Sunday, October 31, 2004

and this is lepetitmac....

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
heh.. for those of u who din noe... but of course most of u already do.. lepetitmac is my expensive toy... my ibook.... and thot i'd blog a nice little photo of it (courtesy of SE T610)... since tonight i will be writing my paper with it from the 'comforts' of my own room....
as u can see... that is my little make shift desk... a drawing board on top of stacked plastic containers... heh.. looks neat... but thats the power of photography... i guess i will hv to do something bout my work station this coming sch break... maybe some ikea shopping...
anyway.. let me just say a bit more about the photo and my room... if u look closely on my desk.. there is a MUJI calendar courtesy of ming... from the days of cpg... gosh... i still hv it on my desk.. and u probably can't see this... 8th NOV is marked out... heh... i can't wait to cross that one out....
and there is a STARBUCKS TOKYO mug.. with my own version of double-shot latte inside.. (basically its 2 sachets of 3in1 coffee with water only for one, topped off with low fat milk...) mug courtesy of zaki in japan now... i wonder if i sent him a link??
a 2046 postcard... and steel rule (how archi-like)...
yup.. and with some music playing in the background (currently N.E.R.D's fly or die... and alternating with some gospel from hillsong...)

and i guess i'm all set to write my paper....
hope u guys enjoyed this sneak peek at my humble home... :)

Saturday, October 30, 2004

blog block...

am i running out of stuff to blog??
i could write about my breakfast... thosai and curry @ the school canteen otherwise lesser known as techno edge (coz we share the canteen with the enginering fac.. and they have SO much creativity when it comes to naming the canteen... they may as well named it after their favourite math module... COMPLEX CALCULUS... now that would be a cool name for the canteen....)
i could write about supper last nite... NISSIN cup noodles from teh COOP at the FOYER just outside the studio... (all the MSG isn't exactly helping my brain inactivity...)
i could write about my friday nite... that i spent in school trying to DO more of my poject... (what were u expecting??)

but as the submission day draws every closer... its down to SINGLE digits already... i am looking foward to the life after... heh.. already ZOUK keeps ringing at the back of my head... i wanna go dancing... just boogie the nite away.... alrite... of course the usual drink or two... ok.. maybe three and four... its just one of those times when i think beer and loud music can bring some sort of... i dunno what's the word for it.. damn the MSG!... its like some kind of comfort i guess... yes... all my elves (read: kind frens who have offered to help with my project... and will be helping with the project if they do not wish to see me dig my own grave come 8th november....) all my elves.. WE ARE GONNA HAVE A NIGHT OUT!!! woo hoo.... whoopeee.. rite... but now its "oh back to reality..."

but the holidays isn't exactly long either... what can we do in six weeks??? erm.. work??? yikes... absolutely not the most alluring of options... altho i sure could use the money... right... need a digicam an ipod!! ok.. so maybe it was an inappropiate use of the word NEED..... i CRAVE for them... heh....

ok its now 0800hrs... its back to work i guess... a project and a paper awaits...

*think positive thoughts*

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

files unloading...

your brain probably runs like the scratch disk of the computer... and blogging is sorta like clearing the scratch disk...
i realised that while i am 'hard at work' a lot of random thoughts just pop up.. things that i wouldn't mind delving into... explore the thought and see what comes into fruition.. but alas... i have my crummy project that requires my time and attention (read: sitting at the desk for hours staring at it... hoping that by the time i snap out of this zombified state, the project would have completed itself... )
anyway... as i was saying... the PERFORMANCE of the brain thus slows down over time due to the accumulation of all these random thoughts taking up scratch disk space.... but aren't we lucky that this blog is our EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE... so that we can unload some of these RTF (random thought files)... of course.. my preferred portable hard drive would be an iPOD... but we shouldn't conjure anymore random thoughts now...


i wish i was out in the sun..
i could be saoking up the UV... but i wouldn't mind the ageing effect.. after all MEN age better...

why am i not in love?
will i be left on the shelf?? wait... MEN age better... life most definitely begins at 40...

i need new earphones.. i need new white earphones... i need earphones to go with my MEGA iPOD....
these free ones are killing my ears.. but i have protruding ears so its a good thing that these earphones are keeping them pressed to my head....

