Saturday, October 23, 2004

and i never thought this day would come...

its 1000hrs... friday and i just went to the co-op to get myself a cup noodles... kimchi flavoured or something like that... the description was in korean.. but the pictures looked yummy...
i am preparing myself for the inevitable... late nites in school....
and at the end of the intership b4 the start of the semester i was still smug about how i would be doing work from HOME... on my little white mac... and never will i hv to suffer from morning cramps resultant of bad sleeping positions... (and i'm not talking about the karma sutra here.. just positions like SITTING ON THE CHAIR BENT OVER ON THE TABLE, or most prefer FREEZING TO DEATH IN THEIR SLEEPING BAGS)
anyway,... its CRUNCH TIME... and i am no where near ready for it...

Hi JAN! i still hv no idea how to add links to my frend's on this blog.. and no time to figure it out at the moment... Hi YVETTE!!! hvnt seen u in a while.. hope you are fine..

and to my lovely korean babe aka my neighbour aka the mother of the children that i am supposed to babysit... HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hw've u been?? still reading my blogs???
haha... update me on any happenings in blk 688d ok??

oops... sorry to others reading the blog,... i digress...
its back to work for now...


shoe slut said...

my dear,

i had to start an account just to post a comment on ur blog. unleash the floodgates. cheer up, u found an elf to help with ur model :) or at the very least, she will give it a pretty good shot, afterall, it seems like another world to her right now

lepetitmac said...

oops.. i think i forgot to activate the anonymous comment option... sorry sorry... haah... since when are u called shoe slut ah? no longer princess ming??
heh... so are u starting a blog too?? but i think between work and shopping and going out... u can hardly find time to blog rite??
hey... i am counting on u as chief elf! with boh and erm.. ray ray?? yup... ray ray has followed in ur footsteps...
ok lah.. back to work...

gosh.. that's life rite now... work... blog... work... eat... blog... work... blog....


shoe slut said...

princess chichi no more, perhaps never was...when you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, everything falls in perspective.

lepetitmac said...

at least you are getting your 8hrs of sleep and you hv some form of income... if u ask me... your days of scraping the barrel ended when u decided to give up the archi life... heh.. but maybe for you... 'living off our parents' was the way to go... but everyone starts some where... little miss chi chi will soon be back... u just need to find the driver of the rite car... ;)

lepetitmac said...
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lepetitmac said...
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lepetitmac said...
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hi chinny!
the scars are unsightly man
but anyway this is just to make it a nice round number of 10! wheee
i will teach you how to add friends links when i have time... meanwhile, stare harder at those html jargon and try to figure it out!!!! it will be a sense of accomplishment if u manage to do it believe me. :)