Sunday, March 20, 2005

sunday morning...

the national anthem plays in the background...
its the start of a new day... according to the radio...
and i am waiting for the first bus to leave clementi interchange so that i can trot back to eternity (ie: admiralty)... yes... in school again... this is kinda like a punishment since i was getting any work done the entire day bumming at home...
it was terrible of me... i know... not that i am counting on elves at the end of it all... i am not, k... trying to cope on my own lah.. besides.. i still owe them lunch....
let's see... hvnt blogged in a while.. i shall do a quick update...
thursday: met the 77 year old love of ming's life... gouzai.. and i think its cos that he likes humping her arm... quite cute lah... errr.... but i am a dog lover... ming is a dog stalker... i bet the owners must think that she is psychotic... but then again they are prob happy to hv found a doggysitter when they need to go on a holiday...
friday: felicity stuff.... yup... things that the lecturers do behind close doors... haha... got a inside look at how they mark assignments... gosh... the sheer generosity in passing this student who cldnt even spell durian correctly... yup, which in itself suggests the relevance of his work since he actually used the word durian to describe the esplanade...
dinner with ming.... actually i had desert... MUDDY MUD PIE... and she had dinner... some expensive maggi noodles... and then aggy boh made an appearance and they made their way down to ICE COLD while i went to work off the paunch... (heh... been seeing too many flabby 40 year old men... i will not risk it..) oh yes... i stalked ming and boh with my 'hand me down' haha... i shall post the absolutely unflattering shots of my two models (read: unsuspecting subjects) soon.. once i get a cable to hook it up....


boh on the run said...


shoe slut said...

arrrrrh! wassup with unglam and ugly photos of me?!?! you and boh....DELETE them ALL NOW!


erm.. ming.. then there wouldn't be ANY photos of you left... hahahaha