puss..)

but all's well ends well...
even when i thought i was not much fun to be around..
i managed to smile, laugh and enjoy the moment..
it was a wonderful BIANNUAL potluck... the spread was good.. and the servings were just right..
the list goes on.. (ok maybe only a little bit more..)
but till 2007... we shall only reminisce...

coming to the end of 2005, i wondered how much had i learnt.. if i did at all..
i still make the same mistakes..
i still convince myself of the same lies...
call that consistency.. (now who says i can't keep focus!)
and perhaps there is no such thing as getting wiser or better with age..
OR maybe you get better at making similar errors in judgement..
and the whole process just becomes more efficient..

so i shall sit here and wait for 2006...
to usher in a resolution...
if not i will just repost this entry come this time next year!

PS: thanks for the food, presents and festive cheer y'all!

Monday, December 05, 2005

fellowship of folly..

i remember how i'd meet up with old frens.. or new frens for that matter... and they'd ask "what are u doing?" and i'd reply that i'm still studying.. and they'd go... "oh, what's your major?"... i'd say, "architecture.." and most of their responses would be along the lines of COOL... WOW... IT's FUN isn't it? and they'd start sharing what they've read up on so and so architects... and they might even ask me what my fav building is... or what do i think of the esplanade..

its strange how they all love the glam glam part of this industry... well, the part that they'd see on books, magazines, etc... (its never gonna be as glam as TV..) what they dunno is the road to getting there...

i wish for once i cld just say... "i dun quite care for the esplande... and i sure dun give shit about the architectural climate in singapore..." but i'd play along... give my rehearsed answer.. something about the debate between aesthetics and functionality... blah blah blah...

the problem with architecture is... (or would it be more accurate to say that the GOOD thing about architecture)... it is subjective... it absolutely is.. so in that case... anyone, perhaps everyone can participate and have their say.. give their two cents worth.. as and when they've finished with the latest gossip... now the REAL PROBLEM is.. in school, it is no longer subjective... you have tutors who tell you that you are wrong, what you should or shouldn't do... and the best thing is, they don't even agree with one another.. but somehow, we model the designs according to their approval...

those who've been through it.... we know how tough it gets... and perhaps upon survival... having suffered shit, gives us the right to be nasty to the next batch of students.. (hey, i've heard crappy students make 'authoratative' comments about other ppl's work... as if they'd know better...) so to those of us.. still stuck in sch (and to my frens who've just started that painful journey overseas..) what goes ard comes ard.. i bet ur tutor (yes, the arse who thinks he's so great) has paid similar dues... he's been told his drawings are crap... and his ideas crappier... (that's why they really just doodle... instead of sketching out what they hv to say)..

but the lesson to be learnt here is that.. WE'LL SURVIVE..

Friday, November 18, 2005

FRAIL- jars of clay

Convinced of my deception
I've always been a fool
I fear this love reaction
Just like you said I would

A rose could never lie
About the love it brings
And I could never promise
To be any of those things

Blessed are the shallow
Depth they'll never find
Seemed to be some comfort
In rooms I try to hide

Exposed beyond the shadows
You take the cup from me
Your dirt removes my blindness
Your pain becomes my peace

If I was not so weak
If I was not so cold
If I was not so scared of being broken
Growing old
I would be...

Monday, November 14, 2005

random pictures from a night of KRUMPING..

ahhh yes.. i promised not to spend precious time doing any photo montages.. so i've randomly selected photos to put up on my blog.. for those of y'all that dunno what KRUMPING is... check out madonna's new video... heh.. the rolling arms... finger points... chicken wings.. and fat woman dance moves... yes.. think saturday night fever... and john travolta... like i said.. the good ol' days of disco are back... now i can't wait to run out to the nearest cd store to get the album.. ok.. the nearest cd store is not within running distance... damn...

Sunday, November 13, 2005


you weren't who i made you out to be
a mere figment of my over imagination
you, immortalized
placed you on a pedestal
unwilling to see the flaws
that stared me in the face

my porcelain
couldn't bring myself to throw you away
cast you aside
pieced you back together
pretending you were still perfect
hoping all the cracks would go unnoticed
if i did succeed
fooling only myself

my porcelain
looked at me and cried
shedding tears
for my pride
it wasn't sympathy
they weren't apologies
you weep because it was love
but no more

Thursday, November 10, 2005

i won i won!!!

maybe i should try my luck at toto or big sweep..
but for now... i'm contented with the simpler things in life..
heh.. celeb gazing.. and the new zouk... plus first listen of madonna's new album!!
woo hooo.....

Sunday, November 06, 2005

having a bad day....

i will refrain from whining...
just very quickly... my microwave died... basically all it does now is turn a bowl of cold food inside it...
bleaah... like one of those Fisher Price microwave ovens..

been having bad dreams... don't exactly qualify as nightmares... but i wake up from my nap so disturbed and exhausted...
maybe i need to hang one of those dream catcher things in my room...

ps: i cldn't put this in poetry format...

a third and final instalment...

Fleeting Encounters

you fell in love with a drifter
unfamiliar with eternity
or love everlasting
each smile
mocking your foolishness
every gesture

when your joy
has no meaning in another
neither your sadness
nor sorrow
you are alone
delirium fades
euphoria turns into despair

the moment
the silence
a fleeting encounter
awaiting its goodbye

Saturday, November 05, 2005

i will no longer blog in prose...

Lingering Silence

speaking volumes
where words fail us
a goodbye
an end
we part in silence

are the feelings
in all gravity
finds its way into hiding
the hidden depths
of things unspeakable

two voices
reluctant to be heard
settles in silence

an act undone
can never undo
the hurt inflicted
scars like a reminder
a memory
we cannot erase
a lingering silence

must be all the sad songs playing on the radio..

Passing Moments

the beauty of a moment
is only beautiful in its passing
being in that moment
and falling out of it
leaving you blind and bewildered
sometimes broken
in that moment

they say not to believe it
not to fall
but the heart is beguiled
for we lose all sense of judgement
in that moment
between time gone by
and then

we live for that moment
hoping it transpires to eternity
like a fairytale
with its happy ending
lies that we often tell ourselves
becomes truth
in that moment

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

it must have been my lucky day!

courtesy of a fairy-sugar-godmother

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

puffy eyes in the morning...

well at least i'm back to singapore time...
that's the only consolation..
otherwise i'm still sleep deprived... (ok, one can't get too much sleep rite??)
but all this will temporarily end come monday...
alright.. not cos i'll be going around trick or treating..
but its the FINAL deadline... yes.. FINAL... for the dissertation (i still love the way the word makes it sound so sophisticated)
after nearly 6mths... (ok so i prob ONLY did actual work half that time.. ok.. maybe one third)
it will be done...
there'll be no more papers to write for a while..
in fact... its prob the last paper for my very long stint in university...
gosh... it will all be over soon..

let's not look too far into the crystal ball...
the great unknown isn't pleasant...

now gimme some teabags... i've gotta go out and face the world!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

not quite... the morning after

well most of you have heard me complain bout the braces..
throwing my little fits...
overusing the crying emoticon...
cos it hurts and i can't eat...
nothing worse than being in pain and hungry at the same time...
but i am glad to officially announce that I CAN EAT..
in fact i had CREAMY CHICKEN PASTA from pasta mania...
was surprised to find that the chicken shreds that they use are quite tender...
i little bit of munching and i can swallow..
so since now that i am no longer THAT hungry... my mood has brightened up considerably...

good show.. those who are in singapore should really catch it..
a good mix of humour and violence... actually its not at all violent since they never really show the killing/stabbing on screen... unlike the america equivalent, KILL BILL...
those who are not in singapore (since my readers are now from all over the globe).... too bad... heee..
if u offer to pay i will look for the dvd and rip and send it to you...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

itunes 6.0

for those who already know.. i've been PREPARING for my ipod for quite sometime now...
from adding artwork to the albums and songs (ipod photo) and now.. adding videos to my catalogue... in anticipation for the new ipod with video... its so cute how they generate the icon for the videos... i shall load it with lotsa music videos...

heh.. i'm glad i waited.. =)

anyway.. the new and improved itunes is ALRIGHT... much of the interface hasn't change... only for the function to add and view videos... and their supposed more sleek appearance actually isn't very nice.. much prefer the old one... cos the new one is kinda BOXy... very square.. very sharp edges... and the display of the track info as u play the songs arent great...
and the thing i wished they'd upgrade was for them to show the album artwork even when u minimize the window to just the controller... like the display on the ipod!! i guess they dun want ppl w/out ipods to get a cheap thrill out of it..

somebody buy me an ipod!!!! (with video of course)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005

sweet sleep...

so much for the plan to get back to spore time...
i actually think i'm in new york time now...
hi jan!! hi sy!!!

