Thursday, March 31, 2005

coffee cup

coffee cup
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
notice the rings on the cup... heh.. like a the rings in the tree... it tells u the age...
hmm.. i wonder if it helps to supply the body with a small but steady stream of caffiene....

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

glued to my little corner... on *leblackdell*

i am becoming a permanent fixture in the comp suite...

since i'm not trying to revert to a more normal working hours...
and avoiding the need to stay overnite in school...
that means that i try to get to the comp suite real early... and leave before the last bus/train service...

it's been about a week.. give and take... on/off.... heh.. when i am not out hobnobbing with fellow bees and butterflies...

and ppl have been asking me if i've just been in school all this while... jeez... i do go home to shower and rewax my hair... its hard to maintain this look if i stay in sch 24/7 you know...

well.. looks like ppl come to school and expect me to be sitting in my little corner... clicking away on the keyboard and mouse... (sometimes cadding... sometimes blogging..) but come 9th april (which is two days b4 the actual submission date)... they're not gonna see me sitting here!... *muahahhaaaa*.... i'll finish early... i will... i so0o0oo0o0o0o000o0oo will...

either that or i'll just be in a different corner making my model.. which wldnt be a bad thing either...


Sunday, March 27, 2005

singapore fashion week

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.

the b. and the butterfly

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
here we are at the guest lounge... before the bubbly..

me + jac

me + jac
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
ok i had to crop off the butterfly... so this picture looks slightly imbalanced.. its not poor composition on the part of the b. and no... i wasn't sneakily standing behind jacelyn to get my photo taken...

the b. the butterfly and the frower....

1630 hrs: cali gym rp
last minute prep to fill out the shirt... as if it wasn't already tight... but who knows who we'll meet tonite..

1710hrs: quick shower and change into the in place... time to meet the b.

1725hrs: the b. is parked, waiting... invites at hand... and we're off to takashimaya where the butterfly is waiting....

1750hrs: we are greeted by the nice lady at the door... asking us which sponsors are we with... errrps... RIDGEMONT!!! or issit RICHMOND? ah... but we get our free champagne anyway... things are starting to look up...

1800hrs: we have our second round of bubbly.... and some photog comes over to take our pictures... haha... maybe they will use our photographs and give us fake names... ah... the only evidence of the b. the butterfly and the frower together... from then onwards they are no longer photographed together... well, at least for the duration of the nite...david gan appears!... the b. and the butterfly refuses to go up to take photos...

1820hrs: the organizers make a call for the guests to be seated since THE LINK fashion show will commence soon... the trio makes their way in... strange woman shoves lucky draw coupon to the butterfly... the b. and the frower are shocked by the strange elitistism...

1825hrs: short guy with dreadlocks asks if we are from the media... (coz apparently only the ppl from the media gets a free copy of harpers bazaar... *pfftttt*) i COULD be from the press... MAJALAH FESYEN MALAYSIA SDN BHD... and i have my own little publication called the BLOG which does have a daily readership of TEN on a good day... which is about my lifestyle and fashion.. bah.... what does he know...

1840hrs: show commences.. but its really the celeb spotting that we are concerned with... OOH.... there goes lilin... an allan... you certainly cldn't tell that she just gave birth... gasp... jacelyn tay.. who is almost 2dimensional... and we are not referring to her acting... stick thin wld be an overstatement the new roberto cavalli line comes on... ooh.... woman with strangely perky boobs and upturned nipples showing thru the dress... and model showing one boob on the run way (no no it was no wardrobe malfunction.. but similarly intentional)... the challanges of the modelling industry

1900hrs: show ends... we spot jacelyn and insists that we take a photo... the b. had to helm the camera.. and the butterfly requests that she is cropped from the photo.. time to make a quick stop for dinner...

1950hrs: round two... and two more rounds of bubbly... we are dizzy with excitement... the crowd after dark is visibly dressier.. POIS show... our seats weren't as great this time round... but we are one row in front of the models from the last show... i can only imagine how frumpy we looked... nothing too interesting in this show.. no tripping models.. no boob baring stunt.. the bubbly gets to our head and we are starting to feel sleepy...

2100hrs: inspired by the whole fashion experience the butterfly rushes down to zara to model this girly dress... the butterfly asks the frower..

bfly: what do u think?
frwr: it looks kinda girly... (read: you should dress ur own age)
bfly: yar... so pretty rite???!! (read: i'm really only listening to what i want to hear....)

2200hrs: a trip to starbucks... three lattes (two skinny and one fatty... the coffee!! what were u thinking??)... and we are ready to head home....

ps: for those who don't quite get the story... charmaine, ming and i went for a fashion show... for the singapore fashion week.. it was a blast... we'll let you figure out who's the b. the butterfly and the frower.... ;)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

corporal punishment....

