Wednesday, February 23, 2005

all in a day's work...

as you are reading this... settling into your chair in front of your terminal...
you must be thankful that the lift did not break down this morning...
and you must be thinking what wonderful inventions escalators are...
but still... making ur way to the pantry... or to the loo must be quite a challenge...

*evil laughter: muauahahahahahaa*

miss janny jan... and aggy b.oh... where are my fish wantons??? and free magazines?? (i want STYLE magazine also leh..)

hope you guys enjoyed ur workout...
as much as you guys were in silent misery during the last set of LUNGES... i can still sense your enjoyment... haha...
being the true blue singaporean... who wldn't enjoy a free gym session???

this should be a start to the MARVELOUS MARCH plan...

i should seriously consider career option #03 again.. ;)

*ming ming... i know you must being feeling damn sour rite now... haha.... WHO ASK YOU!!! ask ingrate lim to keep secret from ME... ME!!! after all that i hv done for u!!! humph... but i shall be more gracious... get ready for THURSDAY!



(actually ch... the real reason why making my way to the pantry or to the loo is painful, is because the back of my heels are killing me... this pair of shoes have not been broken into sufficiently yet.. but I will not let it break me! right ming? hehe) gym gym gym! you realy should consider career option #03.

lepetitmac said...

but if u guys are only gonna pay me with wantons... (the edible kind)... errr... i still need to moonlight as a sugarboi leh...
like i say.. SHOWER ME WITH GIFTS@!!


hahaha darn! i was hoping to pay you in wantons (the NON-edible kind) hahahahahahaha...

shoe slut said...

yes yes.....go on and show your affection for each other online


i dont care less

*rolls over

gou zhai! come to mama

boh on the run said...

are you going to play pretend again and do your new "interpretive dance?" (ch, borrow the term for a while.. ) hmm..perhaps while looking at the mirror.... gouzhai!... hahahha.. take up my suggestion ming, get your dad to buy you a studio apt down your road @ 33RR... hahahhahahaha... a perfect solution to all your problems! nellie will be but 5 mins down to road, and homecooked food anytime of the day, and a perfect home for .. GOUZHAI!