Saturday, January 01, 2005


it was a rainy day...
it was a lazy day...
i did not get out of bed till after noon or so... forced out of bed to go look for food... MEAL #1... bread+milk+chocolates+vitamin C+1/2 packet of twisties+H2O

made my way down to NSIAP to pick up jan to go to the gym... (heh... the thing to do on the LAST day and the FIRST day of the year...)

it rained some more...
so we detoured to pick up some FREE cheesecake from calvin's office... and met with a little 'ACCIDENT' along the way...
all the trouble only to find that calvin was not free... hence no cheesecake... much to the dismay of my tummy tum tum...

the rain PAUSED
so we (aggy b, jan, sernhong and i) parted (two)ways... jan and i were determined to hit the gym.... but midway we stopped at starbucks for a quick drink... and a little chat....

and it rained again....
but when it stopped... we headed down to the gym for an hour long workout... (and it doesn't seem to make sense that we spend an hour working out... jan spends another 1/2 an hour showering....)

it stopped raining... finally... i was wondering what will the people do in sentosa if it didn't....

popped by orchard to pick up m(ing) butterfly and her muse aka miss aggy b....
and headed down to the gotanco's....

food glorious food....
i stuffed myself silly seeing that it was MEAL #2 + #3.... (had a severe case of indigestion in the wee hours of the morning... seems like i took in MEAL#5 + #6 too....)
chicken wings, pasta, steamboat, mushrooms, assortment of balls... beer, coke, ice cream... grapes... cheesecake... absolut vanilla....

it was almost twelve... ok maybe 10mins more to twelve... but we were geared up... but what do we do when the clock strikes twelve? we rehearsed auld lang syne... we counted down the minutes... when the moment neared mr gotanco gave us wine =).....


drink wine....
jump! (the fillipinos believe that you will grow taller.... no harm trying....)
eat a grape... (supposed to make u taller too...i think....)
sing auld lang syne... (and then later thought we should have sang that before we the new year....)

the nite went on.... games... silly games... even sillier games....
farewell to some...
farewell to more....

another beer for me...
lounge singing... with the mamasan....
and a cab ride home... (the taxi driver almost forgot that i was in his cab and nearly stopped for nasi lemak somewhere between yishun and admiralty...)

at least i started off this new year feeling healthy, happy and full.... simple reasons to be thankful for the past year and to look forward to turning 25!


shoe slut said... not a mamasan ok...but least m(ing) butterfly was cute....i give u tt much

2005 is here! finally? cool...NO? NO! NO!! see it is working already


thanks chinny.. for giving us the LOW-down on new yr's eve... heh