Monday, February 28, 2005

coulda, woulda, shoulda....

i coulda done my work throughout the weeklong break...
but instead i went to the museum, a concert, caught a couple of shows, potatoed on the couch, chilled out with friends....

i woulda been sleeping by now...
but so much left to be done and it doesn't seem like i'm gonna finish...

i shoulda been more disciplined and avoided procrastination....
but its too late now... and i enjoyed the break...

it's payback time...
another dreadful sunday/monday... i dunno which day to consider it as...

Saturday, February 26, 2005

this is what the stars say...

February 26, 2005
You've been dealing with the erratic, unusual behavior of friends, neighbors and family members for days now. You're tired of it, and you're just about done with babysitting them. You're even ready to mention that. Good for you. Now, since it's Saturday, you can probably find a place to hide that's anything but boring -- oh, and someone to hide with, no doubt about that. In the meantime, get through the day, and think about tonight.

wow... how uncanny...

Friday, February 25, 2005

plain jane jones

natalie portman deserves all the accolades for her riveting performance in the movie...

the dysfunctional relationships between dysfunctionals...
achingly beautiful... at times painful... but never once ideal...
at any one point in time... someone is lying... another is cheating... the other is doubting...
and as they each yearn for complete honesty... they wished that the other party had lied...
and the audience will never really know the truth...

dan wished anna had lied to her about sleeping with larry
anna thinks that she loves dan but decides to stay with larry
larry claims to have slept with alice... but alice is actually jane
alice says that she never lied to dan... but never told him her real name...
dan couldn't accept the fact that anna slept with larry but when she was already sleeping with him while he was having that sordid affair with her...

there is no victim here... just individuals tangled in the web of deceit that they've woven...

and seems like after getting dumped by all the women in alfie... and now the two women here... jude law as a commodity has depreciated in value eh?? and one other thing... somehow the role of anna just screams GLEN CLOSE... the bonafide bitch... julia roberts somehow din quite shine...

and amidst all the pretensions... we actually enjoyed the movie.... go figure...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

remind me not to buy 4D...

goodbye melinda, jared, sarah, judd...

for those who can't put the name to the performance...

melinda: power of love
jared: some marc anthony song... he's the young good looking one...
sarah: the one with the big eyes and headlights... janice.. the one u say chio...
judd: the one who did some rock and roll cowboy show thing....

i can't believe that i din get one rite!! well.. i am not america... it was easier last season when all i had to do was name the top two from each show...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

idol is back... (part two)

for the girls..
the key words.... nadia, underwood, aloha and vonzell....
altho the judges thot that mikalah was fun... i think that i belong to the half that finds her irritating... seriously, singing NANNY ala fran drescher?? she is entertaining.. give her a sitcom... to much of a dejavu for me... nasal voice and brit bloke...

the two to go...
amanda avila who gave an uninspiring rendition of how am i supposed to live without you.. (frankly i think the guy who sang it earlier did a better job...)
celena rae... she sang I WILL LOVE AGAIn... if any of u can remember.. bland performance.. blander personality....

we shall see tmw if i am rite!

idol is back... (part one)

not exactly my intention to run a review of the show the entire season... but idol talk is always exciting... i still remember when back in cpg we wld hv chain emails bitching bout the ppl who were out of tune.. and supporting the ones that we like... so haha.. let me cash in on the comments!!

the format of the competition has changed this season... the final 24 is split into 12 guys and 12 girls... where each week 2guys and 2girls will be eliminated (those with the least vote).. this is opposed to the previous seasons where the top two of the weekly piano shows are voted in.... i guess this way it makes sure that the best make it to the final 12 and prevents any unfairness that comes from groups with lots of good singers or lots of bad singers...

anyway... after all the talk about how SEASON 4 sees the most talent... the first round of competition was rather disappointing... nothing really stood out except for one rendition of MOON RIVER... diversity is probably what the judges were trying to achieve when narrowing down to the final 12guys...
you hv the stevie wonders... the boy band worthy crooners with swoonsome looks.. the usher wannabes... the rockers.... and the fat one... (just to prove that this contest is about talent... but no fat girl leh....)

