Sunday, June 12, 2005

a happening weekend... (part one)

it was a wild weekend...
while i've always thought that i've mellowed with age..
a gathering of close frens will never fail to bring out the party animal in me..
ok.. alcohol helps... a whole lot...
its true what they say in the biology textbooks... it just takes away your inhibition...

haha.. that prob explained all the smooching that went on that nite..

but the nite to celebrate terence's bday had its fair share of hiccups...

we couldn't decide on a place for dinner...
but we knew (or at least pam says that she wants a place with good ambience..) so we headed down to club street..
which is pretty different from the usual orchard rd crowd...
actually i was quite surprised to find that club street was kinda quite on a saturday nite..
but of course not being too familar with the fare over there... we had to walk to look at menus and decide on a place that was nice and affordable...

my shing shing pink tee (pink tee with shing shing stuff on it..) was not made for walking...
not like some boots... i was pespiring... and just short of breaking out in rashes...
i needed air conditioning quick....
ok.. i was gonna pay any price to just cool off... but pam and terence were less agreeable...
so we trotted on... till we came to this place called JERRY'S GRILL....
being a little brain fried from the heat.. we found ourselves seated in some faux american setting (ie excessive use of the red white and blue..) staring at a menu that really seemd like overpriced BILLY BOMBERS....

so while waiting for the rest of the party to arrive (mei and tommy to join us)...
i said: if we are gonna walk out of here.. let me go first...
pam: heh? (for those who've heard pam... this is supposed to be funny.. think nasal.. and whiney..)

(mei and tommy arrives.. and we've been cooling off with the air con for about 10mins now.. waiter staring at us..)

mei: SO ARE WE LEAVING? (yes, the caps indicate that she had no intention of not letting the wait staff overhear us...)

yup, i'm sure the waiter heard us... in fact we were surprised that he didn't serve us a round of ice water to make us feel bad about thinking of walking out like that...
seeing that we might just be trapped rite there...
pam stood up.. (she really didn't wanna pay that much for the poor ambience..)

pam: SOOOOREEEEEEE..... (yes, whiney and saccharine sweet...) we've decided to go somewhere else instead...

that was the cue... we all followed pam.. down the stairs.. and out of JERRY's GRILL...
so if anyone intends to dine there anytime soon.. please tell them that we're terribly sorry...

so after looking ard for about 15mins more.. we ended up at sPIZZA... which was the one place that i've dined at club street... sheesh...

*end of part one*

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