Thursday, March 31, 2005

coffee cup

coffee cup
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
notice the rings on the cup... heh.. like a the rings in the tree... it tells u the age...
hmm.. i wonder if it helps to supply the body with a small but steady stream of caffiene....


sneakyniki said...

you are REALLY bored.. hahaha

shoe slut said...

what is this i see?! it is not even starbucks! my poor child...when do u want your godiva?

lepetitmac said...

there isn't a starbucks within a 2mile radius here u know...
godiva? errr.. no need so high crass lah.. haha.. altho i know that my elves are now 'glam elves'...

shoe slut said...

'glam elves'? we havent received our nike socks yet...glam or not...we are still elves


the rings show that you took a REALLY long time to finish your coffee, and tt by the time you took this pic, the coffee would have been cold, tasteless and yucky. eeks