Tuesday, December 28, 2004

photo of the gathering....

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.

my christmas present...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.

the gathering...

we've been doing this since we were in sec3... edwin, charles and myself... we meet up every x'mas... or some date near x'mas to exchange presents and have a meal together.... into our 9th annual x'mas celebration... we ordered out pizza and enjoyed a movie at edwin's... of course, like every year, the highlight of the evening would be the PRESENTs.. don't be mistaken... we aren't at all THAT materialistic... it's just that it has been the ritual for us... two will shop for a present for the third... sometimes the presents are a sabotage... each of us trying to OUTWIT the other... and every year we would try to see who has the NICEST present... and of course who had the worse...
well.. let's not get there... i did not master the *i love my present... you guys SHOULDN't have* face for nothing.. hee....

anyway.. this year i received a very lovely surprise... it balances practicality and aesthetics... and also covers the ground of my brand preference... NIKE gym gear!! ( i know you guys spent a bomb... you really shouldn't have lah... but honestly... better than the initial idea of a thumb drive... :P)

hope u guys like ur presents too.... ok charles got the worse this time round.... we can't keep getting u clothes u know!!

the 10th gathering might not happen cos edwin will be away in shanghai.. but maybe you'll be back by then rite? heh... we'll just have to see....

Monday, December 27, 2004

boxing day...

post-sinful pigging out on x'mas day... t'was time to hit the gym...
and with one of the co founder of the GYM RAT gang... mojo jojo jan...
but since she hasn't really been pumping iron for the longest time.. she has since changed her alias to jelly legs jan....

anyway... the day was hit with tragedy... and i am not referring to the tsunami that hit asia... (you see... himbo bloggers are made to swear not to mention any current affairs in their blogs.. only mindless banters and juicy gossips...)
as i ended the work out.. i had only one thing on my mind... yes... you guessed it... FISH WANTON.. with an extra serving of fried wanton....
who would've guessed... the stall was closed... CLOSED!!!!!!
ok... so maybe they are closed every sunday and since i usually don't gym on sundays i wouldn't hv known.. but oh well... i was deeply saddened...
anyway... after settling for beef brisket noodles.. jelly legs jan hopped onto merry ming's mitsubishi and headed down to book cafe... so how much calories did u reconsumed there jelly jan???
and i headed home.. in time to LOOT... and change for my jc class gathering....*shudders*

we were supposed to meet at 6... and only got to the destination for dinner at 7pm... and by the time they could decide on what to order... it was blardy 8pm...
they should hv warned me... that this was similar to a chinese wedding dinner... EAT BEFORE U COME...
but oh well... the place: TCC at boat quay.. very nice ambience... if any of u check it out... go upstairs and try the bean bags.. pretty nice place to just bedge out and chill... but beware of the air con vents... but if u feel cold.. order their raspberry latte... quite nice...

so anyway... seems like everyone is still the same... except for more fancy hairdos... and dressing... we still laugh at the same people... poke fun of the same things... and never fail to talk about relationships and marriages... my fren JESSE and i are gonna stay single till 40 to see whoose value depreciates more... =P

but the highlight of the nite was the arrival of a certain mr WONG shing YIP... never liked him during my jc days... and when he made his special appearnce... he plonked himself rite next to me.. *bleaah*
and as i tried to shift away... he thought that i was offering him half of my bean bag and just sat next to me... it was too close for comfort... and boy did my classmates have a good laugh.... coz it was written all over my face... *shoo... go away,... be gone... shoo!!*
but i tried my best playing cordial.. answered his few questions.... and nodded along when necessary....

that was a tiring nite... but it was nice catching up.... and i guess i've changed a bit... but because i haven't seen them in the longest time... they will always remember me from my two years at njc... haha... and the common consensus was that 'chin hong was the mean one...."

oh well... perhaps i should take that into consideration for my new year's resolution... =P

Sunday, December 26, 2004

how x'mas came and went... ( a bumper blog )

the public holiday that we spent months looking forward to came and went...
and boy do i feel old...
and you are probably old... when on x'mas eve your main concern was to avoid the crowds in town and on public transport... hence leaving the hotspots before 9pm... while the youngsters and some hip uncles and aunties... (and also some really silly ones who bring KIDS and TODDLERs out to orchard road... jeez... what were they thinking!!!?) made their way to the countdown in orchard road... i was comfortable nestled at home... after a long day of worshipping the sun and then catching PHANTOM OF THE OPERA with edwin... (hmm.. the movie had really awful male leads who seem to have a problem singing and acting at the same time... and they were lip syncing!!? not recommended for those who has seen the stage production of it...)
and you know u are old... when u fall asleep watching the tv... not sure at which point during the KELLY, RUBEN and FANTASIA concert that you drifted off to slumber land.... only to wake up past midnight... to the sounds of a couple of x'mas sms-es and DRUNK friends who thought it would be a nice gesture to call and scream MERRY X'mAS over the phone...
yup... so at 1:36am... to the sounds of a screaming janice.. (ming sprayed the fake snow on her...) x'mas was here.... no countdown... no party.... no overnite mahjong game where we pause at midnite to wish each other a merry x'mas...
boy i must be old... to have x'mas sneak up on me like that...

the better part of x'mas was spent in the company of friends... and food.... what a sinful x'mas.. but more reasons to hit the gym i guess... (edwin, i am not SHALLOW!! heh...it's just maintanence....)

lunch at ming's
which somehow cheenafied the festive season... hobbes + niki both agreed that it felt more like chinese new year... maybe coz of the decor and the lack of a x'mas tree...
food was good... thanks to the PSUEDO CHEF and MANSLAVE 01... heh.. rangoli with FRESH clams, POTATO SALAD with bacon bits and generous portions of cream... and some banana ice cream desert.. which resembled a flambe without the fire... coke, fizzy lime juice and red wine (yes, i was made to drink all three...) and some thai desert that seemed more like ming's plan to STUFF all her frens with food than part of the x'mas luncheon...

highlights apart from the food... a toy car race... that i never stood a chance of winning coz BOH thot i suited the AMBULANCE that crawled its way to the scene of an accident rather than a race car that zips across the room amazingly fast... (oh miss AGNES b.OH gave a couple of us these little wind up toys.. so we decided to have a little race..)
and i am NOT COMPLAINING bout the present... (edwin, don't say anything!)
haha... i really should just react to presents with a THANK YOu.... ;P

hobbes HAIRCUT... it was a decent trim that bears no resemblance to any kind chewing off by animals... heh...
(note to self: career option #6)

KUNG FU HUSTLE... made the day more like chinese new year... but over all was a really entertaining flick... not much of a storyline... but everyone can appreciate the comic brilliance...

after the show there was coffee... and when it came to dinner time... PIZZA, FRIED CHICKEN WINGS, POTATO WEDGES, PEANUTS and BEER... peppered with lots of laughter (usually at the expense of janice and chin chwee...) while it seems like all the bars and watering holes were packed on the eve of x'mas... we had the luxury of enjoying our sinful finger food and beer in a quite and relatively smoke free bar...

but then again we trotted out of NO.5 a little before 9:30pm... and made our way home from a crowded orchard road...
yup, we are old...

