Tuesday, October 25, 2005

puffy eyes in the morning...

well at least i'm back to singapore time...
that's the only consolation..
otherwise i'm still sleep deprived... (ok, one can't get too much sleep rite??)
but all this will temporarily end come monday...
alright.. not cos i'll be going around trick or treating..
but its the FINAL deadline... yes.. FINAL... for the dissertation (i still love the way the word makes it sound so sophisticated)
after nearly 6mths... (ok so i prob ONLY did actual work half that time.. ok.. maybe one third)
it will be done...
there'll be no more papers to write for a while..
in fact... its prob the last paper for my very long stint in university...
gosh... it will all be over soon..

let's not look too far into the crystal ball...
the great unknown isn't pleasant...

now gimme some teabags... i've gotta go out and face the world!



HALLOWEEN!!! for the first time in my life, i have halloween plans!!! my friends are going to teach me how to carve a pumpkin (and then mebbe we'll throw it down from a high floor just for fun) and i'm going to this party with 5 other friends, dressed up as a six-pack of beer!!! ahahaha isn't that funny? :p trick or treats i say!

lepetitmac said...

i waaaaaant to go too!!

eh.. but dressing up as cans of beer can't be very flattering rite? why not try bottled beer? then the 6 of you can go as a keg... haahaaa... going to the loo wld be a problem...