Sunday, February 20, 2005

spick and span...

the time is 0511hrs.. and i hv just spent the past 6 odd hours cleaning up ard the house...
janice thinks i'm mad...
but i think it is somewhat therapeutic.. (but don't start thinking that i will clean any of your rooms...)
it's almost like a ritual cleansing of oneself..
throwing out the rubbish... cleaning the windows and curtains that i hv, for the longest time, ignored in my weekly cleaning routine... well, the weekly cleaning routine is just so that the room looks bearable.. while such large scale cleaning are for reserved for special occassions like the term break! (heh.. finally a saturday without the PMS: pre-monday-blues symptoms..)

of course the room is still far from IDEAL.. but it will hv to do...

just a little hint of my list of chores..
*taking out the trash
*changing the sheets (which incl ironing the quilt cover before putting it on..)
*folding the laundry...
*propping up the makeshift table...
*taking down the curtains and cleaning the windows...
*washing the curtains and hanging them out to dry
*putting up temporary curtains
*arranging my shelves
*washing the toilet

i am amazed as to how domesticated i am... but i don't exactly sew or do pottery.. or make teddy bears for that matter (rite charles??)

and after a nice shower... i am about ready to go to bed... looking forward to an eventful sunday.. SAM and jazz concert... i shall take it as a nice little reward for my hard work...



you have definitely proven your worth as a a future-nellie-to-be... i need a manslave! :)

lepetitmac said...

you better learn to do chores.. now that ur momma is in NZ... and soon u may be going away to study... i'll teach u... you come to admiralty lah... i will provide all the equipment and site... ;)

shoe slut said...

eh eh...dont insult nellie ok :P she is 6x the std manslave

anyway i like cleaning too (area restricted to my rm only), spent sat nite (feeble attempt after our lo hei dinner to work off some calories) cleaning up my rm, clearing the wardrobe etc

i feel like a monica