Friday, December 24, 2004

christmas eve...

christmas is really just around the corner...

and i am ready...
i got a new hairdo... (which usually means a new blog... )

figured out what i want to wear for all my x'mas engagements...
heh... the flip flop luncheon with my haivanas.... a PINK tee for the annual gathering with my close pals from sec sch... (provided i get some sun later today..) and something suave for my jc class gathering... heh... hv to leave my quirkiness at home for that one...

and i am totally immersed in the x'mas spirit!

you see... yesterday, i had that great experience of LAST MINUTE SHOPPING... and since i hv been too distracted the past week and a half... i almost forgot what x'mas means to me... i love shopping for my friends... and unfortunately this year some presents will be late... but you will probably get a card informing u of the delay... :P
it seems like at least half of singapore is clearing leave... and almost all of them decided to do their last minute shopping at orchard rd.. but i don't think things are any quieter at the heartland malls...
amidst the shoving, pushing and judging what the other shoppers are into... it seems that most of us turn into the x'mas grinch.... ah yes... we grumble while queing up to place an order.. we grumble when the waiter doesn't notice our frantic gesturing... we get pissed off when the cashier queue is long... or when the moron in front of u on the escalator decides to stand on the right...

well,... let's not forget the christmas cheer eh? it's a vicious cycle... if u treat the people who are serving u badly.. then they in turn will just be nasty to the other customers.. and in the end we all leave with such a bad aftertaste in our palletes... so over the next few days... even if u have been waiting for an hour for the overpriced chocolates in the basement of takashimaya where there is hardly any space for u to stand around waiting.. and the people pushing thru the aisle joins the queue thinking that they are giving out free chocolates... remember to just say MERRY CHRISTMAS... it doesn't cost u anything and it might just make someone else's workday a bit better.... ;)

hey elves! hope u liked ur presents! yes yes.. i still owe u lunch! =P

having said that... heh... my theme song for 2005
bet your bottom dollar that TOMORROW.... THERE'LL be SUN!

heh... that is if i don't make it rain by singing....

*watch this space TOMORROW for my resolutions for 2005!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

a brand new day...

i just had breakfast... a cup of milk with half a can of coffee (the nescafe mocha is really sweet...) and two half boiled eggs... the day looks set to be great... except for one little detail... i haven't got any sleep!! gosh... my biological clock gets screwed every now and then and today seems to be one of those days... i'm supposed to head down to school to settle some stuff so no sleeping in till mid day... and meeting charles later to shop for edwin's present... and then hitting the gym with ming in the evening... and hopefully, FRIED FISH WANTON for dinner... hvnt had that in a week and i'm really looking fwd to it... *tummy rumble*

yup.. i hope i can get thru today... and finally sleep at a more humane time...

the past week had been pretty hectic... a mix of family stuff, personal stuff and christmas shopping... christmas shopping is difficult because i keep seeing things that i want to get for myself!.... *blearh* so far i've got one present done... with lots more to go... i will prob end up with nothing for myself.. *uurgh*

recently caught school for seduction and national treasure.. the former had a few good laughs.. and taught boh and jan a thing or two... haha... i hope they are putting it to good use!! the latter was an interesting movie... but the highlight was the enjoyable company... so the week hasn't been too bad at all.... ;) it definitely hasn't been too bad... coz despite being ill and all... i still squeezed in time for a beer with charm and jan... and catching up with old friends while x'mas shopping... and getting to know new friends better...

hmm... haven't been blogging much lately... its just one of those times... where instead of putting the stuff here online for everyone to read... i hv to spill my guts out in the safer pages of my own journal... heh... just things that i don't think everyone will care to know... but for those who do... you probably already know... so there....

yup... hope that everyone is handling the festive season well... and for those who are still enjoying the holidays... time's ticking... jeez... i will miss this life....

Thursday, December 09, 2004

belaian jiwa

Tiada lagi yang ku ingatkan
Sayang kau hilang

(As lovely,
As none that I can ever recall,
Your love's lost)

Biar sampai akhir hayatku
Di dunia ini

(The pining,
Let it be till the end of my days,
On this earth)

Kau tahu betapa ku sayang padamu
Hanya bidadari sebagai ganti
Hanya takdir menentukan ia
Oh belaian jiwa

(You know how much I love you,
Only angels here in place of you,
Only fate could determine,
The carress of your soul)

Oh! Angin
Sampaikanlah laguku padanya
Yang sedih pilu

(I pray for the wind,
To bring her my song,
For her heart is broken)

Laguku jadi teman hidupmu
Untuk selamanya

(Please accept it,
Let my song accompany you in your journey,

and the idol fever continues...

this month we see the release of albums from the american idol alums... sophomore efforts from kelly clarkson, ruben studdard, clay aiken and the debut release of fantasia and diana degarmo.... and what their albums prove is that on top of talent, an artiste really needs a producer with foresight and a great marketing strategy... however, the brains behind most of the IDOL releases belongs to clive davis... this really old man who did launch the career of whitney houston... but unfortunately seems to be rehashing other ppl's marketing strategy... and not to mention a selection of tracks that seem like it was rejected by the IT artistes of the moment... HILARY DUFF, ASHLEE SIMPSON, AVRIL LAVIGNE, VANESSA CARLTON, USHER....

it seems like CLIVE's bigger picture is simple... if the IDOL is black... he/she will go down the hip hop/r&b stream.. while the white chicas are transformed into rocker chicks... it is so formulaic it is disgusting... because it denies the potential of these singers to shine...

fantasia's debut is peppered with many hip hop tunes and attempts to distract buyers with names like missy elliot in the credits and collaboration... but fantasia ain't no BEYONCE... the only track that is worth noticing is her cover of the classic, YOU WERE ALWAYS ON MY MIND.. so maybe it's really a matter of the selection of material... as they try to package her as the singing EVE, bad fashion sense included... they forgot that her talent was in her abitlity to emote a song with her unique voice... which basically a number that borders on rap and trash talking doesn't allow her to do... what a disappointment...

