Sunday, June 19, 2005

i can't believe it...

sunday morning...
a time to sleep in...
or wake up to the wholesome goodness christian dysfunctionalities of 7th Heaven (yes, its still being aired... but strangely when most christian families would be at church!)

but right here at admiralty... sammi cheng techno is blaring from speakers somewhere... its not a nightmare... they are having some carnival... but who the hell wakes up at 9am to join in the 'fun' of a carnival????! urrgh... what's more irritating is that i can't hear the dialogue of 7th heaven!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

and this fairytale did not have a happy ending...

for those who've been folowing the local reality tv EYE FOR A GUY...
last nite the bachelorette, denise keller, revealed her pick on the guy who'd go to europe with her...
and she went with the obvious choice... the smart, suave and successful, wolfgang...
(yup caucasian.. but the other candidate was american chinese.. so i'm not really gonna talk about foreign talents and lousy singaporean men...heh)
wolfgang... what's there not to like... i can sum it up in a few words.. handsome, shops for gifts at CARTIER... enough to get my thumbs up already.. BUT inside sources tell me that he's a jerk... well, the exact words from the source would be, BASTARD... so i was actually rooting for the other fella... poor howard...
not coz i'm terribly concerned with denise's happiness... (despite the semi first name basis... i don't know her personally.. heh... but i'm sure she's a fren of some fren... by a few degrees of separation...)

back to my story... yes, howard... the guy who could make denise laugh, and feel 'like a girl'... he honestly went all out trying to win the girl... but it was not meant to be... and it just proves the point that we live in a superficial world... coz apparently his huge personality does not make up for the lack in height.. and his err.. chinese mug...
and perhaps it shows that great friends can only make great friendships... ultimately, love is about chemistry and the spark that sets the butterflies a flutter...

can u blame her? if i were her (prior to hearing that wolfgang's a jerk... it amazes me how you can really be so put off by things that you hear by word of mouth...) i would have gone with wolfgang... i mean honestly, if you choose a sense of humour over good looks and style... you'll end up with a good laugh over ur crappy presents...

i will not leave any incriminating evidence behind... but just think for a moment.. (this is to all my gal pals..) take away all the perks that comes with ur bfrens... and just think... will a sense of humour sustain you on that train ride out of admiralty.. or wld you rather the car over personality anytime?

the real question is... would you choose looks over money?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

a happening weekend... (part one)

it was a wild weekend...
while i've always thought that i've mellowed with age..
a gathering of close frens will never fail to bring out the party animal in me..
ok.. alcohol helps... a whole lot...
its true what they say in the biology textbooks... it just takes away your inhibition...

haha.. that prob explained all the smooching that went on that nite..

but the nite to celebrate terence's bday had its fair share of hiccups...

we couldn't decide on a place for dinner...
but we knew (or at least pam says that she wants a place with good ambience..) so we headed down to club street..
which is pretty different from the usual orchard rd crowd...
actually i was quite surprised to find that club street was kinda quite on a saturday nite..
but of course not being too familar with the fare over there... we had to walk to look at menus and decide on a place that was nice and affordable...

my shing shing pink tee (pink tee with shing shing stuff on it..) was not made for walking...
not like some boots... i was pespiring... and just short of breaking out in rashes...
i needed air conditioning quick....
ok.. i was gonna pay any price to just cool off... but pam and terence were less agreeable...
so we trotted on... till we came to this place called JERRY'S GRILL....
being a little brain fried from the heat.. we found ourselves seated in some faux american setting (ie excessive use of the red white and blue..) staring at a menu that really seemd like overpriced BILLY BOMBERS....

so while waiting for the rest of the party to arrive (mei and tommy to join us)...
i said: if we are gonna walk out of here.. let me go first...
pam: heh? (for those who've heard pam... this is supposed to be funny.. think nasal.. and whiney..)

(mei and tommy arrives.. and we've been cooling off with the air con for about 10mins now.. waiter staring at us..)

mei: SO ARE WE LEAVING? (yes, the caps indicate that she had no intention of not letting the wait staff overhear us...)

yup, i'm sure the waiter heard us... in fact we were surprised that he didn't serve us a round of ice water to make us feel bad about thinking of walking out like that...
seeing that we might just be trapped rite there...
pam stood up.. (she really didn't wanna pay that much for the poor ambience..)

pam: SOOOOREEEEEEE..... (yes, whiney and saccharine sweet...) we've decided to go somewhere else instead...

that was the cue... we all followed pam.. down the stairs.. and out of JERRY's GRILL...
so if anyone intends to dine there anytime soon.. please tell them that we're terribly sorry...

so after looking ard for about 15mins more.. we ended up at sPIZZA... which was the one place that i've dined at club street... sheesh...

