Saturday, October 23, 2004

and at long last... my new hairdo...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
ok.. in the background you might be able to see the beach babe.... but no she ain't in a bikini cos the digital studio is too FREAKIN' cold.....


et said...

your hair was a shocker ... its been years since I was able to see ur ears ... haha!
well, your head must be so much lighter now ... thinking better already?!
go get a bluetooth module for ur iBook lah ... save all the hassle and GPRS bills for the mms!

lepetitmac said...

ok i posted a reply.. but the it doesnt seem to be appearing... so in any case i will write it again... and add some stuff to it.. just in case it happens like the prev time...
as i was saying... yes... ears glorious ears!
and how ms chock will be so pleased when we do meet up for lunch one of these days....
erm... head is lighter.. but not neccessarily thinking better... so there...
trying to hang in there for 2more weeks...
still hv a whole PAPER to write....*sigh*