diana degarmo on the other hand is trying to cut a share of the teen queens market... but someone should get clive davis new glasses... coz HILARY DUFF, LINDSAY LOHAN.... they are all babes.. and diana bears too much of a resemblance to the mother from THAT 70s SHOW.... but with her vocal abilities, she manages to pull off all the material... but she will not be a marketing success.... but who knows,... she could be the new LEANN RIMES... a country girl with a big voice... just give her the rite ballad..

kelly clarkson hit jackpot with BREAKAWAY... after a dismal showing with her debut album.. but her follow up was a ROCK number.... WHY???? what happen to the good ol' days where the singers sing BIG BALLADS with their big voices with no shame? mariah carey was shifting units by the millions until she decide reduce her 8octave range to breathy whispering... and whitney was the queen of r&b until she literally wore her vocal chords out...

so the only thing i hope for is when they do TAUFIK's album... they give a good mix of r&b, soul and radio friendly tunes... they must remember the songs that he won us over with... ME AND MRS JONES, SUPERSTITION (of course no one writes songs like that these days)... and I DREAM (the title couldn't be more IDOL cliche... but hey, admit it.. YOU LIKED IT!!!)... brillliant move to employ affordable songwriters from ang moh countries ie: australia....

as for SLY.... don't know don't care... :P

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

you know what they say about chocolates before bedtime...

that it is definitely not the wisest idea...
woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat... guess washing the chocolate down with water would have helped....
*clears throat*
anyway,... still managed to get an hour of sun.... but i think the baking gave me a FEVER...

well.. the screwed up biological clock doesn't help either... so i guess its time to get my clock back to singapore time...

gonna pop two pills and hit the sack.... hopefully it will be all better when i wake up...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

this is me...

*when i write in a book or journal i like to do it back to front, coz i probably wouldn't make it to the last page if i didn't do that

*i have one eye bigger than the other... i disguise them with my assymetrical eyebrows and distract from them with my ears

*i pop my zits then worry about the pock marks

*i sing at the top of my lungs when i think no one is listening, but i secretly yearn for an audience...

*i love the view from my eye level but harbours hopes of being taller...

*i am probably more malaysian than i let it show... (just don't ask me for directions... i don't drive)

*i know exactly what i want to eat at each location not because i am terribly unadventurous when it comes to food but just hate to deal with my indecisiveness when i am hungry

*i am pretty indecisive when it comes to everything else... so if i ask for your opinion, it matters...

*i've been wanting to learn how to write in chinese but haven't quite gotten about doing so....

*i've been wanting to learn a musical instrument but haven't quite gotten about doing so... (the recorder doesn't quite qualify...)

picture perfect...

caught SHUTTER today... and it was truly one of the better horror flicks to have surfaced recently... it had its fair share of scares, laughs and also twists... its definitely a must see for all moviegoers who like to pay good money for a fright or two... its not for the faint hearted tho... cause u will prob need some time before u can step into the bathroom/bedroom/kitchen/laboratory/darkroom alone... ;)

Friday, December 03, 2004

11 out of 12

i met them all... all the idol finalists... even CANDICE FOO who dropped out of the finals at the last minute...
i saw all but sly... but well, i'm not big on sly....

the first one i actually talked to was DAPHNE... boy was she tiny.... she was a small girl... and kept hanging around this grungy looking guy who is probably her bfren.. heh... all i can say is that she looks very PRETTY in person... much sweeter than she looks on screen... of course those who already think that she is an overdose of saccharine sweetness seeing her on tv might probably die from diabetes seeing her in person....

DAVID YEO... the law student whom i thought had a great voice.. the beng to FLORENCE's lian.... he was surprisingly TALL.... but his grin is still as wide as a cheshire's....

the highlight for MY KOREAN BABE must have been hugging CHRISSYPOO... well, that is one guy that you couldn't hate... yes, he may not have the best voice in the contest... but he has a very likeable personality... and according to my fren... was nice, warm and cuddly to hug... haha....

BEVERLY... she looked like a drag queen... must be the heavy make up... i hope she din hear my friend make that comment...

JESSEA... ok ok so she is pretty... but its no wonder she got booted out so early on.... coz she really has that star quality that the audience can't relate with.... beautiful but distant

OLINDA... my, she is a BIG GIRL... but i must say that she comes across as a pretty friendly person... she probably won't have a music career in this superficial industry... but she might have slimming endorsements going her way....

ah yes.. the infamous JERRY ONG... who was surprisingly shorter than yours truly... i was so tempted to go up to him and say that "hey... i din think that you were that bad after all..." but i had one beer too little... and thought that maybe he was really the worse singer in the final 12...

LEANDRA... i still think that she is overrated... and with all the hoo haa about her pending record deal with all the connection that she has.. i think its getting to her head... we'll just have to see won't we...

let me see who am i forgetting.... ah yes.. MAIA... she is really one HOT MAMA... and she is as tiny as daphne... but of course had erm.. more assets.... heh... but thats the bonus of motherhood i guess... on tv it looks as tho she tries very hard to work that sex bomb image... but in person... at a glam event... she exudes sexiness almost effortlessly....

and not least of all.... TAUFIK... i will remember his warm hand when i congratulated him... and i do think that his eyes are natural and not kohl-enhanced.... hmmm.. maybe i should have asked him if he shared beverly's eyeliner....

free beer, wine and food.... i can't wait for the next season!

a night to remember...

singapore idol... taufik batisah...
a night that talent came out victorious... and proved that it is not just a popularity contest...
its been 6mths... and boy did the show outdid everyone's expectations....
everyone was sceptical... but the capacity crowd at the indoor stadium proved that the show could work even in singapore...
it was phenomenal... from the crowd frenzy... screaming away everytime they caught a glimpse of their idol... to the crying sly fans... when the stadium was nearly empty save for the ushers and the attendents who had to clean up the mess... i was really glad to be a part of it... thanks to MY KOREAN BABE who managed to get tickets to watch the show live... and later got me passes to go for the post show party.... the night was meant to go down as one of my highlights for 2004...

of course at the indoor stadium it was really hard to make out who was the better singer that nite... frankly, sly didn't sound that bad at all... but the sound system really did not help the evaluation of their performance... so its no wonder that the judges gave pretty even comments... taufik delivered the songs so well that i had goosebumps when he sang I DREAM (someone should tell the composers to come up with more original sounding titles for IDOL songs...) while sly won the crowd over with his sincerity... of course ppl watching at home could probably hear a few bad notes... but the crowd at the stadium was enjoying the performances...

