Wednesday, October 26, 2005

it must have been my lucky day!

courtesy of a fairy-sugar-godmother

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

puffy eyes in the morning...

well at least i'm back to singapore time...
that's the only consolation..
otherwise i'm still sleep deprived... (ok, one can't get too much sleep rite??)
but all this will temporarily end come monday...
alright.. not cos i'll be going around trick or treating..
but its the FINAL deadline... yes.. FINAL... for the dissertation (i still love the way the word makes it sound so sophisticated)
after nearly 6mths... (ok so i prob ONLY did actual work half that time.. ok.. maybe one third)
it will be done...
there'll be no more papers to write for a while..
in fact... its prob the last paper for my very long stint in university...
gosh... it will all be over soon..

let's not look too far into the crystal ball...
the great unknown isn't pleasant...

now gimme some teabags... i've gotta go out and face the world!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

not quite... the morning after

well most of you have heard me complain bout the braces..
throwing my little fits...
overusing the crying emoticon...
cos it hurts and i can't eat...
nothing worse than being in pain and hungry at the same time...
but i am glad to officially announce that I CAN EAT..
in fact i had CREAMY CHICKEN PASTA from pasta mania...
was surprised to find that the chicken shreds that they use are quite tender...
i little bit of munching and i can swallow..
so since now that i am no longer THAT hungry... my mood has brightened up considerably...

good show.. those who are in singapore should really catch it..
a good mix of humour and violence... actually its not at all violent since they never really show the killing/stabbing on screen... unlike the america equivalent, KILL BILL...
those who are not in singapore (since my readers are now from all over the globe).... too bad... heee..
if u offer to pay i will look for the dvd and rip and send it to you...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

itunes 6.0

for those who already know.. i've been PREPARING for my ipod for quite sometime now...
from adding artwork to the albums and songs (ipod photo) and now.. adding videos to my catalogue... in anticipation for the new ipod with video... its so cute how they generate the icon for the videos... i shall load it with lotsa music videos...

heh.. i'm glad i waited.. =)

anyway.. the new and improved itunes is ALRIGHT... much of the interface hasn't change... only for the function to add and view videos... and their supposed more sleek appearance actually isn't very nice.. much prefer the old one... cos the new one is kinda BOXy... very square.. very sharp edges... and the display of the track info as u play the songs arent great...
and the thing i wished they'd upgrade was for them to show the album artwork even when u minimize the window to just the controller... like the display on the ipod!! i guess they dun want ppl w/out ipods to get a cheap thrill out of it..

somebody buy me an ipod!!!! (with video of course)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005

sweet sleep...

so much for the plan to get back to spore time...
i actually think i'm in new york time now...
hi jan!! hi sy!!!

so its technically 830am over there in new york..
what shall i do this lovely saturday morning...
heh.. but my tummy's not going along with the brain..
it wants dinner...

damn.. hv to go out and find myself some grub...
macs? kfc?
hmm.... maybe i can get some reading done at mcdonalds??
heh.. who am i kidding... i think i'll bring a fluffy mag there instead...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

this is it!!!

just imagine... w&g... chengjun ge...
MING! what are u waiting for... this is it!!!!
all your tv shows on the go!!!



i want!!!!!!

it will soon be a year...

time flies really... suddenly remembered that i started this blog sometime in october last year..
it will soon be a year...
to those who are still reading this blog... good for you! hahaaa
i'm not about to stir up some controversy to boost readership tho...
nope.. no racial slurs.. no complaints about the gahmen...

this blog shall still remain a fluff-only zone...
this is the shrine of blondes... and black-haired asians with IQ of blondes...

well.. a year had passed.. and no point in looking back really...
cos it might all sound too familiar...
won't it be depressing to look back.. and realise that you're still stuck in the same predicament and situations nowadays?
nah.. that thought wld be too depressing...

so i instead.. i will look AHEAD.. (like all forward looking msians *chest thumping*)
the sch term will draw to a close.. all deadlines wld be a thing of the past...
holidays.. x'mas... parties... woo hoo0o0o0o
things are looking up already...

and yes.. I'M MOVING.. relocating... to another place within the same region of ulu-pandanness..
but it will be A ROOM OF MY OWN... for quite some time to come..
so this time.. there'll be a REASON to decorate...
(ming... buy me ikea vouchers.. haha i will throw a room warming party!! or better yet.. buy me a dog.. and dog food!!! you will have visiting rights... heh)

who wants to help me move? any manslaves out there??

Friday, October 07, 2005

the project of vanity..

for those who don't already know..
i'm getting braces done...
vanity... cos my teeth aren't seriously in need of orthodontics..
(goodbye NANO... and x'mas shopping... all of you will only be getting cards.. made from scrap material...)

so anyway... had went for the first session yesterday... (apparently i forgot that i had an prior appt the week b4)
and the dentist inserted small pieces of rubber bands to create space...
basically what he did was to jam those rubber band things in between the molars...
not exactly painful..
but sure is irritating... its like hvg food stuck between your teeth... only this time you can't go floss it out...
yes... it makes u feel like u actually DO wanna FLOSs... uurgh... just 4pcs of rubber band.. and i already feel depressed..
i can already see it affecting my speech..
but of course some ppl can be thankful that i will be keeping my mouth shut more often...
(but i can still roll my eyes!!!....)

the point is.. i cannot imagine the discomfort that will follow when my whole mouth is fitted with these braces.. uurrgh..
i'm on my way to being a 25yr old nerd...

how bout treating me to chocolates and candy for the next two weeks??
ooh.. i can be like that fat kid in charlie and the chocolate factory!! but i doubt i'll clog up the pipes..

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

i'm IN THE (wrong time) ZONE

why am i not doing work in singapore time??

soon i will be able to join the pandas... i wonder if the beijing olympics are looking for a real life mascot...

Monday, October 03, 2005

it's monday yet again...

a new week... a new month... but the same old things to get thru...
thesis work.. dissertation... readings for elective...
it all seems like a lot of work..
but i live by my mantra... it all ends somehow... meaning we'll survive one way or another...
i guess i've never really considered not surviving as a possible outcome.. heh
sometimes i live a lot by faith....
occassionally overestimating myself and underestimating the situation...

mariah carey's we belong together plays in the background for the uptenth time...
niki thinks i'm going mad.. but i still luurve the song...
she, ms niki... has lost the need to identify with it....
now that she's found bliss... (oops... did i reveal too much?? at least i din say u were getting married!!)

well.. on a brighter note... mondays are still bearable cos i have my tennis lessons!! heh still in the running to be the top student.. and nO, i'm not the only one who enrolled... i'm masquerading as a newbie to boost my deflating ego... heee.....
AND.. america's next model tonite!!!! that should see me through the rest of the semester...
oh yes... the actual workload too...
time to do some actual work....