so its technically 830am over there in new york..
what shall i do this lovely saturday morning...
heh.. but my tummy's not going along with the brain..
it wants dinner...

damn.. hv to go out and find myself some grub...
macs? kfc?
hmm.... maybe i can get some reading done at mcdonalds??
heh.. who am i kidding... i think i'll bring a fluffy mag there instead...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

this is it!!!

just imagine... w&g... chengjun ge...
MING! what are u waiting for... this is it!!!!
all your tv shows on the go!!!



i want!!!!!!

it will soon be a year...

time flies really... suddenly remembered that i started this blog sometime in october last year..
it will soon be a year...
to those who are still reading this blog... good for you! hahaaa
i'm not about to stir up some controversy to boost readership tho...
nope.. no racial slurs.. no complaints about the gahmen...

this blog shall still remain a fluff-only zone...
this is the shrine of blondes... and black-haired asians with IQ of blondes...

well.. a year had passed.. and no point in looking back really...
cos it might all sound too familiar...
won't it be depressing to look back.. and realise that you're still stuck in the same predicament and situations nowadays?
nah.. that thought wld be too depressing...

so i instead.. i will look AHEAD.. (like all forward looking msians *chest thumping*)
the sch term will draw to a close.. all deadlines wld be a thing of the past...
holidays.. x'mas... parties... woo hoo0o0o0o
things are looking up already...

and yes.. I'M MOVING.. relocating... to another place within the same region of ulu-pandanness..
but it will be A ROOM OF MY OWN... for quite some time to come..
so this time.. there'll be a REASON to decorate...
(ming... buy me ikea vouchers.. haha i will throw a room warming party!! or better yet.. buy me a dog.. and dog food!!! you will have visiting rights... heh)

who wants to help me move? any manslaves out there??

Friday, October 07, 2005

the project of vanity..

for those who don't already know..
i'm getting braces done...
vanity... cos my teeth aren't seriously in need of orthodontics..
(goodbye NANO... and x'mas shopping... all of you will only be getting cards.. made from scrap material...)

so anyway... had went for the first session yesterday... (apparently i forgot that i had an prior appt the week b4)
and the dentist inserted small pieces of rubber bands to create space...
basically what he did was to jam those rubber band things in between the molars...
not exactly painful..
but sure is irritating... its like hvg food stuck between your teeth... only this time you can't go floss it out...
yes... it makes u feel like u actually DO wanna FLOSs... uurgh... just 4pcs of rubber band.. and i already feel depressed..
i can already see it affecting my speech..
but of course some ppl can be thankful that i will be keeping my mouth shut more often...
(but i can still roll my eyes!!!....)

the point is.. i cannot imagine the discomfort that will follow when my whole mouth is fitted with these braces.. uurrgh..
i'm on my way to being a 25yr old nerd...

how bout treating me to chocolates and candy for the next two weeks??
ooh.. i can be like that fat kid in charlie and the chocolate factory!! but i doubt i'll clog up the pipes..

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

i'm IN THE (wrong time) ZONE

why am i not doing work in singapore time??

soon i will be able to join the pandas... i wonder if the beijing olympics are looking for a real life mascot...

Monday, October 03, 2005

it's monday yet again...

a new week... a new month... but the same old things to get thru...
thesis work.. dissertation... readings for elective...
it all seems like a lot of work..
but i live by my mantra... it all ends somehow... meaning we'll survive one way or another...
i guess i've never really considered not surviving as a possible outcome.. heh
sometimes i live a lot by faith....
occassionally overestimating myself and underestimating the situation...

mariah carey's we belong together plays in the background for the uptenth time...
niki thinks i'm going mad.. but i still luurve the song...
she, ms niki... has lost the need to identify with it....
now that she's found bliss... (oops... did i reveal too much?? at least i din say u were getting married!!)

well.. on a brighter note... mondays are still bearable cos i have my tennis lessons!! heh still in the running to be the top student.. and nO, i'm not the only one who enrolled... i'm masquerading as a newbie to boost my deflating ego... heee.....
AND.. america's next model tonite!!!! that should see me through the rest of the semester...
oh yes... the actual workload too...
time to do some actual work....


Thursday, September 22, 2005

HAPPie BIrthday Edwin TING!

hope u are enjoying urself in shanghai...
you're not online! got the day off?? heh...

Monday, September 19, 2005

has it been 10 days...

wow.. i need to blog a bit more often... well, not exactly NEED.. but i shd try...
10 days since i put in an entry writing off perth:MASSACRE IN GEYLANG as one of the worst movies i've ever watched in the cinemas... and mind you, i've watched a couple of stinkers in my time...
10 days on.. and the person who dragged me to watch that show based on a ST review.. has left for LONDON.. wow...i hv frens all over the globe... yet no money to go visit... that's just sad....
BYE BYE BOH!! hope you're settling in well over there.. can't imagine how you'd handle all the stuff u brought over without your two MANSLAVES... hey... u forgot to pay foreign labour levy!!! and also for that MAINLAND woman who stood ard carrying a paper bag while doubling as the chauffer for ur msian labourers....

caught the T'ANG quartet concert last nite... and ming and mei finally meet...
(we shd do this more often... *nervous giggle*)
and just as we were rushing to meet terence for dinner... we saw a RAINBOH...
i dun really know what you can do with it since its not exactly like a shooting star where u make a wish.... so we just took some photos of it anyway...

oh.. the concert was alrite... but i really do think that it takes a lot of energy and attention to appreciate classical pieces.. too many movements and false signs of that piece coming to an end..
the encore pieces were much shorter and had enough dramatic solo parts for the cello to end the nite well..
but it isn't a bad idea to act all refined once in a while.. especially when its free... ;)

now bring on the bubblegummers!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

starbucks deprivation..

i cldn't recall when was the last time i had a latte that wasn't home made..
and by home made... i mean self-made... and not exactly latte..
which is kinda strange.. cos i remember it being almost like staple...
ah.. the joys of overpriced coffee.. and un-productivity...
now its just without the overpriced coffee...
how sad...

gimme my latte... and free movie tickets!! *nudges boh*

perth... right down under..

the geylang massacre...
how sad...
thankfully it screened its last...
but unfortunately BOH made me catch the last show with her...

*free latte coming up!**

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

an untitled project...

getting my early dose of caffeine...
and wondering to myself of my lapse in sanity
not that i'm going bonkers... or cucko0o..
just that i've somehow lost track of the trivialities..

my judgment fails me...
things that are seemingly so important..
are only important at that very moment...
things that are seemingly so huge...
with the passing of a millisecond becomes minute...
matters that may feel so right...
are only right now..

like picking on scab..
self destructive
and self inflicted...
the refusal to let time play its course
and let fate unfold
is utter foolishness

the feeling...
like extricating the very last breath that is in you...
twisting your guts in knots...
it's like you've fallen..
and can only look up helplessly at the approaching stampede
waiting to be saved...
or to be woken from it

Sunday, September 04, 2005

the most sorrowful clouds...

for love i'd wander
like a seagull
crossing seas
looking for a shelter
and a hiding place

for love i'd wander
follow the tunes
and whispers of my heart
that hopes for love
everlasting and faithful

a pair of wings
like dreams
they turn into speckles
into raindrops
into the most sorrowful clouds

this swift poetry
will never be able to convey
these waves of desire
and longing
that i have for you

i'm still yearning
to express my soul
so that you'd understand
you'd realise
the way that i am
the one who adores you

**translated from AWAN YANG TERPILU (the most sorrowful clouds) by NING BAIZURA

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Friday, September 02, 2005

just an excerpt from what i've been working on...

I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we cannot go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that---- everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.
I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.
(Woolf, L, 1969)
(Extract from THE JOURNEY NOT THE ARRIVAL MATTERS by Leonard Woolf published by Hogarth Press. Used by kind permission of The Society of Authors as the Literary Representatives of the Estate of Virginia Woolf. Copyright: permission to reproduce this section restricted to the Royal College of Psychiatrists' electronic website only).

They said 'Come to tea and let us comfort you'. But it's no good. One must be crucified on one's own private cross.
It is a strange fact that a terrible pain in the heart can be interrupted by a little pain in the fourth toe of the right foot. I know that V. will not come across the garden from the lodge, and yet I look in that direction for her. I know that she is drowned and yet I listen for her to come in at the door. I know that it is the last page and yet I turn it over. There is no limit to one's own stupidity and selfishness.

Extract from 'A MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS. AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT OF LEONARD AND VIRGINIA WOOLF’ by George Spater and Ian Parsons Published by Jonathan Cape and Hogarth Press 1977. Used by kind permission of The Random House Group Limited. Copyright: permission to reproduce this section is restricted to the Royal College of Psychiatrists' electronic website only).

