Wednesday, February 16, 2005

a breather....

the flurry of presentations that followed immediately after the brief lunar new year break sure was stressful....
and with the sniffles, it is just that much harder to cope... the body just wants to sleep.... the brain is dead from all the spicy prawn rolls...

i was all prepared to play truant for studio on monday... since i spent whatever waking hours i could manage reading some feminist crap... for the presentation for CONTEMPORARY THEORIES... and just as we finished the presentation at 1145am... a sms came telling us that studio had been postponed till tuesday....

its fate... there is no running away from this... so it was a LONG WEEKEND... ie: and extended sunday... so much for thinking that all horrors wld end on monday... but such is life... and the thing is i'm not even taking an elective this semester... i cannot imagine how the rest manage...

presentation came.. and it burned a tiny hole in my pocket... had to take a cab down to school... *sigh*
sugar mummy ming.... wld you like to contribute to my emergency cab fund???
and the printing too!! education is expensive... and what do we learn???

presentation went... not too shabilly... my spate of bad luck ever since crossing paths with china (hong kong, taiwan included) tutors seems to be coming to an end... once again proving the point that i can sell my song and (interpretive) dance routine to a non-china tutors and ang moh females quite effectively... keeping my fingers crossed that i am rid of the curse for good....

yuanxin... hope u are feeling better... not sure if u can surf the net at TTSH.... but get well soon!!

it's now just a little past midnight.... and i am pleased to say that i shall be hitting the sack soon... a pretty decent time i would say...



u lie ch.. U LIE! you so did not hit the sack slightly over midnight... What were you doing on the floor of your room, pray tell? *horror of horrors!* you were doing an initial massing model!!!!Such fervour and non-slacker attitude shall not be entertained within our ranks you hear me?!!? (haha. i love melodrama.)

shoe slut said...

hch, i aint nobody's sugar mommy ok! ok!!!

i just lost my magic!!!
i think i shall hereby officially declare im no longer buying anything tt comes in a robin-blue box w white pretty satin ribbons...

georg jenson or the bvlgari zero ring...


wah ming... if u made a business out of losing all ur tiffany stuff, i think u'd be rich by now... what happened this time? threw it away by accident again?