Friday, November 26, 2004

field day... until it rained...

today i was an undercover reporter... i was asked by ming to do a review on the sandwich deli's around her workplace as part of her newsletter... seeing the prospects of an all expense paid lunch... and not just one lunch... i haulled my ass out of bed at 1230 and made my way down to raffles place... i got into the food critic mode fast... and was ready to dish out mean reviews... and tearing the outlets to bits... *muahahahahhahaa*
excuse me...
but alas... that style din not go well with the rest of her newsletter.... so all i was expected to do was to go around take pictures and order something to eat.. of course i wasn't expected to eat at every outlet... altho i thought it was just sandwiches... how difficult can it be??

first stop: o'briens irish blah blah blah.....
i ordered, sat down... and looked at my list... *shit* i'm not very good at this... coz i think i just ordered something at the wrong outlet!! why the hell do they have so many outlets within walking distance of each other???
so i whipped out my mobile and got in touch with the BIG KAHUNA... (can someone enlighten me? kahuna means fish rite? or whale?? haha... ) so BIG KAHUNA said... "don't eat anything..."
but i had already ordered... a smoked salmon sandwhich with cream cheese and a side of chips...
BIG KAHUNA then went on to say... "take photo of the food then...."
and it struck me that i wasn't very familiar with my job scope... i quicky put back the quarter of the sandwich that i had already taken a bite of back on the plate... an took a shot of it... hopefully the readers will notice the chips instead... =P

so anyway.... i lapped up the plate of smoked salmon sandwich... and when i was done... boy, was i full... stuffed... i couldn't eat anymore.. and i had 6outlets to go.... i decided to just go around taking pictures.. at least of the more familiar ones... coz the BIG KAHUNA can prob do a writeup on SUBWAY and COFFEE BEAN without needing to do a taste test.... so take photos.. collect menu... try to write a review by looking at what the other patrons have ordered... and judge their facial expressions as they stuffed their hungry faces with the sandwich...

the initial excitement of the undercover work was subsequently dampened by the weather.. which was starting to put me to sleep... oh what i wouldn't give for a nice comfy bed at that time... but i'm a PROFESSIONAL... so i trudged on....

i was so sure that i couldn't eat anymore and hence decide to go for my haircut instead and continue my undercover work tmw alongside the BIG KAHUNA herself... and just as i handed her the camera and was walking towards the mrt station... i may have heard my tummy gave a slight rumble... i was hungry... DAMN!!!! the sandwiches would have come in handy.... but i guess it will have to wait till tmw... in the meantime it was fish dumpling hor fun... *burpp*

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