Friday, August 05, 2005

the rocky road of education...

i'm sure we've all heard of the parable of that little boy who had to borrow the flame from his neighbours' candle light so that he could study at night... another one of those stories to remind us just how good we've got it... so you can imagine the thrill in my head when i had to brave the rain and the cold just to get to the library to drop off an overdued book, pay my fines, zap some readings and do a bit of borrowing..
the rain was relentless... and between the central library at the university and the architecture faculty... i was prepared to get drenched.. it was just a matter of which direction i get drenched in... (ok so there is a long sheltered pathway that will require me to meander thru the engin' fac... i really wasn't prepared to do any cardio in the great outdoors... plus, the rain did clear up quite a bit when i was done at the library..)
anyway.. back to my story... so there i was... cold (forgot to put a jacket in my bag.. brilliant.. for someone who owns so many of them.. i really hv no excuse for being cold...) and sleepy (had to make it to sch real early so that i cld pick mei up from her lazik op...) i was reminded of the parable and thought... wow, maybe i'll get an A for effort!!!
just as i hiked up the stairs.. from the bus stop.. onto the sheltered walkway leading to the library.... i saw eunice heading towards me... holding onto notes and books more than her two arms can handle... umbrella in one hand... bag slung across her shoulder... and i thought.. damn! i've probably gotta brave more of these storms to even qualify for an A for NICE TRY...

1 comment:

sneakyniki said...
