Sunday, January 30, 2005

left and leaving....

2005 seems like the year to be sending ppl off....
was the airport about a week back... at the unearthly hour of 7plus am... to send edwin off to shanghai... ok he'll be back in a year... but i'll have to find someone else to watch those $6.50 weekday movies... tho with the recent amount of workload (those readings that we can never seem to decipher....) its probably best to cut back on my social life.... i haven't even caught aviator, kinsey, elektra, the sea inside, bad education.... and the list goes on.....

will be at the airport again this coming monday... to send niki off... and she will be gone for 2years or so... i'll miss mahjong!! (haha... despite hvng only played once with u... but it was a good learning experience for u huh?? ;) )
and don't kill me.... hahha.... you'll find out soon enough as to what you shouldn't kill me for... rite aggy b.oh?

as more people venture out of this tiny island.... the rest of us are probably wondering why are we still here?? (and where will i find my elves????)
well... i'm already OVERSEAS... but i've grown so accustomed to this little 'nose dropping' of an island that i'm subsumed in its homogeneity... blandness... and the lack of sense of adventure... what to do? we got bills to pay.... but of course this is not total resignation to fate... i do believe that we can make the most out of the circumstance and situation that we are in... heh... not exactly sounding like the chin hong who was so close to calling it quits last semester... well, we all hv our down times... but when that happens.... STOP, BREATHE..... and perhaps move on with an added dose of optimism... although it's always good to have friends around to perform CPR during those times when we simply STOP BREATHING...

this one's for FRIENDs.... you'll be missed... but i also know that you'll be back. =)

Thursday, January 27, 2005

my new literary diet...

spinoza, andorno, deleuze, derrida, foucault, freud, nietzche, hegel, gramsci, marx, lacan, heidegger, kierkegaard

not exactly my usual dose of gossip fodder from 8days...
this is bound to disturb my HQ: himbo quotient...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

what a week it has been...

barely a week into the new sch term... it already feels like i've been there for a long time... in fact STUDIES have shown that this course results in the accelerated speed of ageing... DAMN!
but the week isn't without its highlights...

i went to school with a face that says SHOOT me... ended up the REP for the ONLY compulsory module this sem... i really do talk too much... NOTE TO SELF: keep opinions to yourself... not that i am complaining... seriously... collect notes, distributing them.... it won't be much of a task if you could only see for urself how SLACK the lecturer is... oh well... and perhaps by 'volunteering' i cld maybe balance out my academia karmic points just a little bit so that perhaps this semester.. when both my ELVES go on their holidays during submission time.... i will survive...
it did not just end there... got the job of studio REP as well... i should really keep all opinions and enthusiasm to myself... let the sem begin!

heh... no SCHOOL!!! thrilling isn't it?? to be able to recover from post first day trauma...

my very first stint at being a TA... how FELICITY!... for this module AR2223... attended the lectures *yawn*.... they were still using the very same slides as when we took the module back in 2002... talk about a TIMELESS WAY OF BUILDING...
but of course the highlight of this teaching job had to be the STUDENTS... not just any student... but none other than the LEMON TREE GUY!!! heh... fortunately he is in YUANXIN's tutorial grp... i seriously think that my vault of sarcastic comments that i am prepared to throw at the sudents will just be wasted on him...

no school till 2pm!!! yiippeee.... another opportunity to recover...
studio was the same old same old... but no talk about theories this time round... its all about BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGs... i'm lovin' it!

went back to ACS to visit teachers who taught us... edwin and i....
charles: hey.. wished you din have lessons... there was no way to reschedule coz some teachers will be away on a field trip next week.. and edwin wld hv left for shanghai when they came back.. oh well... we can visit another time... but i know you are not exactly keen on it rite??

site visit to KL... to sum it up... it was 12hours in the van... 4hrs on site... and a pretty good FREE LUNCH!!
and this is not counting the time i made my way down to NUS in the wee hours of the morning only to realise that the driver was gonna take us by the causeway instead of the second link... so 3hours after waking up and taking the train... i was at WOODLANDS... *sigh* that was only the beginning....
although it was difficult to say that we absolutely benefitted from the trip in terms of the assignment since the only thing we had to do was to walk around and take pictures... the 10 hours on the bus sure broke the ice... at least the studio group doesn't feel so awkward now...

time to recover and blog... and to reply to emails from very enthusiastic students from other faculties...
NOTE TO STUDENTS: architecture students are DAMN slack... don't worry about them picking the better sites before your do..
yuanxin: are u enjoying it yet???