*end of part one*

a happening weekend... (part deux)

yes.. after a lovely dinner at sPizza... we love the TIANA... (you love it to don't you ming?.. all the cream and salmon..)
ooh.. in fact the raw slamon appetizer was not bad too... altho the serving is kinda small...
oh yes.. not to mention our own version of EXTREME MAKEOVER...
(haha... there was no way that we would go clubbing with terence in that ATHENS 2004 tee shirt... for GAWD's sake.. its already 2005!!! MADRID 2012 is the IN olympic thing to be spotted with now... rite mei??)
thank goodness we actually got him a decent shirt on top of the nice wallet for his bday...
dinner ended well with rockmellon ice-cream... and a 15% discount with STANDARD CHARTED cards... courtesy of tommy lee...
(no no... no porn here altho we have a tommy lee and a busty pamela at the dinner table... )

after dinner drinks was where the action began... and where things became a bit of a blur...
like most ignorant drinkers.. they (pam and terence...) ordered the most fancy sounding cocktails...
(don't they know that they always end up tasting bad???)
malibu sunrise... (which smells and tasted like my banana boat suntanning oil...)
boston beach party... (bad long island tea...)
the morning after... (err... tastes like fruit punch?..)

i brilliantly stuck with beer from the tap... which pam has concluded that it tastes second best... first being iced water..
but i think i also drank half of everything else... haha.. money's worth... after all round one was on me...

round two!
we did tequila pop, apple (whiskey?) shots... and tequila shots....

and to end off the nite...
a flaming lambourghini!!
haha.. only for the bday boy of course...
and i guess that sorta did it...

by 2am.. he was outside puking... and by 3am.. he was already home...
of course i continued dancing.. and got to ride a beemer... but that's a whole different story...

HAPPY B"DAY TERENCE.... who says we've gotta mellow with age?

Monday, June 06, 2005

the weather still got the better of my day...

most of you would know by now how when i say 'i'm heading down to the pool...'
grey skys would appear out of nowhere...
sorta like a great conspiracy...
the clouds would wait till i'm all ready to get out of the house and then surprise me (in the most unpleasant way)...

but today... one of those rare days where i thought i got the better of the weather
i actually managed to head down to the pool (with an honourary resident of NORTHOAKS..*snigger*).. catch some sun... only to have some intermittent cloudiness...

but the victory was shortlived...
i got home.. did my laundry...
and just as i was ready to head out...
it rains...

and if you thought that was all...
as i reconsidered my entire schedule..
the rain stopped...

yippeee?? you say...??
no... as i started preparing myself to leave...
it rained again!!!!

and here i am... waiting for the weather to give way....
fine fine....
you win!! the clouds rule!!!


Thursday, June 02, 2005

'twas a painful experience...

mei says that i'm terribly brave to be terence's guinea pig...
his first wisdom tooth patient...
but i was thinking 'how bad can it be?'
i've known a couple of people who've survived wisdom-teeth extractions...

boy was i in for a surprise...

i had thought that the jab would be the most painful part of the entire process...
and i should hv figured that something was wrong when the injection did not hurt the least bit
then the horrors began...

wrapped up and disinfected...
i was awake, numb.. but i couldn't see....
the oh something was happening... i just din noe what it was...
until the sawing began... eeeepss...
and it almost felt like they were trying to remove the tooth by sheer brute force...
i was sweating buckets... cold sweat...
what was i thinking??? its bad enough extracting a tooth that is loose... but a perfectly fine tooth??
kill me now...
but they really couldn't tell from my expression since i was hidden under all the cloth...
so i just kept on sweating...

ok... after about an hour (it's prob faster with an experienced professional.. but oh well.. all in the name of education..)
the ordeal was over...
i bit the gauze, downed the painkilers and went shopping....
haha.. retail therapy has a new meaning...
wait till you see the bag i got! whoppee!!

anyway.. i'm healing fine... in fact eating well... no swelling and no more pain..
and at least i got a bag out of this experience..

a strangely productive day...

work done = time x distance from orchard road

ok spent half the day at the library mulling over virginia woolf and the hours...
kinda interesting really...
altho i'm not sure of its relevance to my dissertation...
but to have an excuse to watch dvds and call it work done...
why not??
picked up a few more books to add on to my growing reading list...
where should i even start??

here's a little bitchy tidbit for the blogees...

what's the use of headphones if you are gonna share every comment and reaction with everyone else in that little viewing room??? no thanks to the three ppl who were watching some japanese anime... some idiot going "eeee... ooo... hahhahaha..." every few minutes...
i'd like to say something: SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
and the bigger idiots who opted to share their audio with everyone else...
i say: the headphones are for you to keep the sound in your ears and not for me to block out yours!!!!


anyway... yes... what's important is that i'm getting into the groove of work...
and seems like heading to the library wld be a wise move...
apparently that's a good place to do work... heh... pardon my ignorance...
but fellow coursemates will agree that we've not had to do so much readings for the longest time...

ok back to the prose of michael cunningham...