Tuesday, August 30, 2005

lemme just update something...

ok before my blog starts growing cobwebs.... its time to put in an entry...
actually there was an entry prior to this.. heh... but the person who typed it (ie: not me) decided to remove it...
so into the trash can it went... toether with her rear end pic...

life has been ALRIGHT.... perhaps thats the problem when things are just OKAY...
there's no sensation in your existence...
just numbness...

i did haul my sorry ass out over the weekend... to watch STREET SCENES... which was sorta like a semi musical and well, i shall not comment on the generally bad acting... one caucasian lady was pretty good... in fact she was so good she stood out like a sore thumb... the rest of the Chinese cast... really... cannot make it lah.... you cldnt make out the words when they started singing...

ate CARL's jr... gosh... overpriced burgers... din quite enjoy mine.... after making my way thru half the burger... i realised.. there's no way that Paris Hilton can actually eat this and still be able to fit into that bikini to wash the car in the advert...
well.. my mantra is always to try everything at least once... so there, i'm sticking to my macs, kfc and subway from now on...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

1157hrs @ the library

it was one of those perfect days of school...
i was on time... i did my readings... and actually answered questions that the lecturer had..
heh... and this was after my renewed GOOD STUDENT PLAN for this semester was temporarily foiled by a mild case of sniffles.. wednesday went by with sleeping and eating... only minimal reading done..
and it seems like that's basically what needs to be done this whole semester... READINGS and WRITING...
it would sound like the perfect sch experience for me... until of course i bail out on my schedule.. and hv to go into hiding from the tutor... and then comes the late submissions... and another disappointing semester in sch.. but i shall not let the past get the better of me... i am determined to stay disciplined for this coming 14weeks... (ok... i really dunno how many weeks are left of this semester)

ok... in the library now... taking a short break after my 2hr elective: READINGS IN ART AND ITS HISTORIES...
avoiding the lunch time crowd at the canteen... plus the fact that there's NO ONE ELSE IN SCHOOL!
gone are the days when there was always someone you knew (likeabilty factor notwithstanding) to have lunch with.. someone working on a site model... doodling a sketch in the studio... well, there're still ppl doing that.. just no one i know...
seems like its really not just a matter of adapting to changing environments for the ppl who have left or are going to leave this ocassionaly sunny island... those who are left behind hv to adapt too... bleah...

ok... so i've actually been thru a year of this... i really should hv gotten used to the idea by now...
but with every semester break.. holidays... it just makes going back to sch a real drab... no more time to just sit ard at starbucks pretending to be reading... no more "let's meet up.. and do nothing"...

i should spare myself the extra pain of the inevitable goodbyes and ease into the student mode of things...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Friday, August 05, 2005

the rocky road of education...

i'm sure we've all heard of the parable of that little boy who had to borrow the flame from his neighbours' candle light so that he could study at night... another one of those stories to remind us just how good we've got it... so you can imagine the thrill in my head when i had to brave the rain and the cold just to get to the library to drop off an overdued book, pay my fines, zap some readings and do a bit of borrowing..
the rain was relentless... and between the central library at the university and the architecture faculty... i was prepared to get drenched.. it was just a matter of which direction i get drenched in... (ok so there is a long sheltered pathway that will require me to meander thru the engin' fac... i really wasn't prepared to do any cardio in the great outdoors... plus, the rain did clear up quite a bit when i was done at the library..)
anyway.. back to my story... so there i was... cold (forgot to put a jacket in my bag.. brilliant.. for someone who owns so many of them.. i really hv no excuse for being cold...) and sleepy (had to make it to sch real early so that i cld pick mei up from her lazik op...) i was reminded of the parable and thought... wow, maybe i'll get an A for effort!!!
just as i hiked up the stairs.. from the bus stop.. onto the sheltered walkway leading to the library.... i saw eunice heading towards me... holding onto notes and books more than her two arms can handle... umbrella in one hand... bag slung across her shoulder... and i thought.. damn! i've probably gotta brave more of these storms to even qualify for an A for NICE TRY...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

willy wonka willy wonka... lalalalalala...

ok ming prob has a better idea of how the song goes..
my other fav song would be... 'a moment on the lips.. forever on the hips.. on the hips... on the hips... lalalalaa.. '
haha.. (not so much a song as a motivational cheer!)

caught the show before it was officially released on 4th august... and i must say it was very entertaining!!
haha... and as i happily exclaimed to boh, ming and lim.. 'i read a book today!'
what??! i was not a roald dahl kid... haha... after enid blyton i moved onto tv times.. and TV...
(at least i know that its not read as ROAD DULL... hahahaa... sorry CC... **chest thumpin'**)
but... thats the great things bout literary works that has a movie version! i can pretend that i've read that darn thing...
and inject some normalcy into my childhood.. hey! i was busy learning chinese from ch8 ok!

so charlie and the chocolate factory.. goes into the same shelf as lord of the rings, harry potter...
ooh.. CS Lewis' chronicles of narnia coming this christmas!! haha... one less book to read!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

meatballs galore!

thanks boh boh for doing the montage...
here's a rundown of credits for last sunday's meatball party!

venue: jjk courtesy of lim
peeled red flesh oranges (and by peeled.. we mean ALL skinn removed... yes.. chockful of flesh with every bite..) courtesy of lim's aunt...
pots and pans and stove and the very warm kitchen courtesy of lim's family...

yummy potato salad courtesy of ming (altho we know who'll be doing the dishes at home.. so thanks nellie!!!)
hardsell konyaku jelly in large sizes also from ming... (serve deserts first next time eh?)
the stirring and watchama call it,... sifting/dissolution of the powder for the meatball sauce... ming and mei...
*sauce from ikea

aglio olio spaghetti... with butter-fused sauce courtesy of boh... basel and parsley on the side...

the meatball chefs... **chest thumping** sy and me! hee hee...
*authentic swedish meatballs from ikea

assortment of drinks/beer... courtesy of bing

clean up: mr sern hong.. all becos he couldn't eat one more meatball...
the taste testers: tay yew, simeon, ding (too bad u missed the meatballs.. but i hope u had fun on ur date!!)... and everyone else who ate...
and guest appearances:elaine (free ride home to ulu pandan!!!)

and special guest appearances via IDD: yvette and niki!!

it was fun.. let's do it again sometime soon.. but maybe one tub less of 'em meatballs... i hear there's a party in december...
woo hoo!!