the race to garner more votes were probably not as close as everyone thought it was... sly fans spent too much time screaming their voices hoarse.. (really, the bunch of girls crying "sylvester is the real winner" at the end of it all sounded like boys hitting puberty) taufik was backed by a strong silent community... heh... while there at the stadium... everytime i heard sly fans scream louder than taufik's i picked up my phone.. to call 1900 112 1901... from my initial budget of 10 calls... i increased it to 20... i figured the 10bucks spent was well worth the performance he gave... and if anything... i wld support his first single too.. i mean he is as talented as GUY SEBASTION... no reason not to support just coz he is local..
and the strangest thing was that i talked to some people who said that they like sly... but are voting for taufik... wow, such rational behaviour... of course their reson being that sly will prob get a record deal anyway since the chinese pop market is larger... and if taufik didn't win, he might not be offered a deal.. since he is after all more SURIA than CH5

so when they finally announced the winner... the strong silent backing of the talented performer were jubilant.... i felt happy and shared the joy of a total stranger... well, i wld like to think that my 20votes made the difference..

at the post show party at hard rock... i finally got to meet taufik... got him to autograph my copy of 8days.. it was a wednesday.. and thank god he was on the cover.... (i got olinda to autograph a picture of her in the mag too... its a pity i wasn't quite prepared for the postshow event... i wld hv brought my back issue of 8days!)
after he signed on the mag, and two napkins for me to give to my friends.... i congratulated him, shook his hand and told him that "i voted for you!".... he gave a wide grin in shocked earnestness... and thanked me...

there he was... a boy younger than myself... realising his dreams... it really doesn't matter if there is no market... it really doesn't matter that album sales for local english albums have been dismal.... this guy made it... for that moment... he was a star...

Saturday, November 27, 2004

love is a many splendid thing...

it finally arrived in the mailbox!
i was thrilled to receive my first set of 3 dvds, from an online rental service, in my mailbox today..
let me elaborate a little here...
i was just surfing the net the other nite... and i searched for online dvd rentals... some form of convenient service whereby u can just log on, pick the films you want... and have it delivered rite to your doorstep...it's waaaay cool.. ok... maybe not in the zouk-cool sense... but in the cool since_i_don't_have_much_to_do_but_to_spend_my_time_watching_dvds_this_hols kinda way... so i came a cross this site www.hollywoodclicks.com and decided to see what they had to offer... they mail you the shows that you list down in order of availabilty and preference.. and when you are done.. you just need to mail them back the dvd and they will send u whatever's next on your list...it's as simple as that!! how wonderful... and as i was browsing the titles that they had.... i was suddenly very excited to see BOLLYWOOD selection!!!! i was giddy with excitement.... thrilled... where do i sign??? hahaha... so anyway... they have this free trial thing that i am currently signed on... and i will probably continue the membership for the month of december... its $35 and i figured it isn't too bad... since i really don't wanna pay good money for bad hindi vcds... heh..

that was two days ago... yup, it's pretty prompt service.. i found the first three titles in my mailbox this evening.. and i cldn't wait to get started... unfortunately they didn't have DEVDAS... which was one of the big budget bollywood productions... can't wait to get my hands on that... in the mean time... i have KAL HO NAA HO, MOHABBATEIN and CHALTE CHALTE...

and talk about value for money... i never realised that the minimum duration of a hindi movie is actually 3hrs.. and for an epic its probably 4hrs... how will i ever find enough time for all the shows that intend to watch??

and for those who are still in disbelief of my fascination with the bollywood culture... yes, i do watch... the title of this blog isn't just a witty title... heh.... but let me make this clear... i love the song and dance, i love the happy endings.. (ok i am a sucker for all the tragic ones too).. i love the beautiful cast... so erm...no old hindi movies for me.. just those with aishwarya, shahrukh and priety (yes, that's apparently a name)...

so may new hindi phrase for today: kal ho naa ho which translate to "for, tomorrow may never be"
i love the way they write the scripts... who says romance is dead?? not in bollywood!! =)
ok ok.. so some people may find it tacky... but hey, where is the love?? (rite mr lai?)
and thank goodness for APPROPRIATE subtitles.. i don't get some senseless translation of the dialogue or the songs... yup, the songs... haha... all filled with meaning... all conveying love...

we could all use a little bit more romance in our lives rite? (men's health the magazine apparently agrees with me... but that would be another blog altogether )

Friday, November 26, 2004

another haircut inspired story...

as i sat at the 4th level of wisma atria, waiting to get my hair done at Supercuts... apparently my new hairstylist, Sam, is rather popular.... and not scheduling an appointment meant that i had to wait till he was done with all the other clients... so while waiting... reading an old issue of NEWMAn... the sounds of nelly and christina going 'tilit ya head back'.... i was overcome by a sudden wave of nostalgia...
i can't remember the last time i had my haircut done at one of those indian barbers... those really authentic ones... where the barber himself was a burly indian man... normally with a moustache... who would exert force on ur head just to get ur head in the correct position for u to cut... at an indian barber... you will get a SLOPE... where the razor was pressed close to ur skin creating a neat edge to a randomly calculated gradient... then at the end of the haircut you get the shave and the dousing of talc on ur neck and ears... you leave the barber itchy, red but only about 6bucks poorer....
here i am now... a haircut that is both science and art... trust me... it takes careful calculation to hide protruding ears... and the hairstylists can even give u a haircut while u are sleeping... but of course the usual position taken would be that of reading the magazine... a haircut now comes with a shampoo or two... and a little massage... i've come a long way...

oh but that doesn't explain the nostalgia whatsoever...

the thing about that trip to the barber when i was younger was that it was a family event... my parents would packed my brothers and i into the car... my dad would drive us to the town area of jb... that's very near the customs checkpoint... somehow you can only find the authentic barbers to give you the right slope there... and coz it was so hard to get a parking space... my dad would drop my mom and the kids off at the doorsteps of the barbershop... complete with the twirling candy cane thingy... we'd each take our turn at the barber seat... getting an identical haircut... and since i was the youngest.. and the shortest at that time... i would have to sit on this plank that he added to the chair... so that i would be at a proper level to be SLOPED...

nah.. i don't miss all that one bit... obviously someone ought to teach the barber how to do a layered cut... they are obviously a vanishing trade... its a question of whether these burly indian men died of clogged arteries from the coconut milk that they consume each day.... or they run of people who could endure the SLOPE... but maybe they can consider rendering their services at TEKONG... maybe.... i'm just glad that the redness, itch and powder puffed face is but a distant memory....

field day... until it rained...