Sunday, January 09, 2005

thanks for the holidays...

the next holidays won't be the same...
frens leaving for studies... leaving for exchange... preparation for thesis... it just won't be the same...
so just wanna thank you guys for a great 6 weeks... it sure was fun...

the parties... the gifts... they were icing on the cake...
the company was always enjoyable... be it over a latte at starbucks... or planning the next FAB month at the gym... there was never a dull moment... laughing over the stupidest things... while stuffing our faces silly with chicken wings and beer... and crying over the last APPOLO CHOCOLATe... this is for the people at RAFFLES PLACE.. and anyone who is anyone by association... good to know that you hv not died from an overdose of ME this past 6weeks... or have u?

catching up with old frens... really old frens... strangely enough we see LESS of each other during the holidays than when we are in school... so maybe its not that bad that sch is starting after all... i guess the next time we meet it will be at the arts canteen or macs huh? finally got back ALL (?) of the stuff that i lent u, edwin... and i can't remember when was the last time i ate ur mom's cooking... it was fun... and thanks to your gastric flu.. i had most of the mushrooms! =)
can't believe that you are leaving in 10days time... and getting to know new frens of old frens... looks like it will be lunch for 3 at the arts canteen... isn't it, charles?

and to the korean babe who lives in the blk 688d... goodness... you were so busy with LAb that we din even meet up outside of admiralty... but your FYP comes first... leave all other distractions out.. ;)

and to my classmates who've hardly seen me this holidays... well... we're set for another three months of each other... lunches at TECHNO EDGE... late nites in school... and hopefully not too much group work coz we may just not curb the urge to strangle one another... see ya guys at the FIRST LECTURE.... ar5221... how exciting...

it's official... it's back to school... back to my routine of a train ride to clementi and then hopping on the 96 to nus...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

school's almost in....

the weather is starting to warm up a little...

a fren of mine says that heaven was mourning the loss of the lives in the tragic catastrophe... but i find it ironical that it was by no fault of man... and that we can only blame fate for the disaster...
somehow some ppl were destined to be victims... while others were destined to survive.... how then can heaven be mournful?
oh well... i've never been able to understand the whole idea behind life and death... life: that we are put here for a purpose and that we are instrumental in the greater good.... death: our time's up... i just can't comprehend 150,000 ppl expiring at the same time... its too bizzarre... fate? or just science? death as determined by a greater being or merely being at the wrong place at the wrong time... who knows....

anyway.. i digress....
spent the day shuttling an APPLICATION form from the DEPARTMENT office... to the DEAN's office.. then to the OFFICE of STUDENT AFFAIRs... not an eventful day... but well.. at least i can check that off my list...

it's down to a mere number of days before semester 2 starts... and i can't help but feel sad that my mundane existence will soon be filled with deadlines, assignments.. and much dreaded responsibility... and this thought scares me because i realise that i have degenerated into an empty shell... (but a gym fit shell...) =P

as i was talking to the beach babe the other day... (she returned from phuket safe and sound... altho a bit shaken by the whole incident..) and she was telling me all the PLANS that she has... how she intend to contribute to the society by volunteering.. and all the things that she wants to acomplish before its too late for her to do anything...

and the difference between the two of us was that... while her existence defined by the TASKS that she wants to DO before she goes... i am generally very happy to just go... (go=depart from the face of this earth...) not that i would wanna leave immediately... i just felt that maybe if i live past the age of 60... then should i be washed away by the waves while sun tanning on the beach really wouldn't matter.... and it's not because i hv fulfilled my purpose in life.. but simply becuase i wld have lived long enough... sad isn't it....

