Sunday, July 10, 2005

almost like old times...

i'm not one who's terribly sentimental...
or at least i try not to let the sappy side of me show too often...
saturday nite was spent catching up with some frens from sch...
(sch: nus architecture...)

the bunch of us had known each other from first year...
by some fateful coincidence we were grouped in the same studio...
and the rest as they say is pretty much history...
the paths that we have undertaken may be varied...
and perhaps at this point, looking back...
we never wondered what we'd be doing 5years later...
or imagined that 5 years later we'd end up in pursuit of different things...
i wouldn't say that time passes by too quickly...
it's more of how we get so caught up with the hours and days in our lives that the years go by...
and we are still unaware...

and as much as these gatherings are a good way of catching up...
we find ourselves still laughing over the same old things...
silly antics from way back then...
and maybe,... just maybe...
no matter how far we've come... or how distant we've become...
it all takes is one good memory... one funny story...
to put everything back into perspective... we're all still frens...

i could go on... but its starting to sound pretty much like a eulogy... my last words...
which of course isn't about to happen just yet..

i guess all i really want to say is that...
no matter how much we've all changed...
i do hope that we'll never cease to find such stories to laugh about..

1 comment:

shoe slut said...

why wasnt i invited?!?!