Tuesday, July 05, 2005

delayed reaction

ok it's been a while... a real long while...
if time was measured in terms of productivity..
then i'm glad to announce that time has been in a state of standstill since may..
well... ok ok.. maybe its about june... coz i can't really discount the time spent shopping...
bargain hunting should be equated to work done rite?

anyway... time seems to be picking up... maybe not from where it left off.. coz the deadlines are now drawing nearer...
and my pseudo-cool is melting in this blistering heat... (yes.. its prob a good time to be at the pool...)
but... let's not talk about work... coz i've never seen the point of talking about it.. when all that is needed is for it to be done.. so there...

for those who have been following this blog from day 01... you'll prob realise that the bulk of it has been mostly fluff.. rantings and musings that would otherwise be inconsequential... read, laugh... and let's move on.. and that's exactly my mantra... i hate to sink into one of those self loathing situation... it's kinda like that buffalo who's bathing in mud and pissed off at being filthy... i mean... 'get up and go take a shower!!!' (ok.. so maybe that isn't an actual parable... but you get my analogy..)

but lately, my intolerance has grown into impatience... and that's not a good thing.. because not many are fans of the TOUGH LOVE... but i wonder... what's so wrong to have someone tell you every now and then.. WAKE UP YOUR IDEAS! GET A GRIP! SNAP OUT OF IT!.. SHUT UP AND MOVE ON!... ok ok so maybe the final one borders upon insensitivity.. but don't we just get tired? to be crying over the same old matter? to have the same insecurities and fears... from 10 years ago??

i dunno... as much as i think i'm a good fren to most of my frens... it would be terribly uncharacteristic of me to be indulging and patronizing... i for one believe in the tuff love.. yup... just keep rubbing that salt in the wound.. ok that din come out rite... i think its more about telling you the truth... coz as a fren, if i don't tell you the truth... who will...

its more of a: let's settle what's wrong with you.. and then we can go thru the short list of ur good points...

** the tone of the blog has been exaggerated to acheive the dramatic effect... so none should take offence


sneakyniki said...

tuff love is good!

shoe slut said...

don't shoot the messenger?


i can't imagine you being indulging and patronising either... just stay the way you are, we all appreciate you advocating tough love. (yes, even me.)