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

lemme just update something...

ok before my blog starts growing cobwebs.... its time to put in an entry...
actually there was an entry prior to this.. heh... but the person who typed it (ie: not me) decided to remove it...
so into the trash can it went... toether with her rear end pic...

life has been ALRIGHT.... perhaps thats the problem when things are just OKAY...
there's no sensation in your existence...
just numbness...

i did haul my sorry ass out over the weekend... to watch STREET SCENES... which was sorta like a semi musical and well, i shall not comment on the generally bad acting... one caucasian lady was pretty good... in fact she was so good she stood out like a sore thumb... the rest of the Chinese cast... really... cannot make it lah.... you cldnt make out the words when they started singing...

ate CARL's jr... gosh... overpriced burgers... din quite enjoy mine.... after making my way thru half the burger... i realised.. there's no way that Paris Hilton can actually eat this and still be able to fit into that bikini to wash the car in the advert...
well.. my mantra is always to try everything at least once... so there, i'm sticking to my macs, kfc and subway from now on...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

1157hrs @ the library

it was one of those perfect days of school...
i was on time... i did my readings... and actually answered questions that the lecturer had..
heh... and this was after my renewed GOOD STUDENT PLAN for this semester was temporarily foiled by a mild case of sniffles.. wednesday went by with sleeping and eating... only minimal reading done..
and it seems like that's basically what needs to be done this whole semester... READINGS and WRITING...
it would sound like the perfect sch experience for me... until of course i bail out on my schedule.. and hv to go into hiding from the tutor... and then comes the late submissions... and another disappointing semester in sch.. but i shall not let the past get the better of me... i am determined to stay disciplined for this coming 14weeks... (ok... i really dunno how many weeks are left of this semester)

ok... in the library now... taking a short break after my 2hr elective: READINGS IN ART AND ITS HISTORIES...
avoiding the lunch time crowd at the canteen... plus the fact that there's NO ONE ELSE IN SCHOOL!
gone are the days when there was always someone you knew (likeabilty factor notwithstanding) to have lunch with.. someone working on a site model... doodling a sketch in the studio... well, there're still ppl doing that.. just no one i know...
seems like its really not just a matter of adapting to changing environments for the ppl who have left or are going to leave this ocassionaly sunny island... those who are left behind hv to adapt too... bleah...

ok... so i've actually been thru a year of this... i really should hv gotten used to the idea by now...
but with every semester break.. holidays... it just makes going back to sch a real drab... no more time to just sit ard at starbucks pretending to be reading... no more "let's meet up.. and do nothing"...

i should spare myself the extra pain of the inevitable goodbyes and ease into the student mode of things...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Friday, August 05, 2005

the rocky road of education...

i'm sure we've all heard of the parable of that little boy who had to borrow the flame from his neighbours' candle light so that he could study at night... another one of those stories to remind us just how good we've got it... so you can imagine the thrill in my head when i had to brave the rain and the cold just to get to the library to drop off an overdued book, pay my fines, zap some readings and do a bit of borrowing..
the rain was relentless... and between the central library at the university and the architecture faculty... i was prepared to get drenched.. it was just a matter of which direction i get drenched in... (ok so there is a long sheltered pathway that will require me to meander thru the engin' fac... i really wasn't prepared to do any cardio in the great outdoors... plus, the rain did clear up quite a bit when i was done at the library..)
anyway.. back to my story... so there i was... cold (forgot to put a jacket in my bag.. brilliant.. for someone who owns so many of them.. i really hv no excuse for being cold...) and sleepy (had to make it to sch real early so that i cld pick mei up from her lazik op...) i was reminded of the parable and thought... wow, maybe i'll get an A for effort!!!
just as i hiked up the stairs.. from the bus stop.. onto the sheltered walkway leading to the library.... i saw eunice heading towards me... holding onto notes and books more than her two arms can handle... umbrella in one hand... bag slung across her shoulder... and i thought.. damn! i've probably gotta brave more of these storms to even qualify for an A for NICE TRY...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

willy wonka willy wonka... lalalalalala...

ok ming prob has a better idea of how the song goes..
my other fav song would be... 'a moment on the lips.. forever on the hips.. on the hips... on the hips... lalalalaa.. '
haha.. (not so much a song as a motivational cheer!)

caught the show before it was officially released on 4th august... and i must say it was very entertaining!!
haha... and as i happily exclaimed to boh, ming and lim.. 'i read a book today!'
what??! i was not a roald dahl kid... haha... after enid blyton i moved onto tv times.. and TV...
(at least i know that its not read as ROAD DULL... hahahaa... sorry CC... **chest thumpin'**)
but... thats the great things bout literary works that has a movie version! i can pretend that i've read that darn thing...
and inject some normalcy into my childhood.. hey! i was busy learning chinese from ch8 ok!

so charlie and the chocolate factory.. goes into the same shelf as lord of the rings, harry potter...
ooh.. CS Lewis' chronicles of narnia coming this christmas!! haha... one less book to read!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

meatballs galore!

thanks boh boh for doing the montage...
here's a rundown of credits for last sunday's meatball party!

venue: jjk courtesy of lim
peeled red flesh oranges (and by peeled.. we mean ALL skinn removed... yes.. chockful of flesh with every bite..) courtesy of lim's aunt...
pots and pans and stove and the very warm kitchen courtesy of lim's family...

yummy potato salad courtesy of ming (altho we know who'll be doing the dishes at home.. so thanks nellie!!!)
hardsell konyaku jelly in large sizes also from ming... (serve deserts first next time eh?)
the stirring and watchama call it,... sifting/dissolution of the powder for the meatball sauce... ming and mei...
*sauce from ikea

aglio olio spaghetti... with butter-fused sauce courtesy of boh... basel and parsley on the side...

the meatball chefs... **chest thumping** sy and me! hee hee...
*authentic swedish meatballs from ikea

assortment of drinks/beer... courtesy of bing

clean up: mr sern hong.. all becos he couldn't eat one more meatball...
the taste testers: tay yew, simeon, ding (too bad u missed the meatballs.. but i hope u had fun on ur date!!)... and everyone else who ate...
and guest appearances:elaine (free ride home to ulu pandan!!!)

and special guest appearances via IDD: yvette and niki!!

it was fun.. let's do it again sometime soon.. but maybe one tub less of 'em meatballs... i hear there's a party in december...
woo hoo!!

Friday, July 29, 2005

and the quarter centenarian speaks...

been meaning to post an entry for quite some time now..
something funny.. light hearted.. entertaining...
a little piece to bring some chuckles to those who are taking a break from work...
been thinking bout it..
in fact i was thinking about it when i missed my stop going home on a bus... and this was after missing a stop (because i overslept) on the train ride home that very same nite...

yes.. i've had ppl telling me over msn (yes plural...) that i should update the blog with an entry... preferably a long one.. (their identities shall not be revealed should this turn out to be meaningless blog.. and should you waste 10mins reading it.. hey! i can't get that 10mins back for you.. physically abusing my fans will not help either...)

anyway... getting back to the entry... (yes i actually took a break to eat my oats n milk..)

my 25th bday celebrations was dubbed the week long festivities.. simply cos the celebrations were spread over the entire week.. (some photo montages hv been uploaded... and perhaps just one or two more on the way... ) it was fun... the alcohol.. the food... cakes... chocolates... presents... and well wishes... (thanks ting for making a phonecall from shanghai at midnite! haha all charles cld do was an sms.. and much later too!! if i sounded shocked was cos the 'unknown' appearing on my caller id is the same as what i'd get if it was a call from my mom... long distance calls...)

yups... met many frens throughout the week.. taking lotsa photos..

and i know that i'm posting this for everyone to read... but don't judge me.. heh... at some point in time it almost seemed like i live for such events, parties... little highlights in my life to mask the banality of it all... things that seem so trivial, blown to greater proportions to serve as distractions from the reality of it all... and as the celebrations come to an end.. or at least the reason to celebrate becomes irrelevant (like how a week after ur bday isn't really ur bday anymore..) i find myself staring into the ceiling and wondering... what does all this amount to?

but just in case any of you are wondering if i'll be dispensing with the frivolity of such occassions... you're wrong... in fact the next big bash is due 20.07.2007... yeah.. 2006 will be a graduation cum bday thing.. (yes... its almost like there is an IOC planning such events in my head...) well i never said i was noble or aspire to change the world... life's short.. i just wanna live it.. is that so bad?

you wld think that i would hv an important point to make given the slight retrospective tone of this entry... but i don't think so.. not really.. of course when i was very young.. and turning 25 seemed like a long time away.. i always imagine entering the mid-twenties zone would be a fun thing... i would have my career (which i'm don't... ) be done with school (which i'm not...) and having the time of my life (not exactly..) so what's left huh? i guess its all still too soon to tell.. yea... in a way.. i do think that at 25, it's barely the beginning... sure, ppl are getting married, hvg kids... but it's an early end for them... **snigger**

while for me... there are still lotsa parties to look fwd to... ;)

**at the time of printing there's still one party left.. watch this space for the sequal to the frower, the b and the butterfly...

