Thursday, May 05, 2005

it pours...

my dossier is filling up with many more tasks and errands this hols...
it will soon overflow...

more articles!!
yay yay....
the verdict is in... the editor loves my work... and i will survive to contribute to more issues....
get your copy at the nearest newstands!! haah...
i can hear the money rolling in... whooopeeee!!!

ray ray: the circulation of ur mag will increase by at least three... yup THREE ppl offered to go pick up a copy that my BY-LINE (not BI-LINE.... ) appears in!! heee.... the power of pseudo-celebrity writers...

i WONDER HOW i got this job...
tsk tsk... the poor doggy with a gross overbite gets abandoned by litte-miss-i-throw-everything-away-after-one-week...
(case in point... the tiffany stuff that got 'lost'... damaged phone... and now a little living thing... at least she din dump u in the trash and claim that she din know where IT ended up...)
you may just out-marry ms elizabeth taylor before u even hit the big 5-0

heh... but in all honesty.. walking the dog isn't that different from going to the gym with ming ming... heeee...
(ok she is SO gonna kill me.... but... but... i cleaned up my room so that the dog can move ard without tripping on his stumpy legs...!! brownie points?)

and of course... last but not least...
dissertation stuff...
readings... more readings... those endless readings...

*lemme go get another cup of coffee.....


boh on the run said...

gz is with you?? my gawd. ming is useless...i think she should never have children. least she gets bored with them too...:P

shoe slut said...

EH EH EH, he is how low maintenance can. it is not me this time, my mom is gg stark raving mad, got on my case just cos he sneezed on the floor

it is not me! i would have lasted at least a week, in fact i did!