Monday, February 21, 2005

we went there expecting shanghai...

with the glitz and the old shanghai glamour...
a simple jazz band... and vocalist with a smouldering voice...
crooning the hits that i have become familiar with watching Jiu4 Qing2 Mian2 Mian2 (the chinese equivalent of ROLLIN' GOOD TIMES) on tv...

what we got instead... bizzare costumes, tacky balls.... and blinding lights
a self indulgent (on the part of the performer) concert that tries to reinvent the oldies... but lapses into mainstream pop, when its bearable... and at times when it isn't... it morphs into alternative mainland china music that left us errr..... speechless.....

it is easy to be critical....

of course there was EFFORT in trying to make it an entertaining showcase.... the ordering of the songs, seemingly a feeble attempt to weave a storyline... verses narrated to evoke the mood came accross pretentious... the lack of continuity in the repertoire was distracting but not to say that it deserved our attention... the arrangement of the songs unrefreshing... repetitive, employing the same FORMULA to almost every song... (cue_verse_instrumental_vocalist tries to bob along pretending to be immersed in the music_vocalist makes audience clap for the soloists_verse_YAWN....)

it tried to have everything... dancing... props... stage changes... lighting effects...
but succeeded in nothing really... maybe they did cause some of the dead composers to be rolling in their graves due to the butchering of the classics...

but it could have been worse... we could hv paid full price... or it cld hv been william hung singing the songs...


shoe slut said...

'my name is coco'

anyway...he was waaaay to into himself...

we must go back to shanghai and visit the peace hotel old jazz band!!

boh on the run said...

it was not all that bad... really... i liked the set and the dancers, but coco zhao was really a little bit too into himself... hahahha.. ott costumes and all.. eep.


I liked the erica girl... but I thought the undisputed highLIGHT of the night (for me at least) was definitely THE SHINING experience and giggling uncontrollably in our seats for at least 10 mins after that.. hahahaha...

shoe slut said...

no no! i loved the dancers! esp the girl in green....lithesome grace...*swish swish*


more like *turn-ur-hips-from-side-to-side-so-fast-they-looki-like-they're-gg-to-get-dislocated*