Friday, July 22, 2005

a new wallet with compliments of...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
ok thanks to those who chipped in for the wallet...
(ming, boh, ray ray, sel, cc... )
apparently ms ming likes it a lot and thinks that its gorgeous...

i just don't know where to stuff that strap!!

ok.. its starting to grow on me... if only it was all white and plays music! **hint**

Thursday, July 14, 2005


i almost couldn't remember what the surface of my table looked like..
and took it as a hint to clear out the rubbish...
well not exactly rubbish...
stuff i'd leave around... while thinking of a better place to store them...
some postcards, little knick knacks of significant nature.. such as passes to the singapore fashion week... (yes.. my table has been piling up for the longest time...) i guess its been piling up on my work table since most of the other surfaces in my room are somehow occupied... countless magazines, books, notes... things that i'd keep around just in case...

in case of what??
i dunno... i come from a family that never threw anything out... yes... back in msia *thumps chest* space was pretty abundant.. and my mother could never bring herself to throw out anything that might be useful... clothes, books, plastic containers... you name it... the backyard has it.. well of course until we moved.... my mother finally decided to go thru all that she has kept over the past 15 odd years to see what she could discard.. not without slowly reminiscing each item that was significant... she's terrribly sentimental...

well.. that was the way i was raised.. and i guess it has rubbed off me a little.. (well if i was like a certain ms lee... lotsa of thing wld 'accidentally' go 'missing'... lost in the deep abyss of her wardrobe otherwise known as the bermuda triangle... cos she keeps buying 'em and still has nothing to wear for work.. but i digress...)

its a slow process of change.. at least i am not waiting that many years before i decide to throw some things out.. in fact i embarked on a mission to clear out my closet of stuff that i wld not wear anymore... i needed the closet space and the clothes hangers.. but i'm left with a pile of unwanted clothes at the foot of my cupboard.. just brilliant... but i will get to clearing them away...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

almost like old times...

i'm not one who's terribly sentimental...
or at least i try not to let the sappy side of me show too often...
saturday nite was spent catching up with some frens from sch...
(sch: nus architecture...)

the bunch of us had known each other from first year...
by some fateful coincidence we were grouped in the same studio...
and the rest as they say is pretty much history...
the paths that we have undertaken may be varied...
and perhaps at this point, looking back...
we never wondered what we'd be doing 5years later...
or imagined that 5 years later we'd end up in pursuit of different things...
i wouldn't say that time passes by too quickly...
it's more of how we get so caught up with the hours and days in our lives that the years go by...
and we are still unaware...

and as much as these gatherings are a good way of catching up...
we find ourselves still laughing over the same old things...
silly antics from way back then...
and maybe,... just maybe...
no matter how far we've come... or how distant we've become...
it all takes is one good memory... one funny story...
to put everything back into perspective... we're all still frens...

i could go on... but its starting to sound pretty much like a eulogy... my last words...
which of course isn't about to happen just yet..

i guess all i really want to say is that...
no matter how much we've all changed...
i do hope that we'll never cease to find such stories to laugh about..

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

nip/tuck by an angel

ooh.... this is so much more effective than TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL...
for those who've never caught the aforementioned tv series...
its basically... (how do i put it without sounding cynical...)
a show about GOD... or at least GOD's plan... and the angel goes about guiding the misguided...
of course i only know of one fan of the show...
anyway... i think the show has been on for nearly 10 years now.. and the last i heard is that its finally airing it's last...
haha.. not that i disagree with the msg of the show... but the sheer predictability....

cue: cherubic glow... monica says: god luvs you!
and the fat angel sings.... cue: roll credits

the latest episode of nip/tuck (that is still showing as i am typing this...)
raises this question of faith(lessness)
without the use of special lighting effects....
i mean, who buys that these days...
instead... the show opted to really put man's faith to the test...
throw in a false prophet...
an abortion...
and the truth about his son's parentage...

it ends with the lead character pleading with the false prophet...
'please... i need to believe in something...'
and her reply.. ' don't you get it?'

simply put, the underlying msg is that your faith is a choice that you make...
you believe in it and at times that belief goes beyond what you see or what it can show you...
you believe even when things happen to shake that belief... that is FAITH...

ahh... i suppose this is exactly like the tough love theory eh...
instead of a utopic vision of the walk with religion... we need a dose of reality..
so that we do not fall apart when things aren't exactly perfect...

what's the temp today??

it's too hot.. too hot.....
i think even the air blowing from my fan is warm...


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

delayed reaction

ok it's been a while... a real long while...
if time was measured in terms of productivity..
then i'm glad to announce that time has been in a state of standstill since may..
well... ok ok.. maybe its about june... coz i can't really discount the time spent shopping...
bargain hunting should be equated to work done rite?

anyway... time seems to be picking up... maybe not from where it left off.. coz the deadlines are now drawing nearer...
and my pseudo-cool is melting in this blistering heat... (yes.. its prob a good time to be at the pool...)
but... let's not talk about work... coz i've never seen the point of talking about it.. when all that is needed is for it to be done.. so there...

for those who have been following this blog from day 01... you'll prob realise that the bulk of it has been mostly fluff.. rantings and musings that would otherwise be inconsequential... read, laugh... and let's move on.. and that's exactly my mantra... i hate to sink into one of those self loathing situation... it's kinda like that buffalo who's bathing in mud and pissed off at being filthy... i mean... 'get up and go take a shower!!!' (ok.. so maybe that isn't an actual parable... but you get my analogy..)

but lately, my intolerance has grown into impatience... and that's not a good thing.. because not many are fans of the TOUGH LOVE... but i wonder... what's so wrong to have someone tell you every now and then.. WAKE UP YOUR IDEAS! GET A GRIP! SNAP OUT OF IT!.. SHUT UP AND MOVE ON!... ok ok so maybe the final one borders upon insensitivity.. but don't we just get tired? to be crying over the same old matter? to have the same insecurities and fears... from 10 years ago??

i dunno... as much as i think i'm a good fren to most of my frens... it would be terribly uncharacteristic of me to be indulging and patronizing... i for one believe in the tuff love.. yup... just keep rubbing that salt in the wound.. ok that din come out rite... i think its more about telling you the truth... coz as a fren, if i don't tell you the truth... who will...

its more of a: let's settle what's wrong with you.. and then we can go thru the short list of ur good points...

** the tone of the blog has been exaggerated to acheive the dramatic effect... so none should take offence

Sunday, June 19, 2005

i can't believe it...

sunday morning...
a time to sleep in...
or wake up to the wholesome goodness christian dysfunctionalities of 7th Heaven (yes, its still being aired... but strangely when most christian families would be at church!)

but right here at admiralty... sammi cheng techno is blaring from speakers somewhere... its not a nightmare... they are having some carnival... but who the hell wakes up at 9am to join in the 'fun' of a carnival????! urrgh... what's more irritating is that i can't hear the dialogue of 7th heaven!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

and this fairytale did not have a happy ending...

for those who've been folowing the local reality tv EYE FOR A GUY...
last nite the bachelorette, denise keller, revealed her pick on the guy who'd go to europe with her...
and she went with the obvious choice... the smart, suave and successful, wolfgang...
(yup caucasian.. but the other candidate was american chinese.. so i'm not really gonna talk about foreign talents and lousy singaporean men...heh)
wolfgang... what's there not to like... i can sum it up in a few words.. handsome, shops for gifts at CARTIER... enough to get my thumbs up already.. BUT inside sources tell me that he's a jerk... well, the exact words from the source would be, BASTARD... so i was actually rooting for the other fella... poor howard...
not coz i'm terribly concerned with denise's happiness... (despite the semi first name basis... i don't know her personally.. heh... but i'm sure she's a fren of some fren... by a few degrees of separation...)

back to my story... yes, howard... the guy who could make denise laugh, and feel 'like a girl'... he honestly went all out trying to win the girl... but it was not meant to be... and it just proves the point that we live in a superficial world... coz apparently his huge personality does not make up for the lack in height.. and his err.. chinese mug...
and perhaps it shows that great friends can only make great friendships... ultimately, love is about chemistry and the spark that sets the butterflies a flutter...

can u blame her? if i were her (prior to hearing that wolfgang's a jerk... it amazes me how you can really be so put off by things that you hear by word of mouth...) i would have gone with wolfgang... i mean honestly, if you choose a sense of humour over good looks and style... you'll end up with a good laugh over ur crappy presents...