i no longer have my hair hiding my ears... i hv protruding ears... and i hv never watched dumbo....

what day is it today?? is it monday? no.. i caught ANTM last nite... was it the nite before? but i already know who won.... XIOMARA!!! heh.. oh wait... she just got eliminated... aw shucks..... was i really rooting for her....

i'm glad i have my earphones on... no on knows that i am BOBBING along to britney.... GROOVEY... i need to retain my street cred....

what is a MOLO? did i just dream of the MOLO? hmmm... it looked interesting... if i 'invent' it i might be rich... what is a MOLO... i am not telling you... you just wanna steal my idea..


that can't be all... but that will have to do... at least my sanity is safe for now...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

just a little thank you blog...

you guys know who you are...
haha... in my darkest hour...
wendy... thanks for scaring me with the story bout the cpg healthcare COW... it brings back the wonderful memories of internship... those prank calls...
yvette... for your good thoughts... keep sending them out!
charmy boh... the selfless elf.... i really do hope i hv something for u to do soon... erm.. don't worry i won't sub u out ;)

chinny pal... don't think the skin head is really the look for me...
ming ming... erm... haha... we'll bitch when we get back yar?
janeece... erm... just saying hi! haha....
fatty lai... haha... your faith is a positive influence lah... dun say dun hv...
ting... mms me all u want! :)

and for the little cheer me up gift pack + POSTCARD ... thanks... much appreciated... its reversing the ANDROIDfication process.. darn!

special mention: MY KOREAN BABE.. hahaa... u must be so thrilled...

ok this blog is boring... but just wanted to give a little speech coz i am overwhelmed... yes i am....
ok back to work

Sunday, October 24, 2004

heard this twice on my hour long ride to schoooo...

(performed by kelly clarkson composed by avril lavigne)

Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I just stared out my window
Dreaming of a could-be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray

Trying not to reach out
But when I'd try to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray
I could breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)
And breakaway

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging around wild indoors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway

i was away in slumberland for 16hrs....

you guys must be wondering how the hell did i do it... to be in a deep sleep for 14hrs.... which translate to a whole lot of minutes.. and to those who are really keen on math.... a f*** lot of seconds... yes... i was in a DEEP sleep... i probably had some funny dream where i had no idea of the work that awaits me in the real world.... i was proabably busy trying to help some other person... yes... my dreams often whisk me into this realm where i would be trying to save some poor helpless soul... solve some murder mystery... or just screaming at my mother... in the dream world... we are oblivious to shit that we are in when we wake....
maybe it was the weather... the rain just makes it all the more tempting to remain snuggled up under the covers... the clouds hide the sun fooling you into believing that its no later than a little past 8am on a saturday... only to realise that... no shit... its already 1630hrs.... and ur weekend is already half gone....
but no regrets i guess.. the flu bug is taking its toll on my body... as much as the mind wants to stay awake... the body just can't deal with it... i slept till i had enough sleep... and i feel much better....

mr ang... thanks for your offer of singing me a lullaby... but i really don't think i wanna be knocked unconscious from now till the 8th nov... yes i would not have to face the horrors of submission... but i really dun wanna grow mouldy on my bed...

Saturday, October 23, 2004

and at long last... my new hairdo...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
ok.. in the background you might be able to see the beach babe.... but no she ain't in a bikini cos the digital studio is too FREAKIN' cold.....

why do bad things happen to good people??

ok... as you can all see... my previous blog has a glorious 9comments... but in actual fact there is only 4... the extra 5 was due to a serious of mouse clicking while waiting for the slow network... i really couldnt tell if it was being posted or not...
horrors... 5 copies of the comments were added... and boy was i glad that i saw that little trash can attached to the posts... "yay! i can clean up the mess"

but now it leaves an ugly scar!!!! uuurgh.... *miffed*
i pulled a "priscilla" and i so regret it... my blog is ruined....


and i never thought this day would come...

its 1000hrs... friday and i just went to the co-op to get myself a cup noodles... kimchi flavoured or something like that... the description was in korean.. but the pictures looked yummy...
i am preparing myself for the inevitable... late nites in school....
and at the end of the intership b4 the start of the semester i was still smug about how i would be doing work from HOME... on my little white mac... and never will i hv to suffer from morning cramps resultant of bad sleeping positions... (and i'm not talking about the karma sutra here.. just positions like SITTING ON THE CHAIR BENT OVER ON THE TABLE, or most prefer FREEZING TO DEATH IN THEIR SLEEPING BAGS)
anyway,... its CRUNCH TIME... and i am no where near ready for it...