today i was an undercover reporter... i was asked by ming to do a review on the sandwich deli's around her workplace as part of her newsletter... seeing the prospects of an all expense paid lunch... and not just one lunch... i haulled my ass out of bed at 1230 and made my way down to raffles place... i got into the food critic mode fast... and was ready to dish out mean reviews... and tearing the outlets to bits... *muahahahahhahaa*
excuse me...
but alas... that style din not go well with the rest of her newsletter.... so all i was expected to do was to go around take pictures and order something to eat.. of course i wasn't expected to eat at every outlet... altho i thought it was just sandwiches... how difficult can it be??

first stop: o'briens irish blah blah blah.....
i ordered, sat down... and looked at my list... *shit* i'm not very good at this... coz i think i just ordered something at the wrong outlet!! why the hell do they have so many outlets within walking distance of each other???
so i whipped out my mobile and got in touch with the BIG KAHUNA... (can someone enlighten me? kahuna means fish rite? or whale?? haha... ) so BIG KAHUNA said... "don't eat anything..."
but i had already ordered... a smoked salmon sandwhich with cream cheese and a side of chips...
BIG KAHUNA then went on to say... "take photo of the food then...."
and it struck me that i wasn't very familiar with my job scope... i quicky put back the quarter of the sandwich that i had already taken a bite of back on the plate... an took a shot of it... hopefully the readers will notice the chips instead... =P

so anyway.... i lapped up the plate of smoked salmon sandwich... and when i was done... boy, was i full... stuffed... i couldn't eat anymore.. and i had 6outlets to go.... i decided to just go around taking pictures.. at least of the more familiar ones... coz the BIG KAHUNA can prob do a writeup on SUBWAY and COFFEE BEAN without needing to do a taste test.... so take photos.. collect menu... try to write a review by looking at what the other patrons have ordered... and judge their facial expressions as they stuffed their hungry faces with the sandwich...

the initial excitement of the undercover work was subsequently dampened by the weather.. which was starting to put me to sleep... oh what i wouldn't give for a nice comfy bed at that time... but i'm a PROFESSIONAL... so i trudged on....

i was so sure that i couldn't eat anymore and hence decide to go for my haircut instead and continue my undercover work tmw alongside the BIG KAHUNA herself... and just as i handed her the camera and was walking towards the mrt station... i may have heard my tummy gave a slight rumble... i was hungry... DAMN!!!! the sandwiches would have come in handy.... but i guess it will have to wait till tmw... in the meantime it was fish dumpling hor fun... *burpp*

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
heh... figured that i would be spending some quality time sleeping for the next six weeks or so.. so spruced up the bed a little... ;)


spent the later part of the day doing some house chores... can't say i enjoy it.. but i love it when i get to snuggle up to fresh sheets and the room is all nice and clean... altho its always pretty much short lived.. somehow things don't stay in place for long...=(
anyway... just realised that cleaning is a good form of workout... i worked up an appetite just from cleaning after dinner.. maybe that should be my new PT regime.. heh... get ming and niki over to my plc to do housework! wooo hoo.. i think they'd rather pay me bananas and lift weights....

yes.. i should tell everyone my futile attempt to get a tan this afternoon... *sigh*
its a conspiracy... the sun and the clouds... and some higher being that wants me to stay fair.. =P
i woke up ard noon earlier today and saw that it was BRIGHT and SUNNY outside... my butt still aching from my workout... but i thot that it was a rare chance to get a tan... so i washed up and headed down to the pool... but the moment i got there... it was cloudy... and after a while.. it seemed like it was gonna rain... i was pretty sure i felt a raindrop... so i decided to pack up and shower... the minute i stepped out of the changing room... the sun just appeared from behind the dark clouds..
but i know it's a conspiracy... uurgh.... i will try again... and one fine day i will succeed!!!

before slumber....

its been a long day....
i've got my glass of milk.. i'm all cleaned up... and waiting to get under the covers... the slight drizzle outside makes it harder to resist sleep... but i shall make this one entry for today.... for all the loyal visitors of this blog...;)

let's see.. some highlights of the day....

*going ard campus with yuanxin... heh.. we were evil.. we went to the library just to check out the people who were studying for exams.. gosh.. they were everywhere.... of course we felt kinda smug that we are done for the semester... but deep down inside...i guess we were a little envious... i think we both wouldn't mind that life where it was just studying for exams... rather than racking our brains over some project... exams are not personal... projects get personal and drive u nuts... so i guess...the ppl in the library prob saw us as lucky asses who din have to study... but they will never know...

*my medical appt... my dental hygiene has improved.. or so says my 'dentist'... despite the fact that i never had much chances to brush my teeth during the submission period...heh... but i can't say that a trip to the dental clinic is ever pleasant... the sound that the scaling thing makes... like that of fingernails against a chalk board... its no wonder why kids can develop a phobia... and as they get older... they just refuse to see the dentist unless they hv to... anyway... that wasn't the worse part... i think the worse part about going to nuh to hv my teeth cleaned is the possibility of meeting ABT... eeks... the densest ex-jc classmate one could ever have... and thanks to the rain.. i had to endure a PAINFUL bus ride with him.... NEVER AGAIN....

*it was a long day at the gym.... but i think ming would appreciate it... haaha... NO PAIN NO GAIN... just remember that... you will be all FAB by christmas... i realise that i should consider it a career alternative... i should be able to survive on all the free bananas, pastries and fish dumplings that i get from my little trainer stint....

*later in the nite pris, stacy, jingmei, ephrem, kelly and i met up to celebrate jaron's 25th bday... i joined the gang when the adjourned to the esplanade... while waiting for them to get there... i manage to catch Robert Fernando... so old time singer... performing at the outdoor amphitheater... it was kinda nice... he serenaded the audience with some OLDIES which i din noe... except for I Can't Smile Without You.... and then later on sang christmas carols.. and as he sang The Christmas Song.. (the one more commonly known as the chestnut song...) and the feeling of the gentle breeze... i understood the meaning of ZONE 1224-1225.... it does feel a little colder come x'mas.. and we all need that special someone for that added warmth... lucky me... i had my FCUK sweater... heh... i will always remember how happy i was to find YOU at the tangs sale... 60% off!!!

*anyway.... we had YUMmY chocolate cake... i am glad i don't have to diet... and HAPPY BELATED BDAY jaron.... and since its already the 24th... happy bday TOFOO... heh.... both of u are a quarter of a century old....

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

from yvette's blog... this is me...

