Thursday, July 14, 2005


i almost couldn't remember what the surface of my table looked like..
and took it as a hint to clear out the rubbish...
well not exactly rubbish...
stuff i'd leave around... while thinking of a better place to store them...
some postcards, little knick knacks of significant nature.. such as passes to the singapore fashion week... (yes.. my table has been piling up for the longest time...) i guess its been piling up on my work table since most of the other surfaces in my room are somehow occupied... countless magazines, books, notes... things that i'd keep around just in case...

in case of what??
i dunno... i come from a family that never threw anything out... yes... back in msia *thumps chest* space was pretty abundant.. and my mother could never bring herself to throw out anything that might be useful... clothes, books, plastic containers... you name it... the backyard has it.. well of course until we moved.... my mother finally decided to go thru all that she has kept over the past 15 odd years to see what she could discard.. not without slowly reminiscing each item that was significant... she's terrribly sentimental...

well.. that was the way i was raised.. and i guess it has rubbed off me a little.. (well if i was like a certain ms lee... lotsa of thing wld 'accidentally' go 'missing'... lost in the deep abyss of her wardrobe otherwise known as the bermuda triangle... cos she keeps buying 'em and still has nothing to wear for work.. but i digress...)

its a slow process of change.. at least i am not waiting that many years before i decide to throw some things out.. in fact i embarked on a mission to clear out my closet of stuff that i wld not wear anymore... i needed the closet space and the clothes hangers.. but i'm left with a pile of unwanted clothes at the foot of my cupboard.. just brilliant... but i will get to clearing them away...

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