Thursday, September 22, 2005

HAPPie BIrthday Edwin TING!

hope u are enjoying urself in shanghai...
you're not online! got the day off?? heh...

Monday, September 19, 2005

has it been 10 days...

wow.. i need to blog a bit more often... well, not exactly NEED.. but i shd try...
10 days since i put in an entry writing off perth:MASSACRE IN GEYLANG as one of the worst movies i've ever watched in the cinemas... and mind you, i've watched a couple of stinkers in my time...
10 days on.. and the person who dragged me to watch that show based on a ST review.. has left for LONDON.. wow...i hv frens all over the globe... yet no money to go visit... that's just sad....
BYE BYE BOH!! hope you're settling in well over there.. can't imagine how you'd handle all the stuff u brought over without your two MANSLAVES... hey... u forgot to pay foreign labour levy!!! and also for that MAINLAND woman who stood ard carrying a paper bag while doubling as the chauffer for ur msian labourers....

caught the T'ANG quartet concert last nite... and ming and mei finally meet...
(we shd do this more often... *nervous giggle*)
and just as we were rushing to meet terence for dinner... we saw a RAINBOH...
i dun really know what you can do with it since its not exactly like a shooting star where u make a wish.... so we just took some photos of it anyway...

oh.. the concert was alrite... but i really do think that it takes a lot of energy and attention to appreciate classical pieces.. too many movements and false signs of that piece coming to an end..
the encore pieces were much shorter and had enough dramatic solo parts for the cello to end the nite well..
but it isn't a bad idea to act all refined once in a while.. especially when its free... ;)

now bring on the bubblegummers!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

starbucks deprivation..

i cldn't recall when was the last time i had a latte that wasn't home made..
and by home made... i mean self-made... and not exactly latte..
which is kinda strange.. cos i remember it being almost like staple...
ah.. the joys of overpriced coffee.. and un-productivity...
now its just without the overpriced coffee...
how sad...

gimme my latte... and free movie tickets!! *nudges boh*

perth... right down under..

the geylang massacre...
how sad...
thankfully it screened its last...
but unfortunately BOH made me catch the last show with her...

*free latte coming up!**

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

an untitled project...

getting my early dose of caffeine...
and wondering to myself of my lapse in sanity
not that i'm going bonkers... or cucko0o..
just that i've somehow lost track of the trivialities..

my judgment fails me...
things that are seemingly so important..
are only important at that very moment...
things that are seemingly so huge...
with the passing of a millisecond becomes minute...
matters that may feel so right...
are only right now..

like picking on scab..
self destructive
and self inflicted...
the refusal to let time play its course
and let fate unfold
is utter foolishness

the feeling...
like extricating the very last breath that is in you...
twisting your guts in knots...
it's like you've fallen..
and can only look up helplessly at the approaching stampede
waiting to be saved...
or to be woken from it

Sunday, September 04, 2005

the most sorrowful clouds...

for love i'd wander
like a seagull
crossing seas
looking for a shelter
and a hiding place

for love i'd wander
follow the tunes
and whispers of my heart
that hopes for love
everlasting and faithful

a pair of wings
like dreams
they turn into speckles
into raindrops
into the most sorrowful clouds

this swift poetry
will never be able to convey
these waves of desire
and longing
that i have for you

i'm still yearning
to express my soul
so that you'd understand
you'd realise
the way that i am
the one who adores you

**translated from AWAN YANG TERPILU (the most sorrowful clouds) by NING BAIZURA

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Friday, September 02, 2005

just an excerpt from what i've been working on...

I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we cannot go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that---- everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.
I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.
(Woolf, L, 1969)
(Extract from THE JOURNEY NOT THE ARRIVAL MATTERS by Leonard Woolf published by Hogarth Press. Used by kind permission of The Society of Authors as the Literary Representatives of the Estate of Virginia Woolf. Copyright: permission to reproduce this section restricted to the Royal College of Psychiatrists' electronic website only).

They said 'Come to tea and let us comfort you'. But it's no good. One must be crucified on one's own private cross.
It is a strange fact that a terrible pain in the heart can be interrupted by a little pain in the fourth toe of the right foot. I know that V. will not come across the garden from the lodge, and yet I look in that direction for her. I know that she is drowned and yet I listen for her to come in at the door. I know that it is the last page and yet I turn it over. There is no limit to one's own stupidity and selfishness.

Extract from 'A MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS. AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT OF LEONARD AND VIRGINIA WOOLF’ by George Spater and Ian Parsons Published by Jonathan Cape and Hogarth Press 1977. Used by kind permission of The Random House Group Limited. Copyright: permission to reproduce this section is restricted to the Royal College of Psychiatrists' electronic website only).