Sunday, December 26, 2004

how x'mas came and went... ( a bumper blog )

the public holiday that we spent months looking forward to came and went...
and boy do i feel old...
and you are probably old... when on x'mas eve your main concern was to avoid the crowds in town and on public transport... hence leaving the hotspots before 9pm... while the youngsters and some hip uncles and aunties... (and also some really silly ones who bring KIDS and TODDLERs out to orchard road... jeez... what were they thinking!!!?) made their way to the countdown in orchard road... i was comfortable nestled at home... after a long day of worshipping the sun and then catching PHANTOM OF THE OPERA with edwin... (hmm.. the movie had really awful male leads who seem to have a problem singing and acting at the same time... and they were lip syncing!!? not recommended for those who has seen the stage production of it...)
and you know u are old... when u fall asleep watching the tv... not sure at which point during the KELLY, RUBEN and FANTASIA concert that you drifted off to slumber land.... only to wake up past midnight... to the sounds of a couple of x'mas sms-es and DRUNK friends who thought it would be a nice gesture to call and scream MERRY X'mAS over the phone...
yup... so at 1:36am... to the sounds of a screaming janice.. (ming sprayed the fake snow on her...) x'mas was here.... no countdown... no party.... no overnite mahjong game where we pause at midnite to wish each other a merry x'mas...
boy i must be old... to have x'mas sneak up on me like that...

the better part of x'mas was spent in the company of friends... and food.... what a sinful x'mas.. but more reasons to hit the gym i guess... (edwin, i am not SHALLOW!!'s just maintanence....)

lunch at ming's
which somehow cheenafied the festive season... hobbes + niki both agreed that it felt more like chinese new year... maybe coz of the decor and the lack of a x'mas tree...
food was good... thanks to the PSUEDO CHEF and MANSLAVE 01... heh.. rangoli with FRESH clams, POTATO SALAD with bacon bits and generous portions of cream... and some banana ice cream desert.. which resembled a flambe without the fire... coke, fizzy lime juice and red wine (yes, i was made to drink all three...) and some thai desert that seemed more like ming's plan to STUFF all her frens with food than part of the x'mas luncheon...

highlights apart from the food... a toy car race... that i never stood a chance of winning coz BOH thot i suited the AMBULANCE that crawled its way to the scene of an accident rather than a race car that zips across the room amazingly fast... (oh miss AGNES b.OH gave a couple of us these little wind up toys.. so we decided to have a little race..)
and i am NOT COMPLAINING bout the present... (edwin, don't say anything!)
haha... i really should just react to presents with a THANK YOu.... ;P

hobbes HAIRCUT... it was a decent trim that bears no resemblance to any kind chewing off by animals... heh...
(note to self: career option #6)

KUNG FU HUSTLE... made the day more like chinese new year... but over all was a really entertaining flick... not much of a storyline... but everyone can appreciate the comic brilliance...

after the show there was coffee... and when it came to dinner time... PIZZA, FRIED CHICKEN WINGS, POTATO WEDGES, PEANUTS and BEER... peppered with lots of laughter (usually at the expense of janice and chin chwee...) while it seems like all the bars and watering holes were packed on the eve of x'mas... we had the luxury of enjoying our sinful finger food and beer in a quite and relatively smoke free bar...

but then again we trotted out of NO.5 a little before 9:30pm... and made our way home from a crowded orchard road...
yup, we are old...



u're finally back to blogging chinny!
and what a blog it is!
wad's that abt the laughs at my expense eh? *glare* tt's so not true ok! (erm. yah. NOT!)
hahah 'twas pretty fun pigging out at No. 5 yeah? That is officially my fav hangout place now... (apart from the steak house with the cute waiter *drool* hahaha)

et said...

Edwin: Nothing but silence! (and a roll of an eye ...)

shoe slut said...

i really didnt mean to scream, honest, i think i called my entire phonelist, singtel hv mercy on my bill! too unglam, ugh

yup im getting old too

xmas lunch was a blur, no doubt due to my spinning head, alternate btw wanting to b a gracious host and just f-it and collapse back on my think i even wanted to dig out the old plastic tree

im no martha

boh on the run said...

hey hey.. no more of this agnes B.oH thingy sia.. machiam it's some bad evil nick for a girl named agnes with body odour..