Thursday, June 02, 2005

'twas a painful experience...

mei says that i'm terribly brave to be terence's guinea pig...
his first wisdom tooth patient...
but i was thinking 'how bad can it be?'
i've known a couple of people who've survived wisdom-teeth extractions...

boy was i in for a surprise...

i had thought that the jab would be the most painful part of the entire process...
and i should hv figured that something was wrong when the injection did not hurt the least bit
then the horrors began...

wrapped up and disinfected...
i was awake, numb.. but i couldn't see....
the oh something was happening... i just din noe what it was...
until the sawing began... eeeepss...
and it almost felt like they were trying to remove the tooth by sheer brute force...
i was sweating buckets... cold sweat...
what was i thinking??? its bad enough extracting a tooth that is loose... but a perfectly fine tooth??
kill me now...
but they really couldn't tell from my expression since i was hidden under all the cloth...
so i just kept on sweating...

ok... after about an hour (it's prob faster with an experienced professional.. but oh well.. all in the name of education..)
the ordeal was over...
i bit the gauze, downed the painkilers and went shopping....
haha.. retail therapy has a new meaning...
wait till you see the bag i got! whoppee!!

anyway.. i'm healing fine... in fact eating well... no swelling and no more pain..
and at least i got a bag out of this experience..

1 comment:

sneakyniki said...

sounds scary!!! you are a brave boy