i cannot be certain when my attitude towards life took such a drastic turn...

maybe i am experiencing somewhat of a burnout... caring too much has yielded so little in return... while mindless existence minimizes disappointment... perhaps this is only a period of RECOVERY... and i believe that everyone goes thru that... that moment in your life when everything around you seems to come to a standstill... and u just ask urself... WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? this moment isn't a split second... it could last pretty long... coz we get distracted... so while everything else is in a standstill... we occupy ourselves with HIGHLIGHTS.... short lived joy...

i think i am in that moment... asking that question of whether it is all worth it... what's all this for... and while waiting for an answer to appear... i'm drifting along... waiting for the next event... next important date.. next assignment.... contented to just be drifting along... and it scares me... (well, only when i consciously think about it anyway...)

maybe it's time to stop asking questions... and just LIVE life by doing what you feel is rite... what you want to achieve... what you want to do for yourself, your family, your frens... but i would start with YOURSELF....

*funny how i've procrastinated yet again... spent 5 1/2 weeks drifting.. and leave the last 4 days to figure out my purpose in life... oh well...

Sunday, January 02, 2005

couch potato day....

yet another rainy day...
the indigestion gone... and strangely enough i don't feel all that hungry... but i ate anyway... storing up for the coming semester...
channel i has stopped its transmission... and mediacorp's airing this advert that announces the addition of ch u...
the news is still filled with reports on the killer wave... the death toll increasing... fears of epidemic... call out to the public...

tv stations usher in the new year with a slew of movies... i shall join in the indulgence... settling in my bean bag.. getting up only when the fridge beckons...

*sister act 2*
*mighty joe young*
*bring it on*
*le papillon*

that about sums it up...
time for bed..

Saturday, January 01, 2005


it was a rainy day...
it was a lazy day...
i did not get out of bed till after noon or so... forced out of bed to go look for food... MEAL #1... bread+milk+chocolates+vitamin C+1/2 packet of twisties+H2O

made my way down to NSIAP to pick up jan to go to the gym... (heh... the thing to do on the LAST day and the FIRST day of the year...)

it rained some more...
so we detoured to pick up some FREE cheesecake from calvin's office... and met with a little 'ACCIDENT' along the way...
all the trouble only to find that calvin was not free... hence no cheesecake... much to the dismay of my tummy tum tum...

the rain PAUSED
so we (aggy b, jan, sernhong and i) parted (two)ways... jan and i were determined to hit the gym.... but midway we stopped at starbucks for a quick drink... and a little chat....

and it rained again....
but when it stopped... we headed down to the gym for an hour long workout... (and it doesn't seem to make sense that we spend an hour working out... jan spends another 1/2 an hour showering....)

it stopped raining... finally... i was wondering what will the people do in sentosa if it didn't....

popped by orchard to pick up m(ing) butterfly and her muse aka miss aggy b....
and headed down to the gotanco's....

food glorious food....
i stuffed myself silly seeing that it was MEAL #2 + #3.... (had a severe case of indigestion in the wee hours of the morning... seems like i took in MEAL#5 + #6 too....)
chicken wings, pasta, steamboat, mushrooms, assortment of balls... beer, coke, ice cream... grapes... cheesecake... absolut vanilla....

it was almost twelve... ok maybe 10mins more to twelve... but we were geared up... but what do we do when the clock strikes twelve? we rehearsed auld lang syne... we counted down the minutes... when the moment neared mr gotanco gave us wine =).....


drink wine....
jump! (the fillipinos believe that you will grow taller.... no harm trying....)
eat a grape... (supposed to make u taller too...i think....)
sing auld lang syne... (and then later thought we should have sang that before we the new year....)

the nite went on.... games... silly games... even sillier games....
farewell to some...
farewell to more....

another beer for me...
lounge singing... with the mamasan....
and a cab ride home... (the taxi driver almost forgot that i was in his cab and nearly stopped for nasi lemak somewhere between yishun and admiralty...)

at least i started off this new year feeling healthy, happy and full.... simple reasons to be thankful for the past year and to look forward to turning 25!