Thursday, December 16, 2004

a brand new day...

i just had breakfast... a cup of milk with half a can of coffee (the nescafe mocha is really sweet...) and two half boiled eggs... the day looks set to be great... except for one little detail... i haven't got any sleep!! gosh... my biological clock gets screwed every now and then and today seems to be one of those days... i'm supposed to head down to school to settle some stuff so no sleeping in till mid day... and meeting charles later to shop for edwin's present... and then hitting the gym with ming in the evening... and hopefully, FRIED FISH WANTON for dinner... hvnt had that in a week and i'm really looking fwd to it... *tummy rumble*

yup.. i hope i can get thru today... and finally sleep at a more humane time...

the past week had been pretty hectic... a mix of family stuff, personal stuff and christmas shopping... christmas shopping is difficult because i keep seeing things that i want to get for myself!.... *blearh* so far i've got one present done... with lots more to go... i will prob end up with nothing for myself.. *uurgh*

recently caught school for seduction and national treasure.. the former had a few good laughs.. and taught boh and jan a thing or two... haha... i hope they are putting it to good use!! the latter was an interesting movie... but the highlight was the enjoyable company... so the week hasn't been too bad at all.... ;) it definitely hasn't been too bad... coz despite being ill and all... i still squeezed in time for a beer with charm and jan... and catching up with old friends while x'mas shopping... and getting to know new friends better...

hmm... haven't been blogging much lately... its just one of those times... where instead of putting the stuff here online for everyone to read... i hv to spill my guts out in the safer pages of my own journal... heh... just things that i don't think everyone will care to know... but for those who do... you probably already know... so there....

yup... hope that everyone is handling the festive season well... and for those who are still enjoying the holidays... time's ticking... jeez... i will miss this life....


shoe slut said...

u r gg back to school already!??! wat'll become of me?!! my gym buddy...*breaks down into hysterics*

enjoy while it lasts!


swimming in the wrong sea chinny... the lessons learnt from the school for seduction ring hollow... no use at all... no use *shakes head empathically* haha