Friday, February 11, 2005

coke coke everywhere...

its the third day of the lunar new year...
and i am back in no man's land.... henceforth known as ADMIRALTy... like i was telling charmaine... it's like jb.. but u don't need a passport... neither will u get your hands on cheap dvds... so that's the trade off...
i am back coz two presentations await me on monday... *sigh*
but of course my mandatory two day lunar new year visiting has been fulfilled... played my part of the filial boy... haha... wishing everyone a prosperous new year... eating everything that they shove in front of me... and smiling away whenever the qsn of marriage and the significant other popped up... sounds familiar eh?

my hands are itching for a good game of mahjong.. ie: i win... heh.... queen of gamlers: when do u wanna take me on??? hahaha after i single handedly made you as good a player as niki!
my kidneys are probably failing from all the coke consumed in the past three days...
and my waist expanding from all the sambal prawn rolls that i've consumed....
things that only happen during the lunar new year... can't wait for it to happen all over again...


boh on the run said...

obviously this was written before the game.. hahha.. i think we need to sit down and come up and practice with a set of proper hand signals so that we can really fool the rest at the mj table and clear out ming's cash drawer. heh.


hahaha well done boh! post it online so that everyone (ming included) can read!!!

lepetitmac said...

i've decided to 'wash my hands in the golden basin'...
i bet jan doesn't know what it means... heh...
anyway, i think it was just TOO DISTRACTING trying to play that nite... *&^%$#^*(..... oops...

boh on the run said...

distracting? hmmm...? *raised eyebrow

shoe slut said...

smart friends...and i HAIRpen to know what's so distracting ok...bitches u all :)

show me the money!!

boh on the run said...

wat he was distracted by is different from wat I was distracted by.. no no.. this you dun know.....


wah ming! my new-found protege of bad corny jokes! you have indeed risen to higher levels of achievement! and i also HAIRpen to know... heh :)

shoe slut said...

hch, WHAT were you distracted by!??! tell me quick!!!

show me the money!!