Tuesday, March 01, 2005

goodbye DOOL

tonight mark the last episode of DOOL...
not that it's ended its run... in fact we are still a couple of years behind what is being aired in the states...
what's DOOL you ask?
Days Of Our Lives... that soap opera set in SALEM that never seems to end...
but due to the poor viewership here in Spore... ch5 has decided to take it off air...
how sad...

it was an on-off relationship....
one of those series that you could just stop watching it completely for a few mths.. and then one day out of the blue turn it on again to find that time really passes by slowly in SALEm... 'like sands thru the hourglass...so are the days of our lives..'
the characters are still the same... ok maybe some switching of partners here and there... a chip inserted into a brain somewhere... but whatever it is... all evil deeds lead back to STEFANO

and so it is done... the last episode they will air... leaving nothing resolved...
will sammi die?
will john marry marlena?
will hope/princess gina succeed?
will lucas tell the truth?
will eric end up with nicole?
will they ever convict stefano?

we'll never know now will we?



hahah I actually used to watch DOOL back in hall during the wee hours of the morning when all hall people with their screwed up bio clocks are still awake.... Was rather entertaining I must say...

shoe slut said...


u guys must be kidding

hey ch, did i mentioned that i hv initiated cc into the world of satc? he knows all abt how carrie fell in paris dior now :)

lepetitmac said...

err... haha... as much as i love the show.. its not a miracle maker.. it can't transform him... try harder dearie.... heh...

shoe slut said...

i know, it is like how u want to accept challenges (shall not say more...or will keena..u know what i mean)


bitch!!! don't think i don't know what you're referring to!!! argh. i'm hungry...

shoe slut said...

not i say one..i merely quoted

hope u r having fun, but by the time u read this, it shld be..hope u HAD fun