You Are From Venus

You love all forms of beauty. You love dressing up and anything luxurious.
A social butterfly, you're incredibly popular and a great host.
You're known for your fairness and affection. And as a frind to all.
Careful though! You're desire to please may make you too willing to conform.
Be yourself. Focus on what matters to you. You'll be all the more popular for it.

and after so long....

haha.... wah... really long time no see... especially since you've been back for so long.... so congratulations... u hunted me down and handed me the money clip.. thanks.... hopefully it will bring me luck... like gimme some money to clip it with... if not it will just be a paper clip... heh..
but anyway... since i will be hitting the gym pretty regularly, given that its the HOLIDAYS.. i guess i'll be seeing u a few more times before u flock of to europe again... for your winter holidays... girl, you are the envy of many you know that rite??

anyway... i shall just say that today i hv promoted myself to the league of SKINNY PEOPLE WHO CAN EAT... haha... poor charmaine... i must hv freaked u out with my non stop eating from 630pm... all the way till desert courtesy of SHUER... and when i got home... i was still hungry... so i ate chocolate love letters... hmm.... i dunno... maybe its coz of the workout... either that or its coz i'm feeling more relaxed these days... so hence the improved appetite.... charmaine thinks that its worms... heh... let's hope not..... well, so long as i keep hitting the gym... i think this new and improved appetite shouldn't matter....

well, anyway... i think for the next few days my GRAND plan will be to spruce up my room... get some good feng shui and good karma... like they say in SATC.. good bed karma is very important.. heh.... and yes... playing cupid!!! hahaha... i luurve my new assignment.... anyway... i think there will be some erm.. rejects along the way.. so any of u girls wanna try my matchmaking services can just gimme a buzz....

its been a long day.... erm.. i'm lying... i woke up after noon... so i guess the nite is still young.... but hv to make a trip down to school tmw... so i had better tune my clock to a more normal time zone.....

ok... time to remove the mask and go to bed.... for those who dunno me well... DON'T JUDGE ME NOW.. as for the rest... haha... my BODY SHOP stuff hv been underutilized... i better use it... coz erm.. haha.. lets just say i wouldn't wanna depend on advantageous lighting all the time... (rite cc??? )

Friday, November 19, 2004


Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
just to entice all the ipods out there.. toyboy, lobo... erm.. dunno what are the names for jan's, niki's, yv's and ting's... but so cool rite?? socks to keep them warm in winter!!!

too bad lepetitmac can't fit into it.. =P

it all ends somehow...

finally.. i have managed to end the semester... but of course no one knows if we survived.. like the beach babe said... " i hate to see TBK all over again!!" we can only keep our fingers crossed...

well... i am pleased... and also a bit embarrased... to announce that i have FINALLY finished my independent study module essay... i think some of u are probably more relieved than i am.. but yup... its OVER.... i am free... like the rest of you.. and to those having exams... TOO BAD!!!! i've paid my dues... blearrgh...

ooh... its NOV 19th.. so i should wish my brother a HAPPY 26th bday!!!! heh... but he doesn't visit this site.. coz he doesn't know... oh well.... its the thought that counts rite?

and now for some well deserved sleep... back to hibernation mode...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

something off my playlist...

(taken from KITE by U2 from "All That You Can't Leave Behind")

I want you to know
That you don't need me anymore
I want you to know
You don't need anyone, anything at all

Who's to say where the wind will take you
Who's to know what it is will break you
I don't know which way the wind will blow
Who's to know when the time has come around
Don't wanna see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye

In summer I can taste the salt in the sea
There's a kite blowing out of control on a breeze
I wonder what's gonna happen to you
You wonder what has happened to me

I'm a man, I'm not a child
A man who sees
The shadow behind your eyes

Monday, November 15, 2004


i have been in a state of inactivity...
hoping that when i wake up from this state of blurriness...
life would make some sense...
this isn't melancholy....
neither is it depression...
just inactivity...
perhaps one up from being comatozed...
cos i could go about my life if i wanted to...

the mind was willing but the body was weak...
now the body's well rested... but the brain is kinda srewy...

we are all waiting for the end of the semester...
somehow it has taken over our lives...
despite being so resistant and determined at the start...
we all fall prey...
when we have so little control...
is it a wonder why there is so little will?

perhaps it just seems too comfortable here...
within the confines of my room that is starting to clutter up...
the media being my main portal to the outside world...
i wanna be reached... so as to validate my existence...
yup... a msg to let me know that i am still alive...
but no more than that...

i have not gone bonkers, neither am i nearly suicidal...
so before anyone overreacts...
this is just a blog before 0800hrs

Thursday, November 04, 2004

2 elves 2 scones and a cuppa later....

its 0210 hrs... and its pretty quiet here in the comp lab.. i wonder where everyone went... maybe to catch some sleep before giving it that last spurt of energy... powered by adrenaline, red bull and the company of frens...
Extra Loving Vanquishes Evil Submission
so thanks to boh and ming for making their second appearance here in SDE3.... of course a little more than moral support this time round.. greatly appreciated.. and i promise to stop being overwhelmed by gratitude.. and just pay you... hahaa one bottle of evian coming up... erm.. and i think i won't be able to afford to pay charmy boh....
so... just to share that lil bit of extra lovin'... good luck to all you guys who are working on the submission... and do appreaciate ur own elves... hee.... be it moral support elves who bring down porridge or supper.. (w00t w00t)
or elves who are helping u do photoshop and model... we shall proclaim 8th Nov as ELF day haha....
ok... enough crap for now... first crap of november... i wished i blogged it without eyebags and zits.. but its a virtual world... so i sign off here with flawless complexion and a renewed zest for life!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

for once... a blog that isn't about ME

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
hey guys... just throwing in an advert for priscilla... i told her i would help her promote her tshirt... which is part of a fund raiser for this community service trip to cambodia... of course i can't imagine myself going there to rough it out... so this is my little bit for the good cause...
it is retailing at a discounted price of $10...
hope the pic gives a clear idea of what it looks like... and it comes in three colours.. black (always classy and goes with everything... and a slimming colour!) a light blue as well as green...
my honest opinion of the tshirt?
heh... i told priscilla that i would get a tshirt before i even saw it.. no, i wasn't conned... truth be told the quality isn't the best... coz maybe they themselves didn't find a reliable source for the tshirt.. but i'm sure after a few washes it will be a comfy tee...
yup, i bought it with the intention of showing her my support of her and the cause that she is working for... and can i just say this... she has been working very hard... and she shared with me how that it is the thought that she is doing something meaningful and worthwhile that keeps her going amidst this busy period of submission and all... so now i think that i really do want to support the cause and its not about her... :)
so if u guys are interested... you can msg me.. or write to pris directly... to frens who are working... just imagine contributing an hour at work to this cause... yup? it can always seem like such a small gesture that can make a lot of difference...
to those who wanna contribute but don't really fancy the t-shirt? they are also raising funds through sales of pineapple tarts... $10 for 33pcs.. erm.. they are pretty yummy... that's why i don't have a picture of it... :P

ok... maybe i will put a link to the site that they set up for their expedition in one of the later blogs.. coz i think they still need help where possible like collection of newspapers and all.. so if u guys are interested just let me know yar?

ps: for those who are visiting this blog, currently not in spore... but willing to contribute to the cause... just drop me a msg... we'll see what can be done..

thanks for reading!!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

and this is lepetitmac....