Hi JAN! i still hv no idea how to add links to my frend's on this blog.. and no time to figure it out at the moment... Hi YVETTE!!! hvnt seen u in a while.. hope you are fine..

and to my lovely korean babe aka my neighbour aka the mother of the children that i am supposed to babysit... HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hw've u been?? still reading my blogs???
haha... update me on any happenings in blk 688d ok??

oops... sorry to others reading the blog,... i digress...
its back to work for now...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

from the not so distant past... i almost forgot about this

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
in this strange place that i have never been
the overwhelming sense of loneliness gets to me
perhaps i sought comfort in your familiarity
there's no one here with me but you
could this be what is not meant to be?
but neither of us has the courage

you are not my solace within this city
this is merely an unfortunate misunderstanding
reminding me of the past that i long to escape from
in this labyrinth of anonymity and make believe
i can only go on pretending, keeping the truth with me
fearful of the hurt that trails this feeling

let's lose ourselves here in this place
and as we leave this tragic city
we shall be freed from any recollection
as if we had awoken from a dream
filled with faceless and nameless people
and insignificant encounters
disappearing in an instance

*image courtesy of sel

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

the train has left for 2046...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
what am i still doing here?

whisk me away.. make me an android.. no matter how delayed its reaction... make me retarded.. i wouldn't mind....

suffering only exists when the mind is aware... so take away my consciousness... cause what does it matter when now i frankly don't give a damn for anything...

maybe in some ways i am already an android... going through the motion.... if my reaction is truly delayed... then maybe 10 days from now i will be feeling really bitter.... and my current mood is probably due to the bad crits that i had back in 2002... or maybe the horrible time in cpg in 2003... its been so long... i can't figure out which....

if my understanding of the film is correct... the level of retardation of the android is proportional to the time spent on the train... then maybe i've been on this train to 2046 for the longest time... but hv not come to realise it..

i will post again when it all hits me...

in memory of my lost locks...

when things are not going your way... and you just can't wait for the semester to be over and done with... and the tutors can't offer you a solution... perhaps the best thing for you is a new do.... so i went out and got myself one...
so this first blog is dedicated to my old hairdo.. and to mark the day of the new hairdo... a refreshing start to end the semester... school is crazy at the moment... but i guess not everyone has it smooth sailing all the time...
so for those of you who are mulling over your concept, studying for that morning quiz that you can never make it in time for, keeping your fingers crossed while coding the programme that you spent the weekend creating, and to that one friend who is getting over his break up...


so far only a quartet of babes hv seen my new hairdo... heh.. namely the korean babe + her mama, the beach babe aka the diving babe and erm, ray ray..... the rest of the world will see it in due time...

i figured with this new hairdo i can actually pretend to be my twin brother and skip all my classes... and escape those dreaded moments when you bump into ur tutor in the corridor.. tutors who so happen to be trying to hunt you down for overdue assignments, missed appointments and shitty projects....

anyway, RAY RAY: hope you are not so miserable... caustic remarks aside... just make the best out of the circumstances... i'm in no position to preach... but all this works out in a bigger plan rite?

its 0720hrs and i am in school... the beach babe has fallen asleep... and i am stealing another pineapple tart from the box... trying to appease my growling tummy... waiting for MACS to open...

anyway, this BLOG is part of my holiday plan... in addition to my lineup of bollywood romance and erm, some readings... i thought i'd really want to write... but if i write and no one reads them... it wld be equivalent to not writing at all... so i decided to try this out... but then again, i'll prb only fwd the URL to the few ppl that i know... well, we'll just hv to see how this works out...

wish me luck... i am looking fwd to it... coz when i finally get the chance to get down to doing it... it would mean that the semester was over and i'd survived the remaining three weeks... that is the brighter side of life at the moment...