Favourite performance of the nite.. moon river by the music teacher with dreadlocks... the dreadlocks seem to hv gotten thinner.... but he's not exactly my fav contestant... my vote goes to TRAVIS... the tRIPLE tHREAT.... but somehow his rendition of my cherie amour was bland and unexciting... but no doubt he should survive the first week's elimination....

the two that i think will be cut this week... the fatboy SCOTT and the pseudo rocker and mr bean lookalike... CONSTANTINE... let's drop the duds and move on...

the girls will come on in half an hour's time.... shall catch up on my tv8 drama

all in a day's work...

as you are reading this... settling into your chair in front of your terminal...
you must be thankful that the lift did not break down this morning...
and you must be thinking what wonderful inventions escalators are...
but still... making ur way to the pantry... or to the loo must be quite a challenge...

*evil laughter: muauahahahahahaa*

miss janny jan... and aggy b.oh... where are my fish wantons??? and free magazines?? (i want STYLE magazine also leh..)

hope you guys enjoyed ur workout...
as much as you guys were in silent misery during the last set of LUNGES... i can still sense your enjoyment... haha...
being the true blue singaporean... who wldn't enjoy a free gym session???

this should be a start to the MARVELOUS MARCH plan...

i should seriously consider career option #03 again.. ;)

*ming ming... i know you must being feeling damn sour rite now... haha.... WHO ASK YOU!!! ask ingrate lim to keep secret from ME... ME!!! after all that i hv done for u!!! humph... but i shall be more gracious... get ready for THURSDAY!

Monday, February 21, 2005

we went there expecting shanghai...

with the glitz and the old shanghai glamour...
a simple jazz band... and vocalist with a smouldering voice...
crooning the hits that i have become familiar with watching Jiu4 Qing2 Mian2 Mian2 (the chinese equivalent of ROLLIN' GOOD TIMES) on tv...

what we got instead... bizzare costumes, tacky balls.... and blinding lights
a self indulgent (on the part of the performer) concert that tries to reinvent the oldies... but lapses into mainstream pop, when its bearable... and at times when it isn't... it morphs into alternative mainland china music that left us errr..... speechless.....

it is easy to be critical....

of course there was EFFORT in trying to make it an entertaining showcase.... the ordering of the songs, seemingly a feeble attempt to weave a storyline... verses narrated to evoke the mood came accross pretentious... the lack of continuity in the repertoire was distracting but not to say that it deserved our attention... the arrangement of the songs unrefreshing... repetitive, employing the same FORMULA to almost every song... (cue_verse_instrumental_vocalist tries to bob along pretending to be immersed in the music_vocalist makes audience clap for the soloists_verse_YAWN....)

it tried to have everything... dancing... props... stage changes... lighting effects...
but succeeded in nothing really... maybe they did cause some of the dead composers to be rolling in their graves due to the butchering of the classics...

but it could have been worse... we could hv paid full price... or it cld hv been william hung singing the songs...

happy birthday charlie brown...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

spick and span...

the time is 0511hrs.. and i hv just spent the past 6 odd hours cleaning up ard the house...
janice thinks i'm mad...
but i think it is somewhat therapeutic.. (but don't start thinking that i will clean any of your rooms...)
it's almost like a ritual cleansing of oneself..
throwing out the rubbish... cleaning the windows and curtains that i hv, for the longest time, ignored in my weekly cleaning routine... well, the weekly cleaning routine is just so that the room looks bearable.. while such large scale cleaning are for reserved for special occassions like the term break! (heh.. finally a saturday without the PMS: pre-monday-blues symptoms..)

of course the room is still far from IDEAL.. but it will hv to do...

just a little hint of my list of chores..
*taking out the trash
*changing the sheets (which incl ironing the quilt cover before putting it on..)
*folding the laundry...
*propping up the makeshift table...
*taking down the curtains and cleaning the windows...
*washing the curtains and hanging them out to dry
*putting up temporary curtains
*arranging my shelves
*washing the toilet

i am amazed as to how domesticated i am... but i don't exactly sew or do pottery.. or make teddy bears for that matter (rite charles??)

and after a nice shower... i am about ready to go to bed... looking forward to an eventful sunday.. SAM and jazz concert... i shall take it as a nice little reward for my hard work...