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

i will not use my cashcard to buy any more snacks from the vending machine

Monday, March 21, 2005

no thank you mr cab driver...

i will take the bus today...
i will forgo the extra 15mins of sleep... and also desperate housewives...
i'll just have to catch that when it comes out on dvd...
i'll while away the time on the long ride out of EternitY... reading my 8days...
which is getting awfully thin... and still costs $2...


back at school again waiting for my rochor tau huey and godiva chocolates...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

sunday morning...

the national anthem plays in the background...
its the start of a new day... according to the radio...
and i am waiting for the first bus to leave clementi interchange so that i can trot back to eternity (ie: admiralty)... yes... in school again... this is kinda like a punishment since i was getting any work done the entire day bumming at home...
it was terrible of me... i know... not that i am counting on elves at the end of it all... i am not, k... trying to cope on my own lah.. besides.. i still owe them lunch....
let's see... hvnt blogged in a while.. i shall do a quick update...
thursday: met the 77 year old love of ming's life... gouzai.. and i think its cos that he likes humping her arm... quite cute lah... errr.... but i am a dog lover... ming is a dog stalker... i bet the owners must think that she is psychotic... but then again they are prob happy to hv found a doggysitter when they need to go on a holiday...
friday: felicity stuff.... yup... things that the lecturers do behind close doors... haha... got a inside look at how they mark assignments... gosh... the sheer generosity in passing this student who cldnt even spell durian correctly... yup, which in itself suggests the relevance of his work since he actually used the word durian to describe the esplanade...
dinner with ming.... actually i had desert... MUDDY MUD PIE... and she had dinner... some expensive maggi noodles... and then aggy boh made an appearance and they made their way down to ICE COLD while i went to work off the paunch... (heh... been seeing too many flabby 40 year old men... i will not risk it..) oh yes... i stalked ming and boh with my 'hand me down' haha... i shall post the absolutely unflattering shots of my two models (read: unsuspecting subjects) soon.. once i get a cable to hook it up....

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

show me da money....

ok.. just a little bit on my whole felicity exerience... no no... i did not go get a waitering job like she did with dean n' deluca... i mean my little stint as a TEACHING ASSISTANT... yes moi... teaching.... WHAT?? i can keep all personal and mean remarks to myself ok!! i can be encouraging and cordial... when i want to that is.... (need i remind you ppl of my SINGA award??!)

erh hemm....

anyway. you might notice that it is 5am... and i just spent the last 2hrs going thru a lot of crappy submissions.... *sigh* why don't ppl take ur advice and suggestions... i cld hv just kept quiet during the presentation u know... and it wldnt hv made a difference... and now i hv to place a GRADE on their submissions... and don't even get me started on some of the submission from the cross-fac students.... jeez... why do they think there was the need to specify the size A3 when they are just gonna mount the A3 sheet on another bigger piece of paper???????

now i can understand what yuanxin meant... haha... and u think my group is better than urs??

hmm.... oh well... i can only put myself in their shoes and lower my standards... dun want them to do too badly also lah... but when they do well... DO THEY EVEN REMEMBER the poor TA who took ard JALAN BESAR and SERANGOON ROAD by foot??!! sweating like mad in the afternoon sun and humid weather???!

uurgh.... SHOW ME DA MONEY... SOON!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

i could get used to this life....

who am i kidding....
i am better off as an errand boy or trainer for the sugarmas out there....
life wld be so much simpler...
picking up lipbalm from kiehls'... or fancy chocolates from royce...
maybe one day i get to hop down to GUCCI...
that's what i call climbing the ERRAND BOY LADDER....
but i should probably start small..
maybe tiffany's....
that wld be fun... ming... work harder... i can be a more sophisticated nellie.... i will still deliver ur handphone to ur office... or do some silly thing like put metal spoons in the fridge... no mistakes there... i won't put the clay spoons...

how bout it? let's negotiate a price... i am reasonable.... i will take a cut of whatever ur husband gives u... heh... so u had better not get hitched to a bum... just make sure he's a rich bum lah...

i think i'm losing it... to many hours in school.. either that or its the mac's they serve here... eeks...

Monday, March 14, 2005

as you can see i'm taking a break... here's something for u to read as well...

As a sensitive and compassionate Cancer, you do well in all kinds of care professions. You are intuitive and nurturing, which makes you the most social, kindhearted, and compassionate sign of the zodiac.

To make use of this unique gift you may decide to become a psychologist, a social worker, or a nurse. Being the water sign that you are, even professions that provide pleasure are ideal for you; you may enjoy working as a body worker in a spa, as a waiter in a little neighborhood restaurant, or as a skipper on a cruise ship.

