Sunday, May 08, 2005


Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
my current houseguest...
my home is now the new spca for ming-discards.. heh... can't wait for when she dumps nellie here... then she can help me with the cleaning....

ok.. back to my houseguest...
who does nothing but eats and sleeps... and poops... can't blame him... nothing interesting in admiralty... and the rain just means that the garden is too wet for him to walk ard...

but i think he doesn't really mind... he seems contented to sleep... and change to a differnt spot to sleep every now and then... and follow anyone who's moving ard the house

oh yes.. he stares out of the window too!.. enjoying the view? prob not.. this doggy is scared of heights and can't jump... prob waiting for the woman who dumped him here.... tsk tsk

it happend so suddenly... a trip to town.. and the next thing he knew.. he was at the doorstep of the infamous blk688D... *whimper woof woof whimper*


shoe slut said...

beeeeeetch! (yes it refers to you, gz is male) c'mon, u were a willing party and i SO didnt dump him! and if i were really dumping him, it was an AWFULLY long way to go just to dump him!

eternity is as its name implies

lepetitmac said...

its not my fault that you did not turn when you were supposd to ok...
oh pls.. i offered to ease ur guilt... tsk tsk... causing all the unhappiness at home.. its bad enough that you are still on the shelf... heh... (that's prob below the belt....)

*whimper woof woof whimper*
see... that poor doggy...

shoe slut said...

for the lack of a better retort