i will not leave any incriminating evidence behind... but just think for a moment.. (this is to all my gal pals..) take away all the perks that comes with ur bfrens... and just think... will a sense of humour sustain you on that train ride out of admiralty.. or wld you rather the car over personality anytime?

the real question is... would you choose looks over money?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

a happening weekend... (part one)

it was a wild weekend...
while i've always thought that i've mellowed with age..
a gathering of close frens will never fail to bring out the party animal in me..
ok.. alcohol helps... a whole lot...
its true what they say in the biology textbooks... it just takes away your inhibition...

haha.. that prob explained all the smooching that went on that nite..

but the nite to celebrate terence's bday had its fair share of hiccups...

we couldn't decide on a place for dinner...
but we knew (or at least pam says that she wants a place with good ambience..) so we headed down to club street..
which is pretty different from the usual orchard rd crowd...
actually i was quite surprised to find that club street was kinda quite on a saturday nite..
but of course not being too familar with the fare over there... we had to walk to look at menus and decide on a place that was nice and affordable...

my shing shing pink tee (pink tee with shing shing stuff on it..) was not made for walking...
not like some boots... i was pespiring... and just short of breaking out in rashes...
i needed air conditioning quick....
ok.. i was gonna pay any price to just cool off... but pam and terence were less agreeable...
so we trotted on... till we came to this place called JERRY'S GRILL....
being a little brain fried from the heat.. we found ourselves seated in some faux american setting (ie excessive use of the red white and blue..) staring at a menu that really seemd like overpriced BILLY BOMBERS....

so while waiting for the rest of the party to arrive (mei and tommy to join us)...
i said: if we are gonna walk out of here.. let me go first...
pam: heh? (for those who've heard pam... this is supposed to be funny.. think nasal.. and whiney..)

(mei and tommy arrives.. and we've been cooling off with the air con for about 10mins now.. waiter staring at us..)

mei: SO ARE WE LEAVING? (yes, the caps indicate that she had no intention of not letting the wait staff overhear us...)

yup, i'm sure the waiter heard us... in fact we were surprised that he didn't serve us a round of ice water to make us feel bad about thinking of walking out like that...
seeing that we might just be trapped rite there...
pam stood up.. (she really didn't wanna pay that much for the poor ambience..)

pam: SOOOOREEEEEEE..... (yes, whiney and saccharine sweet...) we've decided to go somewhere else instead...

that was the cue... we all followed pam.. down the stairs.. and out of JERRY's GRILL...
so if anyone intends to dine there anytime soon.. please tell them that we're terribly sorry...

so after looking ard for about 15mins more.. we ended up at sPIZZA... which was the one place that i've dined at club street... sheesh...

*end of part one*

a happening weekend... (part deux)

yes.. after a lovely dinner at sPizza... we love the TIANA... (you love it to don't you ming?.. all the cream and salmon..)
ooh.. in fact the raw slamon appetizer was not bad too... altho the serving is kinda small...
oh yes.. not to mention our own version of EXTREME MAKEOVER...
(haha... there was no way that we would go clubbing with terence in that ATHENS 2004 tee shirt... for GAWD's sake.. its already 2005!!! MADRID 2012 is the IN olympic thing to be spotted with now... rite mei??)
thank goodness we actually got him a decent shirt on top of the nice wallet for his bday...
dinner ended well with rockmellon ice-cream... and a 15% discount with STANDARD CHARTED cards... courtesy of tommy lee...
(no no... no porn here altho we have a tommy lee and a busty pamela at the dinner table... )

after dinner drinks was where the action began... and where things became a bit of a blur...
like most ignorant drinkers.. they (pam and terence...) ordered the most fancy sounding cocktails...
(don't they know that they always end up tasting bad???)
malibu sunrise... (which smells and tasted like my banana boat suntanning oil...)
boston beach party... (bad long island tea...)
the morning after... (err... tastes like fruit punch?..)

i brilliantly stuck with beer from the tap... which pam has concluded that it tastes second best... first being iced water..
but i think i also drank half of everything else... haha.. money's worth... after all round one was on me...

round two!
we did tequila pop, apple (whiskey?) shots... and tequila shots....

and to end off the nite...
a flaming lambourghini!!
haha.. only for the bday boy of course...
and i guess that sorta did it...

by 2am.. he was outside puking... and by 3am.. he was already home...
of course i continued dancing.. and got to ride a beemer... but that's a whole different story...

HAPPY B"DAY TERENCE.... who says we've gotta mellow with age?

Monday, June 06, 2005

the weather still got the better of my day...

most of you would know by now how when i say 'i'm heading down to the pool...'
grey skys would appear out of nowhere...
sorta like a great conspiracy...
the clouds would wait till i'm all ready to get out of the house and then surprise me (in the most unpleasant way)...

but today... one of those rare days where i thought i got the better of the weather
i actually managed to head down to the pool (with an honourary resident of NORTHOAKS..*snigger*).. catch some sun... only to have some intermittent cloudiness...

but the victory was shortlived...
i got home.. did my laundry...
and just as i was ready to head out...
it rains...

and if you thought that was all...
as i reconsidered my entire schedule..
the rain stopped...

yippeee?? you say...??
no... as i started preparing myself to leave...
it rained again!!!!

and here i am... waiting for the weather to give way....
fine fine....
you win!! the clouds rule!!!


Thursday, June 02, 2005

'twas a painful experience...

mei says that i'm terribly brave to be terence's guinea pig...
his first wisdom tooth patient...
but i was thinking 'how bad can it be?'
i've known a couple of people who've survived wisdom-teeth extractions...

boy was i in for a surprise...

i had thought that the jab would be the most painful part of the entire process...
and i should hv figured that something was wrong when the injection did not hurt the least bit
then the horrors began...

wrapped up and disinfected...
i was awake, numb.. but i couldn't see....
the oh something was happening... i just din noe what it was...
until the sawing began... eeeepss...
and it almost felt like they were trying to remove the tooth by sheer brute force...
i was sweating buckets... cold sweat...
what was i thinking??? its bad enough extracting a tooth that is loose... but a perfectly fine tooth??
kill me now...
but they really couldn't tell from my expression since i was hidden under all the cloth...
so i just kept on sweating...

ok... after about an hour (it's prob faster with an experienced professional.. but oh well.. all in the name of education..)
the ordeal was over...
i bit the gauze, downed the painkilers and went shopping....
haha.. retail therapy has a new meaning...
wait till you see the bag i got! whoppee!!

anyway.. i'm healing fine... in fact eating well... no swelling and no more pain..
and at least i got a bag out of this experience..

a strangely productive day...

work done = time x distance from orchard road

ok spent half the day at the library mulling over virginia woolf and the hours...
kinda interesting really...
altho i'm not sure of its relevance to my dissertation...
but to have an excuse to watch dvds and call it work done...
why not??
picked up a few more books to add on to my growing reading list...
where should i even start??

here's a little bitchy tidbit for the blogees...

what's the use of headphones if you are gonna share every comment and reaction with everyone else in that little viewing room??? no thanks to the three ppl who were watching some japanese anime... some idiot going "eeee... ooo... hahhahaha..." every few minutes...
i'd like to say something: SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
and the bigger idiots who opted to share their audio with everyone else...
i say: the headphones are for you to keep the sound in your ears and not for me to block out yours!!!!


anyway... yes... what's important is that i'm getting into the groove of work...
and seems like heading to the library wld be a wise move...
apparently that's a good place to do work... heh... pardon my ignorance...
but fellow coursemates will agree that we've not had to do so much readings for the longest time...

ok back to the prose of michael cunningham...