As a Cancer, you could make use of your protective, "motherly" instinct (which applies to both male and female Crabs!) and decide to become a kindergarten or elementary school teacher, or perhaps a lawyer protecting the rights of the underprivileged. Since you like to create not only a safe, but also a beautiful environment, you would also enjoy working as an architect, interior designer, a florist, or landscape artist.

Cancers are also excellent business people and make fine executives. Because of the strong influence of the Moon, careers involving the public, such as advertising, public relations, or talent, are also popular choices for your sign. As a Cancer, you like the deep connection with people, and you may decide to become a psychotherapist or a consultant.

Generally, your coworkers see you as warm, compassionate and supportive. In arguments you tend to take things too personal, and your coworkers may wish you would be more objective and realistic. However, when things get heated at the job, they appreciate your peacemaker traits.

As a boss you are very loyal and protective of your team. You try to help and support them whenever you can. However, since you are a very emotional being, you may have extreme mood swings.

The secret of your success is your intuition and imagination. You are able to create an atmosphere of safety and comfort - an invaluable gift, especially for the people who are in need for it.

my gawd its almost time for breakfast...

waiting for the canteen to open...
i shall console myself with a nice bowl of yong tau hu soup...
yes... alone again... not that i mind really...
coz i wasn't counting on the ONLINE-COMPANY... since one by one the ppl on my msn list seem to hv disappeared...

after about 9hrs of work... trying to figure out an intelligent way to do some permutations... i found a FLAW... uurgh... or if i was doing programming... a bug...
eye bags... dementia... and maybe a bit of alzheimer's... all these for NOTHING... a tedious process that amounted to nothing...
maths was never my best subject...
i can't seem to find a way to account for all the CASES in the permutation... uurgh...

hmmm... seems like i always try to compensate for my lack of decisiveness by putting in more hours... which translates to sacrificing sleep... but what else can i do? if i need more time as compared to other ppl... i had better make more time... can't expect me to compromise rite? well... at least its only for a few weeks more...

it can't be all that bad now can it?

*think happy thoughts*


how do u like me now...

my new jacket
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
heh.. was bored in school... its almost 3am and pris had just decided to go home... leaving me ALL alone... well.. at least ZARA is keeping me company.. like the collar? wait till u see the rest!! =)

ps: thanks sugama...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

guess where i am...

its that time of the year again..
time to slog...
time to hone the art of clicking the mouse with one hand and typing shortcut commands with the other...

co= copy
ma= matchprop
o= offset
f= fillet
tr= trim
br= break
di= dimension
pl= polyline

and the list goes on...

just a blog from school... taking a break from trying to organize the circulation and the lift cores for this project that will never see the light of day... paper archtiecture most difenitely... the only way to redeem it.. STUNNING GRAPHICS... ah... its a superficial world... and its a superficial industry... it's no wonder i am who i am...
it is natural selection... against all things that aren't bright and beautiful...

oh whatta nite... (i really shouldn't have..)

one sappy love story...
which i quite liked... i don't seem to remember the last time i caught a chick flick like this... does it count as a chick flick?? hmm... LOVE's BROTHER... part of the australian film fest...

total bitch lip balm...
thanks ming... heh... but it makes the lips really oily leh... it felt like not having tissue paper after lunch.. but of course its not in the practicality of the gift... more so the significance rite???

'total bitch lip balm... for vindictive bitches on ur side!'

wanton mee and wanton cc...
all the talk bout strangling jan made us hungry....
all i can say is... KEEP THE THOUGhTS TO YOURSELF boy!!

and a late nite latte... how decadent...
especially when the semester hits overdrive...
my car is still parked.. =P
i shall not make anymore excuses for my slack behaviour...
i will just admit it... heh....

ps: did i forget to mention my new acquisition? heh... watch out world!! i hv a new jacket! =)

Friday, March 11, 2005

allow me to plagiarize...

You may not believe it
But i don't believe in miracles anymore
And when i think about it
I don't believe i ever did for sure
All the things i've said in songs
All the purple prose you bought from me
Reality's just black and white
The sentimental things i'd write
Never meant that much to me

You don't need to hear it
But i'm dried up and sick to death of love
If you need to know it
I never really understood that stuff
All the stars and bleeding hearts
All the tears that welled up in my eyes
Never meant a thing to me
Read 'em as they say and weep
I've never felt enough to cry

When i said that i don't care
It really means my engine's breaking down
The chisel chips my heart again
The granite cracks beneath my skin
I crumble into pieces on the ground

