Monday, February 28, 2005

coulda, woulda, shoulda....

i coulda done my work throughout the weeklong break...
but instead i went to the museum, a concert, caught a couple of shows, potatoed on the couch, chilled out with friends....

i woulda been sleeping by now...
but so much left to be done and it doesn't seem like i'm gonna finish...

i shoulda been more disciplined and avoided procrastination....
but its too late now... and i enjoyed the break...

it's payback time...
another dreadful sunday/monday... i dunno which day to consider it as...


shoe slut said...

oh! u neglected to mention the copious amt of time spent at the gym doling out free training sessions...gee, then would i know?? since i was NOT at the receiving end

to think i named YOU as a good friend to contact (read: bitchy character, ideal for telly)


have fun back at school ;)

lepetitmac said...

err... they weren't free.. as you may recall the tangs voucher that you were skulking over??


you also forgot to mention the hours of sweating beside the pool while cloud goddess ming refused to budge from the blocking the sun's rays!!! I say you should just marry a TAN... me me ME! hahaha (erps.) Ah well... term breaks aren't called breaks for nothing... :)

shoe slut said...

HOW can i 4get those voucherSS?!? o yes, thanks for refreshing my memory