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
heh.. for those of u who din noe... but of course most of u already do.. lepetitmac is my expensive toy... my ibook.... and thot i'd blog a nice little photo of it (courtesy of SE T610)... since tonight i will be writing my paper with it from the 'comforts' of my own room....
as u can see... that is my little make shift desk... a drawing board on top of stacked plastic containers... heh.. looks neat... but thats the power of photography... i guess i will hv to do something bout my work station this coming sch break... maybe some ikea shopping...
anyway.. let me just say a bit more about the photo and my room... if u look closely on my desk.. there is a MUJI calendar courtesy of ming... from the days of cpg... gosh... i still hv it on my desk.. and u probably can't see this... 8th NOV is marked out... heh... i can't wait to cross that one out....
and there is a STARBUCKS TOKYO mug.. with my own version of double-shot latte inside.. (basically its 2 sachets of 3in1 coffee with water only for one, topped off with low fat milk...) mug courtesy of zaki in japan now... i wonder if i sent him a link??
a 2046 postcard... and steel rule (how archi-like)...
yup.. and with some music playing in the background (currently N.E.R.D's fly or die... and alternating with some gospel from hillsong...)

and i guess i'm all set to write my paper....
hope u guys enjoyed this sneak peek at my humble home... :)

Saturday, October 30, 2004

blog block...

am i running out of stuff to blog??
i could write about my breakfast... thosai and curry @ the school canteen otherwise lesser known as techno edge (coz we share the canteen with the enginering fac.. and they have SO much creativity when it comes to naming the canteen... they may as well named it after their favourite math module... COMPLEX CALCULUS... now that would be a cool name for the canteen....)
i could write about supper last nite... NISSIN cup noodles from teh COOP at the FOYER just outside the studio... (all the MSG isn't exactly helping my brain inactivity...)
i could write about my friday nite... that i spent in school trying to DO more of my poject... (what were u expecting??)

but as the submission day draws every closer... its down to SINGLE digits already... i am looking foward to the life after... heh.. already ZOUK keeps ringing at the back of my head... i wanna go dancing... just boogie the nite away.... alrite... of course the usual drink or two... ok.. maybe three and four... its just one of those times when i think beer and loud music can bring some sort of... i dunno what's the word for it.. damn the MSG!... its like some kind of comfort i guess... yes... all my elves (read: kind frens who have offered to help with my project... and will be helping with the project if they do not wish to see me dig my own grave come 8th november....) all my elves.. WE ARE GONNA HAVE A NIGHT OUT!!! woo hoo.... whoopeee.. rite... but now its "oh back to reality..."

but the holidays isn't exactly long either... what can we do in six weeks??? erm.. work??? yikes... absolutely not the most alluring of options... altho i sure could use the money... right... need a digicam an ipod!! ok.. so maybe it was an inappropiate use of the word NEED..... i CRAVE for them... heh....

ok its now 0800hrs... its back to work i guess... a project and a paper awaits...

*think positive thoughts*

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

files unloading...

your brain probably runs like the scratch disk of the computer... and blogging is sorta like clearing the scratch disk...
i realised that while i am 'hard at work' a lot of random thoughts just pop up.. things that i wouldn't mind delving into... explore the thought and see what comes into fruition.. but alas... i have my crummy project that requires my time and attention (read: sitting at the desk for hours staring at it... hoping that by the time i snap out of this zombified state, the project would have completed itself... )
anyway... as i was saying... the PERFORMANCE of the brain thus slows down over time due to the accumulation of all these random thoughts taking up scratch disk space.... but aren't we lucky that this blog is our EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE... so that we can unload some of these RTF (random thought files)... of course.. my preferred portable hard drive would be an iPOD... but we shouldn't conjure anymore random thoughts now...


i wish i was out in the sun..
i could be saoking up the UV... but i wouldn't mind the ageing effect.. after all MEN age better...

why am i not in love?
will i be left on the shelf?? wait... MEN age better... life most definitely begins at 40...

i need new earphones.. i need new white earphones... i need earphones to go with my MEGA iPOD....
these free ones are killing my ears.. but i have protruding ears so its a good thing that these earphones are keeping them pressed to my head....

i no longer have my hair hiding my ears... i hv protruding ears... and i hv never watched dumbo....

what day is it today?? is it monday? no.. i caught ANTM last nite... was it the nite before? but i already know who won.... XIOMARA!!! heh.. oh wait... she just got eliminated... aw shucks..... was i really rooting for her....

i'm glad i have my earphones on... no on knows that i am BOBBING along to britney.... GROOVEY... i need to retain my street cred....

what is a MOLO? did i just dream of the MOLO? hmmm... it looked interesting... if i 'invent' it i might be rich... what is a MOLO... i am not telling you... you just wanna steal my idea..


that can't be all... but that will have to do... at least my sanity is safe for now...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

just a little thank you blog...

you guys know who you are...
haha... in my darkest hour...
wendy... thanks for scaring me with the story bout the cpg healthcare COW... it brings back the wonderful memories of internship... those prank calls...
yvette... for your good thoughts... keep sending them out!
charmy boh... the selfless elf.... i really do hope i hv something for u to do soon... erm.. don't worry i won't sub u out ;)

chinny pal... don't think the skin head is really the look for me...
ming ming... erm... haha... we'll bitch when we get back yar?
janeece... erm... just saying hi! haha....
fatty lai... haha... your faith is a positive influence lah... dun say dun hv...
ting... mms me all u want! :)

and for the little cheer me up gift pack + POSTCARD ... thanks... much appreciated... its reversing the ANDROIDfication process.. darn!

special mention: MY KOREAN BABE.. hahaa... u must be so thrilled...

ok this blog is boring... but just wanted to give a little speech coz i am overwhelmed... yes i am....
ok back to work

Sunday, October 24, 2004

heard this twice on my hour long ride to schoooo...