Saturday, February 19, 2005

procrastination catches up with you....

a student of mine has sent me an email to ask for the COMMENTS/FEEDBACK from their presentations so that they can work on the 2nd part of the assignment during this term break... *&%^!@#
hence i had to do some work out of the hours that they are paying me... how crappy is that!!?
oh well...

18students down... 12 more to go...

Friday, February 18, 2005

3 min blog....

just waiting for my noodles to be ready....
anyway its the much awaited TERM BREAK!!! gosh... i look forward to the weekend with much enthusiasm... ok so pity bout the rest of you who will be hvg studio during the break... but err.... take some time to chill???
actually i am looking forward to catch up on some work during the break too... and some sleep perhaps...

but of course much has been planned.. part 2 of the russell wong exhibition... botero at the SAM... haha... TV DAY at boh's... and the shanghai jazz concert...
ming: i hv pris' matric card for u...

edwin, who is reading this in shanghai via some feeder thingy.... hang in there yar? i know it feels helpless and hopeless.. staring at something u dunno how to do... and coz its the only thing u hv to do rite now... the prospects of the year to come seems bleak... hey.. things will prob get better when sch starts for you.. and when you are able to make some sense of the codes... yup... dun fret!

ok... noodles are ready!

i'll be back...

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

my white chair!!

my white chair...
Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
backaches be gone!!
all the way to ikea... a long wait in town... assembling at admiralty....
only to find that the height LOOKs the same... but feels different... i hope its worth the trouble....

a breather....

the flurry of presentations that followed immediately after the brief lunar new year break sure was stressful....
and with the sniffles, it is just that much harder to cope... the body just wants to sleep.... the brain is dead from all the spicy prawn rolls...

i was all prepared to play truant for studio on monday... since i spent whatever waking hours i could manage reading some feminist crap... for the presentation for CONTEMPORARY THEORIES... and just as we finished the presentation at 1145am... a sms came telling us that studio had been postponed till tuesday....

its fate... there is no running away from this... so it was a LONG WEEKEND... ie: and extended sunday... so much for thinking that all horrors wld end on monday... but such is life... and the thing is i'm not even taking an elective this semester... i cannot imagine how the rest manage...

presentation came.. and it burned a tiny hole in my pocket... had to take a cab down to school... *sigh*
sugar mummy ming.... wld you like to contribute to my emergency cab fund???
and the printing too!! education is expensive... and what do we learn???

presentation went... not too shabilly... my spate of bad luck ever since crossing paths with china (hong kong, taiwan included) tutors seems to be coming to an end... once again proving the point that i can sell my song and (interpretive) dance routine to a non-china tutors and ang moh females quite effectively... keeping my fingers crossed that i am rid of the curse for good....

yuanxin... hope u are feeling better... not sure if u can surf the net at TTSH.... but get well soon!!

it's now just a little past midnight.... and i am pleased to say that i shall be hitting the sack soon... a pretty decent time i would say...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

under the blasted weather...

*rubs eyes*
just woke up... nose is stuffed... throat is feeling scratchy and dry.... neck feels stiff.... lips are red...
the full blown effects of all the bingeing and coke during the past few days...
the weather isn't helping...

but there is work to be done... yet another sunday...
i can't wait for tuesday...

Friday, February 11, 2005

coke coke everywhere...

its the third day of the lunar new year...
and i am back in no man's land.... henceforth known as ADMIRALTy... like i was telling charmaine... it's like jb.. but u don't need a passport... neither will u get your hands on cheap dvds... so that's the trade off...
i am back coz two presentations await me on monday... *sigh*
but of course my mandatory two day lunar new year visiting has been fulfilled... played my part of the filial boy... haha... wishing everyone a prosperous new year... eating everything that they shove in front of me... and smiling away whenever the qsn of marriage and the significant other popped up... sounds familiar eh?

my hands are itching for a good game of mahjong.. ie: i win... heh.... queen of gamlers: when do u wanna take me on??? hahaha after i single handedly made you as good a player as niki!
my kidneys are probably failing from all the coke consumed in the past three days...
and my waist expanding from all the sambal prawn rolls that i've consumed....
things that only happen during the lunar new year... can't wait for it to happen all over again...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

what holidays???

