Tuesday, January 01, 2008


what a way to start the year.. being stranded right at the doorsteps of DRAGONFLY... not sure which was sadder.. the fact that we did a countdown while still in queue.. or that were getting into DRAGONFLY.. but of course once we got in.. the alcohol was flowing... and the company was swell... 2008 was like 1999.. and the butterfly made her public singing debut

what started out as ming's motley crew turned out to be acquainted to one another... the world, or rather singapore, is too small... to think that some ppl you actually knew from 10 years ago... some were bmt mates of ppl you know... the 6 degrees of separation kept unfolding... and some who knew each other closely were also separated in the confusion... ming is now from NJ and jan went to BMT...

and if last year's reverse bungee jump thought me anything about the importance of counting down to the new year... i'm optimistic about 2008.. or at least i have an idea of what's in store and how to manage the coming 366 days...

sometimes it seems like you're stuck and the queue doesn't seem to be moving... and it may seem like you missed out by being stuck outside when you had expected to get inside... but when you finally get in.. enjoy every moment... don't waste a single drop... sing along to every song even if you don't know the lyrics.. and most importantly... party without prejudice!

anyway... first dawn is breaking and my ears are still ringing from the loud mando/canto-pop and i'm all ready to turn in..

a post at the start of the year is a good sign isn't it? or is everyone doing FACEBOOK these days...


shoe slut said...

it was good fun and nice to know you in njc when i had short hair, was short and wore specs :P


and while I was in BMT!