Friday, December 03, 2004

11 out of 12

i met them all... all the idol finalists... even CANDICE FOO who dropped out of the finals at the last minute...
i saw all but sly... but well, i'm not big on sly....

the first one i actually talked to was DAPHNE... boy was she tiny.... she was a small girl... and kept hanging around this grungy looking guy who is probably her bfren.. heh... all i can say is that she looks very PRETTY in person... much sweeter than she looks on screen... of course those who already think that she is an overdose of saccharine sweetness seeing her on tv might probably die from diabetes seeing her in person....

DAVID YEO... the law student whom i thought had a great voice.. the beng to FLORENCE's lian.... he was surprisingly TALL.... but his grin is still as wide as a cheshire's....

the highlight for MY KOREAN BABE must have been hugging CHRISSYPOO... well, that is one guy that you couldn't hate... yes, he may not have the best voice in the contest... but he has a very likeable personality... and according to my fren... was nice, warm and cuddly to hug... haha....

BEVERLY... she looked like a drag queen... must be the heavy make up... i hope she din hear my friend make that comment...

JESSEA... ok ok so she is pretty... but its no wonder she got booted out so early on.... coz she really has that star quality that the audience can't relate with.... beautiful but distant

OLINDA... my, she is a BIG GIRL... but i must say that she comes across as a pretty friendly person... she probably won't have a music career in this superficial industry... but she might have slimming endorsements going her way....

ah yes.. the infamous JERRY ONG... who was surprisingly shorter than yours truly... i was so tempted to go up to him and say that "hey... i din think that you were that bad after all..." but i had one beer too little... and thought that maybe he was really the worse singer in the final 12...

LEANDRA... i still think that she is overrated... and with all the hoo haa about her pending record deal with all the connection that she has.. i think its getting to her head... we'll just have to see won't we...

let me see who am i forgetting.... ah yes.. MAIA... she is really one HOT MAMA... and she is as tiny as daphne... but of course had erm.. more assets.... heh... but thats the bonus of motherhood i guess... on tv it looks as tho she tries very hard to work that sex bomb image... but in person... at a glam event... she exudes sexiness almost effortlessly....

and not least of all.... TAUFIK... i will remember his warm hand when i congratulated him... and i do think that his eyes are natural and not kohl-enhanced.... hmmm.. maybe i should have asked him if he shared beverly's eyeliner....

free beer, wine and food.... i can't wait for the next season!

1 comment:


my gawdddddd
it sounds AWESOME
i wish i had accepted your offer
but no i had to have prior commitments...
TAUFIK! my idol!
i voted too!
how many i cannot remember...
i swoon when he bats an eyelid whilst singing.. gosh. he really IS good.