Wednesday, August 01, 2007

we should just start counting down to 2008

seems like another whirlwind of events have swept through...

07.07.07 LIVE earth... came and gone.... i've started to use less plastic bags.... now i have nothing to wrap tobey's poo!

the gst hike came... (2% savings! for all purchases made before that..... heh... good excuse to go PRO)

the zara sale came... and gone....

20.07.2007 came.... and gone (with half my liver no less.....)
everyone should try a bacardi 151 (the first spirit that i had to wash down with beer...)

harry potter came to go.... i'm still reading.. i guess this will just ruin the movie for me... note: memoirs of a geisha....

the ndp parade preview... one step closer to being Singaporean! it proves that i'm more singaporean than janny... who as we have always suspected is THAI....

Wii came.... my muscles and all faith in my hand eye coordination gone! (but at least i can swing a cow! and make the rabbit run...)

at the rate of things happening.. we shd start planning for x'mas!

too lazy to post pics... so just follow these links!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

blogging from my palm

testing testing... such a small keypad...
oh i have yet not introduce my newest toy to all my readers...
anyway in a bid to get my life organised and to keep a to do list... i got myself a pda at the PC fair early last month... now i can even blog when i'm out having a cuppa at starbucks.. jeez i really miss those days of skinny lattes...
but those days are over and these days it is a cup of unglam teh peng and back to the office sitting in front of my dell...
i need normalcy in life... need to go out and get some exercise... fresh air and sun... if not i will soon be shopping for xtrim..
but it doesn't seem like the work is letting up anytime soon....
but then work is never ending now issit?
but we have grand plans for july... GRAND PLANS... just waiting for everyone to come home... come home quick!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

steve jobs... such a tease

its so hard trying to stay ahead of all the updates to the existing models...
its even harder trying to gauge the best time to buy...
if you wait too long for the price to drop... they'll probably have a new model waiting to be released...
APPLE... you're such a tease...

maybe i should just get a DELL or ACER... cos i really don't care if they suddenly updated those..
the price we pay being slaves to vanity!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

the letter B makes a comeback...

B is for
Buying myself the perfect pair of white shoes...
Breakfast... with bacon and banana pancakes!
this summer's Blockbuster... spiderman.. spiderman...
one Beautiful Bride...
Being Busy at work...
Bad tobey! stay off my bed even if you're groomed, preened and pretty....

Saturday, April 28, 2007

what i'm listening to right now...

The Sweetest Gift

Quietly while you were asleep
The moon and I were talking
I asked that she'd always keep you protected

She promised you her light
That you so gracefully carry
You bring your light and shine like morning

And then the wind pulls the clouds across the moon
Your light fills the darkest room
And I can see the miracle
That keeps us from falling

She promised all the sweetest gifts
That only the heaven's could bestow
You bring your light and shine like morning

And as you so gracefully give
Her light as long as you live
I'll always remember this moment

Sunday, April 22, 2007


tired from getting into work an hour earlier.. and putting in an average of 4hrs of OT daily... its like working two jobs but for a single paycheck... even brands essence of chicken doesn't quite work... i'm sueing! there is no way i can prevent knives being flung at me with that broth... the advert was totally misleading...
but after next week.. there'd be some relief in sight... MAYDAY (*ming screams*).... not mayday aka ming's fav cheenapop band that she shd have outgrown by now... but Labour Day... and if the origins of Labour Day is anything like it sounds... i surely deserve something good...
and speaking of things to look forward to... PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! 10 rows from the stage... woohooo... its just one of the many good things that have come out of reading the papers... like knowing first hand when a show is being extended.. and u snap up the best seats!.... and knowing when there are sales... for the REAL news... you simply exclaim.. "i know! can you believe that..." it works for almost everything..

case study 1:
The price of sand has gone up!
cue: I know! Can you believe that!

case study 2:
So-and-so draws a $5million dollar paycheck for doing next to nothing...
cue: I know! Can you believe that!

case study 3: (one for the heartlanders in us)
ok.. i dun really know what heartlanders talk about.. but i'm sure it works...

i shall finish my coffee and get back to work..

Monday, April 16, 2007

to all those who've elfed before

when was the last time i was up this late working on a model?
probably this time last year...
(all elves turns to stare)
ok ok.. so i still owe some ppl a treat... prob just boh boh... ming.. you've gotten ur present!

gosh.. working in the studio again sure brings back memories..
seeing fatty lai at the foyer eating...
seeing fatty lai going to macs....
but thank goodness it is only for ONE NIGHT...
i hope i've paid my dues...
and it sure was some due... a curved pitch roof! pris had thought too highly of my model making skills...
but she was rite.. heh....

*beams with pride*

now throw me a sock!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

who's your daddy?

he may not play dead or really roll over on demand... but ain't he just the cutest furball...
and he sure knows how to work the camera! celebritydom is in da blood!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

my life on hold....

Apple Statement
iPhone has already passed several of its required certification tests and is on schedule to ship in late June as planned. We can’t wait until customers get their hands (and fingers) on it and experience what a revolutionary and magical product it is. However, iPhone contains the most sophisticated software ever shipped on a mobile device, and finishing it on time has not come without a price — we had to borrow some key software engineering and QA resources from our Mac OS X team, and as a result we will not be able to release Leopard at our Worldwide Developers Conference in early June as planned. While Leopard's features will be complete by then, we cannot deliver the quality release that we and our customers expect from us. We now plan to show our developers a near final version of Leopard at the conference, give them a beta copy to take home so they can do their final testing, and ship Leopard in October. We think it will be well worth the wait. Life often presents tradeoffs, and in this case we're sure we've made the right ones. [Apr 12, 2007]

damn.. there goes my plans... but i shall get my hands on the iPHONE if its the last thing i do!
then come october... a brand new MAC with leopard... *growl*