Monday, October 03, 2005

it's monday yet again...

a new week... a new month... but the same old things to get thru...
thesis work.. dissertation... readings for elective...
it all seems like a lot of work..
but i live by my mantra... it all ends somehow... meaning we'll survive one way or another...
i guess i've never really considered not surviving as a possible outcome.. heh
sometimes i live a lot by faith....
occassionally overestimating myself and underestimating the situation...

mariah carey's we belong together plays in the background for the uptenth time...
niki thinks i'm going mad.. but i still luurve the song...
she, ms niki... has lost the need to identify with it....
now that she's found bliss... (oops... did i reveal too much?? at least i din say u were getting married!!)

well.. on a brighter note... mondays are still bearable cos i have my tennis lessons!! heh still in the running to be the top student.. and nO, i'm not the only one who enrolled... i'm masquerading as a newbie to boost my deflating ego... heee.....
AND.. america's next model tonite!!!! that should see me through the rest of the semester...
oh yes... the actual workload too...
time to do some actual work....


1 comment:

sneakyniki said...

weeeee belooong toogeeeee-- derrr!!!!!!