Monday, May 30, 2005


the blog! what were you thinking? i don't share such details on the blog...
its been a long time since i last blog... and i guess lotsa things hv happened..
the dog's gone back home...
carrie underwood is the new american idol...
ming has went on her trip to see the angkor wat.... (what a price to pay... hope you are enjoying urself!)

been spending time catching up with old frens...
a little trip down to ikea with mei in the blue tommisan.. haha... its fun when ur 'fiance's' away...
ice cold beer (and a vodka tonic and two lychee martinis) and the (in)famous chicken wings... with mei and pam...
and this thursday it will be in the OT to let terry extract my wisdom tooth...

congrats mei!! school's permanently out for you eh... finally...
start measuring urself for the cap and gown...
hope you enjoyed ur lemon and rUspberry ice cream... *sourpuss face*

ok time to get on with some actual work...
i feel a headache coming on... maybe i should go lie down...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

idol fever...

will it be vonzell, bo or carrie...??

hmm.. i hvnt done my bit to update my loyal blogees as to the status of the competition..

well.. can't blame me.. it got a bit boring when Scotty the Fattie refused to budge out of the competition...
gosh.. apparently there was this website some nincompoot set up to rally votes to see the psycho thru each week...
some americans really have nothing better to do...
yar.. and with scotty the fatty.. and anthony the lesser version of clay still in the competition... there was no doubting that the final 3 would be vonzell, carrie and bo... ok... not that i was rooting for constantine the 'butt crack face".. maybe just nadia..

hmm.. so who am i rooting for to reach the finals??
i must admit... i'm a sucker for the big ballads... and really was expecting bo to be kinda non-chalant bout the competition.. and hence throwing the competition... sometimes the audience really votes for the contestant who wants it bad enough... case in point.. scotty the fatty...

but anyway... after watching the commercial free telecast of idols... bo is the sure shot.. if he doesn't get thru... at least he'll still be guranteed a record deal...

vonzell suffered from some nerves with the big ballad.. thats second week in a row... cos she knows that she's the underdog going into the final three... with carrie never in the btm 3... and bo fast gaining popularity
and it looks like she might just break down at the finals if she gets there.. case in point.. diana degarmo's bung note when she performed Don't Cry Out Loud at the finals..not as if she would hv beaten fantasia... hmm... vonzell is a bit like fantasia huh.. without the big lips and ass... ok so maybe america doesn't need another fantasia... heh... at least she wasn't another jasmine trias... who's more like a shapelier version of scotty the fattie..

carrie... hmm... those who like her will say that she's really likeable... but those who don't will prob find her boring... i actually think that she's likeable when she's done with the song.. and a tad mechanical when singing... perhaps she's too focussed in trying to hit those high notes... but yar... i think she could do with a little more emotions...
but what's not to like?? she looks like alicia silverstone... she's an all american country girl....

let's just wait and see if there'll be any surprises...

just for ming...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
look how happy he is..
and how cute.. haha..
u can't see the overbite and bulging eyes in this photo...

ok.. this should brighten up ur day a little.. =)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

i'm tired of writing...

in the words of ming.... SHOW ME DA MONEY....
ok.. it was fun... initially... kinda fancy to begin with...
but there's always such as thing as OVERKILL...

i've written about 8 write ups...
and since they are mostly paid editorials (ie advertisements disguising as articles...)
you can only imagine the amount of mediocre stuff waiting to be embellished...

only one week into the job.. and i've enough stories to tell for a long long time...

take this for example..
interior designers dont speak english... ok not well.. ok maybe only some of them speak badly...
i had to call DESTON.. just so that he could refer me to PAUL... who took a good 10mins to refer me to ELLIE.... and then directed my inquiries to DESTON.... what the.....????????!!!!!!!!


i am having phobia of calling them up...

this other firm paid for an ADVERTORIAL... but i still had to churn out 1500 words... and the best thing is... i have to put in the name of the suppliers and waht nots along the way...
so as he was taking me on a walk thru over the phone..

guy01:.. ah yar.. and the parquet floor... you must say the supplier name.... chip and booty

me: huh? chips and vouz de?? (thinking that its some fancy name....

guy01: yar yar.... ah... then the sliding door.. is special one.....

me: eeeerrr.... wait.. can u spell cheeefs and beau des please...

guy01: oh.... CHEAP... as in not expensive one... and BEAUTY.... like beautiful.......

me: oh... CHEAP & BEAUTY!

yes.. so tehre.. what a job... never thought i'd coin the three words CHEAP AND BEAUTY in one sentence....
i am thinking of a psuedonym....


Sunday, May 08, 2005


Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
my current houseguest...
my home is now the new spca for ming-discards.. heh... can't wait for when she dumps nellie here... then she can help me with the cleaning....

ok.. back to my houseguest...
who does nothing but eats and sleeps... and poops... can't blame him... nothing interesting in admiralty... and the rain just means that the garden is too wet for him to walk ard...

but i think he doesn't really mind... he seems contented to sleep... and change to a differnt spot to sleep every now and then... and follow anyone who's moving ard the house

oh yes.. he stares out of the window too!.. enjoying the view? prob not.. this doggy is scared of heights and can't jump... prob waiting for the woman who dumped him here.... tsk tsk

it happend so suddenly... a trip to town.. and the next thing he knew.. he was at the doorstep of the infamous blk688D... *whimper woof woof whimper*

Thursday, May 05, 2005

it pours...

my dossier is filling up with many more tasks and errands this hols...
it will soon overflow...

more articles!!
yay yay....
the verdict is in... the editor loves my work... and i will survive to contribute to more issues....
get your copy at the nearest newstands!! haah...
i can hear the money rolling in... whooopeeee!!!

ray ray: the circulation of ur mag will increase by at least three... yup THREE ppl offered to go pick up a copy that my BY-LINE (not BI-LINE.... ) appears in!! heee.... the power of pseudo-celebrity writers...

i WONDER HOW i got this job...
tsk tsk... the poor doggy with a gross overbite gets abandoned by litte-miss-i-throw-everything-away-after-one-week...
(case in point... the tiffany stuff that got 'lost'... damaged phone... and now a little living thing... at least she din dump u in the trash and claim that she din know where IT ended up...)
you may just out-marry ms elizabeth taylor before u even hit the big 5-0

heh... but in all honesty.. walking the dog isn't that different from going to the gym with ming ming... heeee...
(ok she is SO gonna kill me.... but... but... i cleaned up my room so that the dog can move ard without tripping on his stumpy legs...!! brownie points?)

and of course... last but not least...
dissertation stuff...
readings... more readings... those endless readings...

*lemme go get another cup of coffee.....

Monday, May 02, 2005

bye bye boh....

its now a little past nine... i'm guessing boh boh has met sy in kl after a gruelling 6hr train ride....
they are now on their way to hatyai...
met boh in the morning to give her a 'big' send-off... errr... more like accompany that poor gal to the train station lah...
and have her last fancy meal... ie: sandwhiches at starbucks with organic vanilla soy latte...

you guys should hv seen her... without her agnes b. tees... camper shoes...
lugging her big yellow backpack.. trudging ard jb in her flip flops...
but like i tell her... its only the beginning of her trip... it all goes downhill from here.... haha.. imagine 4sets of clothing rotated over three mths...

anyway... they're off on their trip.. *wave*
send me postcards!!!! =)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

i LOVE my job

i am now officially (all my other odd jobs)/ freelance writer!
i'm thrilled...
writing and being paid for doing it!!!
wooo hooo....
sure beats my own little 'publication' here...
but then again... all writers start somewhere...

(no... do not associate me with that xiaxue person... oh pls...)

imagine it now...
first an interior design mag... next lifestyle/food...
and then... FASHION!!
oooh.. fashion...

*camera flashes away....sauntering down the red carpet*

ok ok... i'm getting a little carried away...
but we must aim high rite??


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

lobster red...

wendy has long warned me of the ill effects of exposure to the sun...
i had to learn it the hard way...
and just so that none of u guys have to learn it for urself...

SUNSCREEN... yes.. even if you are tanning... especially on the face...
any form of SPF...
i should't have been to enthusiastic about the last set of laps just before going to shower..
and i shouldn't have dozed off while lying there on the tanning chair...

apparently the 11am to 1pm sun gives the legs a nice hue... but totally burns ur face and neck...
the 2pm to 4pm sun does the opposite...
its a catch 22 if u ask me...

and ms lee... the eye mask din work... somehow it converted the fine lines into ONE not-so-fine line.....
and my pores are showing.. and the sebacuous glands are in overdrive....
i need botox... and i din see it coming at the age of 25!

Monday, April 25, 2005

next change


ps: anyone who should see mr lim before i do... take a photo of the hairdo and send to me via mms so i can blog about it...

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
just some of the things that i did this weekend...
catching up with frens over lunch at kbox (again...) photos courtesy of nokia6170


Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
ok.. terence aka my dentist was there too..
and no.. i wasn't supermposed into the pic... i tend to stick to a formula when it comes to posing for photos..

the rest of the week...

consisted of a lot of coffee with boh boh...
the interpreter (a thriller starring nicole kidman+sean penn...) comes highly recommended with four thumbs up... (mine+boh's)
we finally get to meet 'section'... dun ask me.. i din give her the nick..

samaritan girl (part of the film fest) put morbid thoughts in my head.... haha... there was a point when i wondered if the father would run his daughter over while she was removing a rock from under the wheel... *eeps*

ice cold beer... otherwise known as THE WEST chicken WING... "please field any qsns that you have for ms lee to her publicist... and we'll get back to you..."
ps: mr low... wipe that amusement off ur face!!

and coffee club after 1am... otherwise known as the attempt to make boh's trip down to town more worth it... =) thanks for the milkshake... really took away the wooziness of the beer...

and whatever i said... i was under the influence of alcohol... heh...