I used to be the main express
All steam and whistles heading west
Picking up my pain from door to door
Riding on the storyline
Furnace burning overtime
But this train don't stop,
This train don't stop,
This train don't stop there anymore

*for the lack of the ability to express my thoughts in words... this will hv to do

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

hiroshima mon amour

what a provocative movie...
the first question that it raises... are all crtically acclaimed movies boring?
think citizen kane...but in french... and half the time....

you see.. i am trying to put my blogging to good use... this is part of the CONTEMPORARY THEORIES module....
and i hv to write an entry in the blog...
which means no himbotic remarks... or the usual stuff that i do here on this blog... *groan*

this has to be a serious introspective blog..

it starts... (ok i kinda missed the starting coz i was late for the screening.. but in retrospect it really wasn't worth my cabfare from 'eternity')

fine i shall spare you guys the agony...


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

just like the good old days eh?

ming + me
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
after gym... can still smile... MING you are not working hard enough!!!

heh... was watching moulin rouge... remember the elephant song??

ps: i think the settings of ur camera phone is low... the pic is smaller than what i take with my phone..

Sunday, March 06, 2005

a different kind of sunday...

its another sunday... but knowing that ur tutor won't be around next week surely eases the tension...
heh... i know i know... i'm incorrigible...
but one needs to rest so in order to go the distance rite?
besides.. i am trying to detox... too much caffiene in my system last week...
and i can actually feel the lethargy going without coffee...
i can only imagine the kind of withdrawal symptoms one suffers with a drug addiction...

you can barely wake up in the mornings..
your eyes refuse to register the surroundings...
all you want to do is remain unconscious...
at least for that little while more...
it's not a good feeling...

oh well.. maybe a little bit of moulin rouge, the apprentice and antm will help....

Saturday, March 05, 2005

genius loves company...

ray... the story of ray charles robinson...
a biopic that told his life of overcoming his disability and drug addiction...
it wasn't particularly moving... but jamie foxx's performance was definitely worth the award...
not that i am familiar with ray charles... but when i think of ray charles i think of the character that i saw in the movie...
the mannerisms... the showmanship...
but i think the best part of the movie was the MUSIC.. of course it is all about the music..
and my fav song...

You Don't Know Me
(Ray Charles)

You give your hand to me
Then you say hello
I can hardly speak
My heart is beating so
And anyone can tell
You think you know me well
But you don't know me

No, you don't know the one
Who dreams of you at night
And longs to kiss your lips
And longs to hold you tight
Oh I'm just a friend
That's all I've ever been
'Cause you don't know me

I never knew
The art of making love
Though my heart aches
With love for you
Afraid and shy
I've let my chance to go by
The chance that you might
Love me, too

You give your hand to me
And then you say good-bye
I watch you walk away
Beside the lucky guy
You'll never never know
The one who loves you so
Well, you don't know me

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

goodbye DOOL

tonight mark the last episode of DOOL...
not that it's ended its run... in fact we are still a couple of years behind what is being aired in the states...
what's DOOL you ask?
Days Of Our Lives... that soap opera set in SALEM that never seems to end...
but due to the poor viewership here in Spore... ch5 has decided to take it off air...
how sad...

it was an on-off relationship....
one of those series that you could just stop watching it completely for a few mths.. and then one day out of the blue turn it on again to find that time really passes by slowly in SALEm... 'like sands thru the are the days of our lives..'
the characters are still the same... ok maybe some switching of partners here and there... a chip inserted into a brain somewhere... but whatever it is... all evil deeds lead back to STEFANO

and so it is done... the last episode they will air... leaving nothing resolved...
will sammi die?
will john marry marlena?
will hope/princess gina succeed?
will lucas tell the truth?
will eric end up with nicole?
will they ever convict stefano?

we'll never know now will we?

oscar nite...

it was a nite where oscar showed who he favours... and those whom he doesn't...

anette benning, kate winslet, johnny depp, leornado dicaprio, martin scorsese.... all went home empty handed yet again...
poor mrs warren beatty lost once again to the gender-defiant performance of hilary swank...
you gotta admit... she tugged all the heartstrings with that performance... but i can never seem to forget that she was the female karate kid back when mr miyagi still had a career with that series...
clint eastwood picked up his second statue too...

the aviator collected all the consolation awards while the million dollar baby came out victorious... winning best picture

it was an entertaining night with a whole lot of beyonce.. performing 3 of the 5 nominated songs... and when the eventual winner (the song for the motorcycle diaries) collected his award, he sang... as if to imply how antonio banderas battered his spanish ballad...


and the fashion statment of the night had got to be the long flowy tresses slightly coiffed and teased... did you se giselle bundchen next to leonardo dicaprio?? and gwyneth palthrow? the GALADRIEL hair is in!!