(performed by kelly clarkson composed by avril lavigne)

Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I just stared out my window
Dreaming of a could-be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray

Trying not to reach out
But when I'd try to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray
I could breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)
And breakaway

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging around wild indoors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway

i was away in slumberland for 16hrs....

you guys must be wondering how the hell did i do it... to be in a deep sleep for 14hrs.... which translate to a whole lot of minutes.. and to those who are really keen on math.... a f*** lot of seconds... yes... i was in a DEEP sleep... i probably had some funny dream where i had no idea of the work that awaits me in the real world.... i was proabably busy trying to help some other person... yes... my dreams often whisk me into this realm where i would be trying to save some poor helpless soul... solve some murder mystery... or just screaming at my mother... in the dream world... we are oblivious to shit that we are in when we wake....
maybe it was the weather... the rain just makes it all the more tempting to remain snuggled up under the covers... the clouds hide the sun fooling you into believing that its no later than a little past 8am on a saturday... only to realise that... no shit... its already 1630hrs.... and ur weekend is already half gone....
but no regrets i guess.. the flu bug is taking its toll on my body... as much as the mind wants to stay awake... the body just can't deal with it... i slept till i had enough sleep... and i feel much better....

mr ang... thanks for your offer of singing me a lullaby... but i really don't think i wanna be knocked unconscious from now till the 8th nov... yes i would not have to face the horrors of submission... but i really dun wanna grow mouldy on my bed...

Saturday, October 23, 2004

and at long last... my new hairdo...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
ok.. in the background you might be able to see the beach babe.... but no she ain't in a bikini cos the digital studio is too FREAKIN' cold.....

why do bad things happen to good people??

ok... as you can all see... my previous blog has a glorious 9comments... but in actual fact there is only 4... the extra 5 was due to a serious of mouse clicking while waiting for the slow network... i really couldnt tell if it was being posted or not...
horrors... 5 copies of the comments were added... and boy was i glad that i saw that little trash can attached to the posts... "yay! i can clean up the mess"

but now it leaves an ugly scar!!!! uuurgh.... *miffed*
i pulled a "priscilla" and i so regret it... my blog is ruined....


and i never thought this day would come...

its 1000hrs... friday and i just went to the co-op to get myself a cup noodles... kimchi flavoured or something like that... the description was in korean.. but the pictures looked yummy...
i am preparing myself for the inevitable... late nites in school....
and at the end of the intership b4 the start of the semester i was still smug about how i would be doing work from HOME... on my little white mac... and never will i hv to suffer from morning cramps resultant of bad sleeping positions... (and i'm not talking about the karma sutra here.. just positions like SITTING ON THE CHAIR BENT OVER ON THE TABLE, or most prefer FREEZING TO DEATH IN THEIR SLEEPING BAGS)
anyway,... its CRUNCH TIME... and i am no where near ready for it...

Hi JAN! i still hv no idea how to add links to my frend's on this blog.. and no time to figure it out at the moment... Hi YVETTE!!! hvnt seen u in a while.. hope you are fine..

and to my lovely korean babe aka my neighbour aka the mother of the children that i am supposed to babysit... HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hw've u been?? still reading my blogs???
haha... update me on any happenings in blk 688d ok??

oops... sorry to others reading the blog,... i digress...
its back to work for now...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

from the not so distant past... i almost forgot about this

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
in this strange place that i have never been
the overwhelming sense of loneliness gets to me
perhaps i sought comfort in your familiarity
there's no one here with me but you
could this be what is not meant to be?
but neither of us has the courage

you are not my solace within this city
this is merely an unfortunate misunderstanding
reminding me of the past that i long to escape from
in this labyrinth of anonymity and make believe
i can only go on pretending, keeping the truth with me
fearful of the hurt that trails this feeling

let's lose ourselves here in this place
and as we leave this tragic city
we shall be freed from any recollection
as if we had awoken from a dream
filled with faceless and nameless people
and insignificant encounters
disappearing in an instance

*image courtesy of sel

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

the train has left for 2046...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
what am i still doing here?

whisk me away.. make me an android.. no matter how delayed its reaction... make me retarded.. i wouldn't mind....

suffering only exists when the mind is aware... so take away my consciousness... cause what does it matter when now i frankly don't give a damn for anything...

maybe in some ways i am already an android... going through the motion.... if my reaction is truly delayed... then maybe 10 days from now i will be feeling really bitter.... and my current mood is probably due to the bad crits that i had back in 2002... or maybe the horrible time in cpg in 2003... its been so long... i can't figure out which....

if my understanding of the film is correct... the level of retardation of the android is proportional to the time spent on the train... then maybe i've been on this train to 2046 for the longest time... but hv not come to realise it..

i will post again when it all hits me...

in memory of my lost locks...

when things are not going your way... and you just can't wait for the semester to be over and done with... and the tutors can't offer you a solution... perhaps the best thing for you is a new do.... so i went out and got myself one...
so this first blog is dedicated to my old hairdo.. and to mark the day of the new hairdo... a refreshing start to end the semester... school is crazy at the moment... but i guess not everyone has it smooth sailing all the time...
so for those of you who are mulling over your concept, studying for that morning quiz that you can never make it in time for, keeping your fingers crossed while coding the programme that you spent the weekend creating, and to that one friend who is getting over his break up...


so far only a quartet of babes hv seen my new hairdo... heh.. namely the korean babe + her mama, the beach babe aka the diving babe and erm, ray ray..... the rest of the world will see it in due time...

i figured with this new hairdo i can actually pretend to be my twin brother and skip all my classes... and escape those dreaded moments when you bump into ur tutor in the corridor.. tutors who so happen to be trying to hunt you down for overdue assignments, missed appointments and shitty projects....

anyway, RAY RAY: hope you are not so miserable... caustic remarks aside... just make the best out of the circumstances... i'm in no position to preach... but all this works out in a bigger plan rite?

its 0720hrs and i am in school... the beach babe has fallen asleep... and i am stealing another pineapple tart from the box... trying to appease my growling tummy... waiting for MACS to open...

anyway, this BLOG is part of my holiday plan... in addition to my lineup of bollywood romance and erm, some readings... i thought i'd really want to write... but if i write and no one reads them... it wld be equivalent to not writing at all... so i decided to try this out... but then again, i'll prb only fwd the URL to the few ppl that i know... well, we'll just hv to see how this works out...

wish me luck... i am looking fwd to it... coz when i finally get the chance to get down to doing it... it would mean that the semester was over and i'd survived the remaining three weeks... that is the brighter side of life at the moment...