Monday, April 18, 2005

the week after...

its monday... exactly one week after the submission...
i'm still wearing the eyebags from the entire mth's worth of sleep depravation...
and trying to make up for all the mcdonald's eaten in the past two weeks...

one more assignment to go... i better get started on that soon...
haha.... been out so often that it feels like it's the holidays already..
but i should know better...

the irony of being a procrastinator... and one who doesn't work well under last minute pressure....

ok... but first things first.. a HAIRCUT...
heh... supercuts wisma has finally relocated to cineleisure... and what a way to start the holidays... (ok ok.. the holidays don't really start till i submit my theory assignment and proposal for dissertation....) i can look fwd to the hols can't i??

oops... a little recap of the past week's events...

gym with elf-turned-mistress aka bohboh...
running errands with elf-turned-mistress aka sugama....
kbox lunch with lala, yue and yuan... a day of cheena songs from a long time ago ( and no... i don't sound like jacky chan!!!)
lunch at ember courtesy of elf-turned-mistress aka sugama
mahjong at the sugama palace aka 4 r**** r*** (now what's the postal code again?? *snigger*)

and that should bring us up to date....

Monday, April 04, 2005

dobbies at work...

one bright and cheery 'tie-dye' looking shirt (from A/X sale bin nonetheless... which season issit from ah? )
april's issue of harpers' bazaar
lotsa chocolates.. (no they are not godiva.. i'm really low maintainence...)
one bottled soya bean milk...
and an assortment of polar pastries and puffs... (which raja and matthew are pretty thankful for...)

high quality rochor tauhuey.. (they hv to be high quality if it comes in such quantities.. rite boh?)

my stream of welfare during the midst of preparing for the submission...
my glam elves are the best!!!
don't worry... you'll get ur socks soon.. then you won't need to be elves no more...

ok tired... can't come up with a hualala blog to go with the occassion... but yar lah.. thanks guys... food's always appreciated ;)

Thursday, March 31, 2005

coffee cup

coffee cup
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
notice the rings on the cup... heh.. like a the rings in the tree... it tells u the age...
hmm.. i wonder if it helps to supply the body with a small but steady stream of caffiene....

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

glued to my little corner... on *leblackdell*

i am becoming a permanent fixture in the comp suite...

since i'm not trying to revert to a more normal working hours...
and avoiding the need to stay overnite in school...
that means that i try to get to the comp suite real early... and leave before the last bus/train service...

it's been about a week.. give and take... on/off.... heh.. when i am not out hobnobbing with fellow bees and butterflies...

and ppl have been asking me if i've just been in school all this while... jeez... i do go home to shower and rewax my hair... its hard to maintain this look if i stay in sch 24/7 you know...

well.. looks like ppl come to school and expect me to be sitting in my little corner... clicking away on the keyboard and mouse... (sometimes cadding... sometimes blogging..) but come 9th april (which is two days b4 the actual submission date)... they're not gonna see me sitting here!... *muahahhaaaa*.... i'll finish early... i will... i so0o0oo0o0o0o000o0oo will...

either that or i'll just be in a different corner making my model.. which wldnt be a bad thing either...


Sunday, March 27, 2005

singapore fashion week

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.

the b. and the butterfly

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
here we are at the guest lounge... before the bubbly..

me + jac

me + jac
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
ok i had to crop off the butterfly... so this picture looks slightly imbalanced.. its not poor composition on the part of the b. and no... i wasn't sneakily standing behind jacelyn to get my photo taken...

the b. the butterfly and the frower....

1630 hrs: cali gym rp
last minute prep to fill out the shirt... as if it wasn't already tight... but who knows who we'll meet tonite..

1710hrs: quick shower and change into the in place... time to meet the b.

1725hrs: the b. is parked, waiting... invites at hand... and we're off to takashimaya where the butterfly is waiting....

1750hrs: we are greeted by the nice lady at the door... asking us which sponsors are we with... errrps... RIDGEMONT!!! or issit RICHMOND? ah... but we get our free champagne anyway... things are starting to look up...

1800hrs: we have our second round of bubbly.... and some photog comes over to take our pictures... haha... maybe they will use our photographs and give us fake names... ah... the only evidence of the b. the butterfly and the frower together... from then onwards they are no longer photographed together... well, at least for the duration of the nite...david gan appears!... the b. and the butterfly refuses to go up to take photos...

1820hrs: the organizers make a call for the guests to be seated since THE LINK fashion show will commence soon... the trio makes their way in... strange woman shoves lucky draw coupon to the butterfly... the b. and the frower are shocked by the strange elitistism...

1825hrs: short guy with dreadlocks asks if we are from the media... (coz apparently only the ppl from the media gets a free copy of harpers bazaar... *pfftttt*) i COULD be from the press... MAJALAH FESYEN MALAYSIA SDN BHD... and i have my own little publication called the BLOG which does have a daily readership of TEN on a good day... which is about my lifestyle and fashion.. bah.... what does he know...

1840hrs: show commences.. but its really the celeb spotting that we are concerned with... OOH.... there goes lilin... an allan... you certainly cldn't tell that she just gave birth... gasp... jacelyn tay.. who is almost 2dimensional... and we are not referring to her acting... stick thin wld be an overstatement the new roberto cavalli line comes on... ooh.... woman with strangely perky boobs and upturned nipples showing thru the dress... and model showing one boob on the run way (no no it was no wardrobe malfunction.. but similarly intentional)... the challanges of the modelling industry

1900hrs: show ends... we spot jacelyn and insists that we take a photo... the b. had to helm the camera.. and the butterfly requests that she is cropped from the photo.. time to make a quick stop for dinner...

1950hrs: round two... and two more rounds of bubbly... we are dizzy with excitement... the crowd after dark is visibly dressier.. POIS show... our seats weren't as great this time round... but we are one row in front of the models from the last show... i can only imagine how frumpy we looked... nothing too interesting in this show.. no tripping models.. no boob baring stunt.. the bubbly gets to our head and we are starting to feel sleepy...

2100hrs: inspired by the whole fashion experience the butterfly rushes down to zara to model this girly dress... the butterfly asks the frower..

bfly: what do u think?
frwr: it looks kinda girly... (read: you should dress ur own age)
bfly: yar... so pretty rite???!! (read: i'm really only listening to what i want to hear....)

2200hrs: a trip to starbucks... three lattes (two skinny and one fatty... the coffee!! what were u thinking??)... and we are ready to head home....

ps: for those who don't quite get the story... charmaine, ming and i went for a fashion show... for the singapore fashion week.. it was a blast... we'll let you figure out who's the b. the butterfly and the frower.... ;)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

corporal punishment....

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

Monday, March 21, 2005

no thank you mr cab driver...

i will take the bus today...
i will forgo the extra 15mins of sleep... and also desperate housewives...
i'll just have to catch that when it comes out on dvd...
i'll while away the time on the long ride out of EternitY... reading my 8days...
which is getting awfully thin... and still costs $2...


back at school again waiting for my rochor tau huey and godiva chocolates...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

sunday morning...

the national anthem plays in the background...
its the start of a new day... according to the radio...
and i am waiting for the first bus to leave clementi interchange so that i can trot back to eternity (ie: admiralty)... yes... in school again... this is kinda like a punishment since i was getting any work done the entire day bumming at home...
it was terrible of me... i know... not that i am counting on elves at the end of it all... i am not, k... trying to cope on my own lah.. besides.. i still owe them lunch....
let's see... hvnt blogged in a while.. i shall do a quick update...
thursday: met the 77 year old love of ming's life... gouzai.. and i think its cos that he likes humping her arm... quite cute lah... errr.... but i am a dog lover... ming is a dog stalker... i bet the owners must think that she is psychotic... but then again they are prob happy to hv found a doggysitter when they need to go on a holiday...
friday: felicity stuff.... yup... things that the lecturers do behind close doors... haha... got a inside look at how they mark assignments... gosh... the sheer generosity in passing this student who cldnt even spell durian correctly... yup, which in itself suggests the relevance of his work since he actually used the word durian to describe the esplanade...
dinner with ming.... actually i had desert... MUDDY MUD PIE... and she had dinner... some expensive maggi noodles... and then aggy boh made an appearance and they made their way down to ICE COLD while i went to work off the paunch... (heh... been seeing too many flabby 40 year old men... i will not risk it..) oh yes... i stalked ming and boh with my 'hand me down' haha... i shall post the absolutely unflattering shots of my two models (read: unsuspecting subjects) soon.. once i get a cable to hook it up....

