Friday, July 29, 2005

and the quarter centenarian speaks...

been meaning to post an entry for quite some time now..
something funny.. light hearted.. entertaining...
a little piece to bring some chuckles to those who are taking a break from work...
been thinking bout it..
in fact i was thinking about it when i missed my stop going home on a bus... and this was after missing a stop (because i overslept) on the train ride home that very same nite...

yes.. i've had ppl telling me over msn (yes plural...) that i should update the blog with an entry... preferably a long one.. (their identities shall not be revealed should this turn out to be meaningless blog.. and should you waste 10mins reading it.. hey! i can't get that 10mins back for you.. physically abusing my fans will not help either...)

anyway... getting back to the entry... (yes i actually took a break to eat my oats n milk..)

my 25th bday celebrations was dubbed the week long festivities.. simply cos the celebrations were spread over the entire week.. (some photo montages hv been uploaded... and perhaps just one or two more on the way... ) it was fun... the alcohol.. the food... cakes... chocolates... presents... and well wishes... (thanks ting for making a phonecall from shanghai at midnite! haha all charles cld do was an sms.. and much later too!! if i sounded shocked was cos the 'unknown' appearing on my caller id is the same as what i'd get if it was a call from my mom... long distance calls...)

yups... met many frens throughout the week.. taking lotsa photos..

and i know that i'm posting this for everyone to read... but don't judge me.. heh... at some point in time it almost seemed like i live for such events, parties... little highlights in my life to mask the banality of it all... things that seem so trivial, blown to greater proportions to serve as distractions from the reality of it all... and as the celebrations come to an end.. or at least the reason to celebrate becomes irrelevant (like how a week after ur bday isn't really ur bday anymore..) i find myself staring into the ceiling and wondering... what does all this amount to?

but just in case any of you are wondering if i'll be dispensing with the frivolity of such occassions... you're wrong... in fact the next big bash is due 20.07.2007... yeah.. 2006 will be a graduation cum bday thing.. (yes... its almost like there is an IOC planning such events in my head...) well i never said i was noble or aspire to change the world... life's short.. i just wanna live it.. is that so bad?

you wld think that i would hv an important point to make given the slight retrospective tone of this entry... but i don't think so.. not really.. of course when i was very young.. and turning 25 seemed like a long time away.. i always imagine entering the mid-twenties zone would be a fun thing... i would have my career (which i'm don't... ) be done with school (which i'm not...) and having the time of my life (not exactly..) so what's left huh? i guess its all still too soon to tell.. yea... in a way.. i do think that at 25, it's barely the beginning... sure, ppl are getting married, hvg kids... but it's an early end for them... **snigger**

while for me... there are still lotsa parties to look fwd to... ;)

**at the time of printing there's still one party left.. watch this space for the sequal to the frower, the b and the butterfly...

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