Wednesday, November 24, 2004

before slumber....

its been a long day....
i've got my glass of milk.. i'm all cleaned up... and waiting to get under the covers... the slight drizzle outside makes it harder to resist sleep... but i shall make this one entry for today.... for all the loyal visitors of this blog...;)

let's see.. some highlights of the day....

*going ard campus with yuanxin... heh.. we were evil.. we went to the library just to check out the people who were studying for exams.. gosh.. they were everywhere.... of course we felt kinda smug that we are done for the semester... but deep down inside...i guess we were a little envious... i think we both wouldn't mind that life where it was just studying for exams... rather than racking our brains over some project... exams are not personal... projects get personal and drive u nuts... so i guess...the ppl in the library prob saw us as lucky asses who din have to study... but they will never know...

*my medical appt... my dental hygiene has improved.. or so says my 'dentist'... despite the fact that i never had much chances to brush my teeth during the submission period...heh... but i can't say that a trip to the dental clinic is ever pleasant... the sound that the scaling thing makes... like that of fingernails against a chalk board... its no wonder why kids can develop a phobia... and as they get older... they just refuse to see the dentist unless they hv to... anyway... that wasn't the worse part... i think the worse part about going to nuh to hv my teeth cleaned is the possibility of meeting ABT... eeks... the densest ex-jc classmate one could ever have... and thanks to the rain.. i had to endure a PAINFUL bus ride with him.... NEVER AGAIN....

*it was a long day at the gym.... but i think ming would appreciate it... haaha... NO PAIN NO GAIN... just remember that... you will be all FAB by christmas... i realise that i should consider it a career alternative... i should be able to survive on all the free bananas, pastries and fish dumplings that i get from my little trainer stint....

*later in the nite pris, stacy, jingmei, ephrem, kelly and i met up to celebrate jaron's 25th bday... i joined the gang when the adjourned to the esplanade... while waiting for them to get there... i manage to catch Robert Fernando... so old time singer... performing at the outdoor amphitheater... it was kinda nice... he serenaded the audience with some OLDIES which i din noe... except for I Can't Smile Without You.... and then later on sang christmas carols.. and as he sang The Christmas Song.. (the one more commonly known as the chestnut song...) and the feeling of the gentle breeze... i understood the meaning of ZONE 1224-1225.... it does feel a little colder come x'mas.. and we all need that special someone for that added warmth... lucky me... i had my FCUK sweater... heh... i will always remember how happy i was to find YOU at the tangs sale... 60% off!!!

*anyway.... we had YUMmY chocolate cake... i am glad i don't have to diet... and HAPPY BELATED BDAY jaron.... and since its already the 24th... happy bday TOFOO... heh.... both of u are a quarter of a century old....


shoe slut said...

thanx pt heng :)
but i doubt i will make FAB...more like FLAB
im super tired today...dunno how im gg to c r a w l... to soundbar later, but i deserve it! i will!!

tofu reads ur blog too? happy bday old boy :)
(yikes! reminded bt tt korean flick! but it was gd! everyone go watch)


Robert Fernando is a DAMN nice person!
He's very frank and honest, and always very willing to teach. His is an aura of assured self-confidence, nothing ever seems to fazzle him. He doesn't get jumpy, and speaks in a very controlled manner. Which is why his singing is so old-time basically... his control is excellent! And his voice is SUPER POWER. Pity he didn't make it big...