"enjoy your new year...."
he said with a smug look on his face..... my candid outburst "yeah rite!" drew laughters from the rest of the studio.... buy did he feel smug...
judging from the list of WORK DUE on the following monday... i have a feeling that the long awaited festive season has turned into a horrifying week... HOW TO SQUEEZE IN ALL THE READINGS, PRESENTATIONS and red packet collecting into just a couple of days....
the horrid tutors!! they think just coz there is some what of a BREAK... we have all the time in the world to PRODUCE.... *sigh*
looks like i'll be back in my little pigeon hole in admiralty sooner than i know it... and it wld be as if the holidays never happened....

"happy lunar new year everyone!!!.... yeah rite!"

ps: just woke up from concussing after an EXTENDED SUNDAY.... to those ppl who was chatting with me on msn..... OOPS... heh..... so paiseh to fall asleep while chatting.... but i was on the bed and just couldnt help it...

Monday, February 07, 2005

5am blog...

i am awake... its an unearthly hour... i know...
but i am trying to get work done... (i only digressed to blog coz no one else is on msn at the moment)
3 hrs before i hv to make my way to school....
and i hv nothing to show... nothing much to tell either...

maybe i should do a no-show for school tmw.. after all i'm msian... i ought to be making my way home for the new year...

but i am determined to get something done!! i will!!!
i need a miracle... damn!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

two marthas, six manslaves, one janice... what a way to spend the weekend

today i learnt a very precious lesson...
behind every martha stewart there's probably a handful of manslaves to clean up after her....
it ain't easy keeping the kitchen clean....
and apparently in singapore.... they love to have foreign manslaves... the poor chinnys... myself included... washing bowls... i don't think our parents will be too pleased...

anyway... that was the deal i suppose... in all fairness... that charmaine prepared dinner.... ming and her dessert.... janice's watermelon.... erh hem....
the girls cooked... and janice erm.... made watermelon sparkly...
the guys.... were made manslaves... so we scrubbed.... washed.. dried and stacked....
somehow the s'porean manslaves soon made their way back into civilization...
while spongebob kept scrubbing!!!!
damn... i refuse to be the starfish!!! (wadeva his name is...)
but we cleaned... coz we msians... (cue fo chest pounding..) aren't very smart....
is that why sy and tongmei decided to forgo this event??? does this happen a lot?????
we shall not allow ourselves to be treated like this!!! chinchwee you are on your own!! =P

ok ok....
dinner was good.... yummy... and VERY FILLING!!!
desert... was GOOD too ;)
altho green tea jelly and lemon flavored pies are really not my thing....
heh... the watermelon was sweet.... heeee...

too bad i couldn't stay late... thankfully the train service was extended tonite...
such is the life of a student... public transport and projects....
but the biggest irony of the nite was when i got home... i had to do laundry and the dishes...
i want my own manslave!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

to my loyal bloggeees...

as you may have noticed... the frequency of the blogs hv taken a dipped....
this slump is probably due to the utter mundaness and banality of life at the moment...
but actually its not all true....
there hv been some 'events' here and there...
like russell wong exhibition part 1.... we could only see 2/3 of the collection coz the musuem was closing... bummer... and we were getting to the good part!! stills for the house of flying daggers... they even painted that wing of the gallery red to go with the sensous theme of the film... but oh well... jan, we hv to go again... cover botero as well.. anyone wants to join in??

and then there was the BK dinner at changi airport... but then again i am not big on goodbyes... so maybe it was all for the better... at least i got to wave goodbye... more than what sy got....
and the poster.... (those who wanna see THE POSTER... go to ming's blog)... gosh... really puts the years into perspective huh? we always say time flies... but looking back... we had lots of wonderful MOMENTS...

3hr long seminar session with a bunch of wide eyed students... how i tend to forget that i was once just like them... i guess we did learn something after all these years... TO LIE CONVINCINGLY... haha... ms TEO, thanks for the guest appearance... after the Nth group i really ran out of COMMENTs... at least no one did zouk this time.... *faints*

happeee bday ming!!! haha... being 24 ain't that bad at all....
(where is my LUNCH??)