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

show me da money....

ok.. just a little bit on my whole felicity exerience... no no... i did not go get a waitering job like she did with dean n' deluca... i mean my little stint as a TEACHING ASSISTANT... yes moi... teaching.... WHAT?? i can keep all personal and mean remarks to myself ok!! i can be encouraging and cordial... when i want to that is.... (need i remind you ppl of my SINGA award??!)

erh hemm....

anyway. you might notice that it is 5am... and i just spent the last 2hrs going thru a lot of crappy submissions.... *sigh* why don't ppl take ur advice and suggestions... i cld hv just kept quiet during the presentation u know... and it wldnt hv made a difference... and now i hv to place a GRADE on their submissions... and don't even get me started on some of the submission from the cross-fac students.... jeez... why do they think there was the need to specify the size A3 when they are just gonna mount the A3 sheet on another bigger piece of paper???????

now i can understand what yuanxin meant... haha... and u think my group is better than urs??

hmm.... oh well... i can only put myself in their shoes and lower my standards... dun want them to do too badly also lah... but when they do well... DO THEY EVEN REMEMBER the poor TA who took ard JALAN BESAR and SERANGOON ROAD by foot??!! sweating like mad in the afternoon sun and humid weather???!

uurgh.... SHOW ME DA MONEY... SOON!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

i could get used to this life....

who am i kidding....
i am better off as an errand boy or trainer for the sugarmas out there....
life wld be so much simpler...
picking up lipbalm from kiehls'... or fancy chocolates from royce...
maybe one day i get to hop down to GUCCI...
that's what i call climbing the ERRAND BOY LADDER....
but i should probably start small..
maybe tiffany's....
that wld be fun... ming... work harder... i can be a more sophisticated nellie.... i will still deliver ur handphone to ur office... or do some silly thing like put metal spoons in the fridge... no mistakes there... i won't put the clay spoons...

how bout it? let's negotiate a price... i am reasonable.... i will take a cut of whatever ur husband gives u... heh... so u had better not get hitched to a bum... just make sure he's a rich bum lah...

i think i'm losing it... to many hours in school.. either that or its the mac's they serve here... eeks...

Monday, March 14, 2005

as you can see i'm taking a break... here's something for u to read as well...

As a sensitive and compassionate Cancer, you do well in all kinds of care professions. You are intuitive and nurturing, which makes you the most social, kindhearted, and compassionate sign of the zodiac.

To make use of this unique gift you may decide to become a psychologist, a social worker, or a nurse. Being the water sign that you are, even professions that provide pleasure are ideal for you; you may enjoy working as a body worker in a spa, as a waiter in a little neighborhood restaurant, or as a skipper on a cruise ship.

As a Cancer, you could make use of your protective, "motherly" instinct (which applies to both male and female Crabs!) and decide to become a kindergarten or elementary school teacher, or perhaps a lawyer protecting the rights of the underprivileged. Since you like to create not only a safe, but also a beautiful environment, you would also enjoy working as an architect, interior designer, a florist, or landscape artist.

Cancers are also excellent business people and make fine executives. Because of the strong influence of the Moon, careers involving the public, such as advertising, public relations, or talent, are also popular choices for your sign. As a Cancer, you like the deep connection with people, and you may decide to become a psychotherapist or a consultant.

Generally, your coworkers see you as warm, compassionate and supportive. In arguments you tend to take things too personal, and your coworkers may wish you would be more objective and realistic. However, when things get heated at the job, they appreciate your peacemaker traits.

As a boss you are very loyal and protective of your team. You try to help and support them whenever you can. However, since you are a very emotional being, you may have extreme mood swings.

The secret of your success is your intuition and imagination. You are able to create an atmosphere of safety and comfort - an invaluable gift, especially for the people who are in need for it.

my gawd its almost time for breakfast...

waiting for the canteen to open...
i shall console myself with a nice bowl of yong tau hu soup...
yes... alone again... not that i mind really...
coz i wasn't counting on the ONLINE-COMPANY... since one by one the ppl on my msn list seem to hv disappeared...

after about 9hrs of work... trying to figure out an intelligent way to do some permutations... i found a FLAW... uurgh... or if i was doing programming... a bug...
eye bags... dementia... and maybe a bit of alzheimer's... all these for NOTHING... a tedious process that amounted to nothing...
maths was never my best subject...
i can't seem to find a way to account for all the CASES in the permutation... uurgh...

hmmm... seems like i always try to compensate for my lack of decisiveness by putting in more hours... which translates to sacrificing sleep... but what else can i do? if i need more time as compared to other ppl... i had better make more time... can't expect me to compromise rite? well... at least its only for a few weeks more...

it can't be all that bad now can it?

*think happy thoughts*


how do u like me now...

my new jacket
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
heh.. was bored in school... its almost 3am and pris had just decided to go home... leaving me ALL alone... well.. at least ZARA is keeping me company.. like the collar? wait till u see the rest!! =)

ps: thanks sugama...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

guess where i am...

its that time of the year again..
time to slog...
time to hone the art of clicking the mouse with one hand and typing shortcut commands with the other...

co= copy
ma= matchprop
o= offset
f= fillet
tr= trim
br= break
di= dimension
pl= polyline

and the list goes on...

just a blog from school... taking a break from trying to organize the circulation and the lift cores for this project that will never see the light of day... paper archtiecture most difenitely... the only way to redeem it.. STUNNING GRAPHICS... ah... its a superficial world... and its a superficial industry... it's no wonder i am who i am...
it is natural selection... against all things that aren't bright and beautiful...

oh whatta nite... (i really shouldn't have..)

one sappy love story...
which i quite liked... i don't seem to remember the last time i caught a chick flick like this... does it count as a chick flick?? hmm... LOVE's BROTHER... part of the australian film fest...

total bitch lip balm...
thanks ming... heh... but it makes the lips really oily leh... it felt like not having tissue paper after lunch.. but of course its not in the practicality of the gift... more so the significance rite???

'total bitch lip balm... for vindictive bitches on ur side!'

wanton mee and wanton cc...
all the talk bout strangling jan made us hungry....
all i can say is... KEEP THE THOUGhTS TO YOURSELF boy!!

and a late nite latte... how decadent...
especially when the semester hits overdrive...
my car is still parked.. =P
i shall not make anymore excuses for my slack behaviour...
i will just admit it... heh....

ps: did i forget to mention my new acquisition? heh... watch out world!! i hv a new jacket! =)

Friday, March 11, 2005

allow me to plagiarize...

You may not believe it
But i don't believe in miracles anymore
And when i think about it
I don't believe i ever did for sure
All the things i've said in songs
All the purple prose you bought from me
Reality's just black and white
The sentimental things i'd write
Never meant that much to me

You don't need to hear it
But i'm dried up and sick to death of love
If you need to know it
I never really understood that stuff
All the stars and bleeding hearts
All the tears that welled up in my eyes
Never meant a thing to me
Read 'em as they say and weep
I've never felt enough to cry

When i said that i don't care
It really means my engine's breaking down
The chisel chips my heart again
The granite cracks beneath my skin
I crumble into pieces on the ground

I used to be the main express
All steam and whistles heading west
Picking up my pain from door to door
Riding on the storyline
Furnace burning overtime
But this train don't stop,
This train don't stop,
This train don't stop there anymore

*for the lack of the ability to express my thoughts in words... this will hv to do

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

hiroshima mon amour

what a provocative movie...
the first question that it raises... are all crtically acclaimed movies boring?
think citizen kane...but in french... and half the time....

you see.. i am trying to put my blogging to good use... this is part of the CONTEMPORARY THEORIES module....
and i hv to write an entry in the blog...
which means no himbotic remarks... or the usual stuff that i do here on this blog... *groan*

this has to be a serious introspective blog..

it starts... (ok i kinda missed the starting coz i was late for the screening.. but in retrospect it really wasn't worth my cabfare from 'eternity')

fine i shall spare you guys the agony...


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

just like the good old days eh?

ming + me
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
after gym... can still smile... MING you are not working hard enough!!!

heh... was watching moulin rouge... remember the elephant song??

ps: i think the settings of ur camera phone is low... the pic is smaller than what i take with my phone..

Sunday, March 06, 2005

a different kind of sunday...

its another sunday... but knowing that ur tutor won't be around next week surely eases the tension...
heh... i know i know... i'm incorrigible...
but one needs to rest so in order to go the distance rite?
besides.. i am trying to detox... too much caffiene in my system last week...
and i can actually feel the lethargy going without coffee...
i can only imagine the kind of withdrawal symptoms one suffers with a drug addiction...

you can barely wake up in the mornings..
your eyes refuse to register the surroundings...
all you want to do is remain unconscious...
at least for that little while more...
it's not a good feeling...

oh well.. maybe a little bit of moulin rouge, the apprentice and antm will help....