Friday, December 23, 2005

coming to the end of another year...

its been over two weeks since the last entry...
i've officially moved to a more ulu place in 'eternity'...
still in the process of unpacking and settling in...
but its no excuse to miss out on the festivities...

its been a rollercoaster week... (or days rather, since i am referring to the upheavals within the last 24hrs..)
it's a strange thing to be attending a wake the night before a party...
to be stalked during lunch..
and even more taxing to haul myself out of a state of 'moodiness' to suddenly be the 'life' of the party...
(shan't get into the details.. lets just say curiosity did not kill the cat.. but the truth did sour the puss..)

but all's well ends well...
even when i thought i was not much fun to be around..
i managed to smile, laugh and enjoy the moment..
it was a wonderful BIANNUAL potluck... the spread was good.. and the servings were just right..
the list goes on.. (ok maybe only a little bit more..)
but till 2007... we shall only reminisce...

coming to the end of 2005, i wondered how much had i learnt.. if i did at all..
i still make the same mistakes..
i still convince myself of the same lies...
call that consistency.. (now who says i can't keep focus!)
and perhaps there is no such thing as getting wiser or better with age..
OR maybe you get better at making similar errors in judgement..
and the whole process just becomes more efficient..

so i shall sit here and wait for 2006...
to usher in a resolution...
if not i will just repost this entry come this time next year!

PS: thanks for the food, presents and festive cheer y'all!

Monday, December 05, 2005

fellowship of folly..

i remember how i'd meet up with old frens.. or new frens for that matter... and they'd ask "what are u doing?" and i'd reply that i'm still studying.. and they'd go... "oh, what's your major?"... i'd say, "architecture.." and most of their responses would be along the lines of COOL... WOW... IT's FUN isn't it? and they'd start sharing what they've read up on so and so architects... and they might even ask me what my fav building is... or what do i think of the esplanade..

its strange how they all love the glam glam part of this industry... well, the part that they'd see on books, magazines, etc... (its never gonna be as glam as TV..) what they dunno is the road to getting there...

i wish for once i cld just say... "i dun quite care for the esplande... and i sure dun give shit about the architectural climate in singapore..." but i'd play along... give my rehearsed answer.. something about the debate between aesthetics and functionality... blah blah blah...

the problem with architecture is... (or would it be more accurate to say that the GOOD thing about architecture)... it is subjective... it absolutely is.. so in that case... anyone, perhaps everyone can participate and have their say.. give their two cents worth.. as and when they've finished with the latest gossip... now the REAL PROBLEM is.. in school, it is no longer subjective... you have tutors who tell you that you are wrong, what you should or shouldn't do... and the best thing is, they don't even agree with one another.. but somehow, we model the designs according to their approval...

those who've been through it.... we know how tough it gets... and perhaps upon survival... having suffered shit, gives us the right to be nasty to the next batch of students.. (hey, i've heard crappy students make 'authoratative' comments about other ppl's work... as if they'd know better...) so to those of us.. still stuck in sch (and to my frens who've just started that painful journey overseas..) what goes ard comes ard.. i bet ur tutor (yes, the arse who thinks he's so great) has paid similar dues... he's been told his drawings are crap... and his ideas crappier... (that's why they really just doodle... instead of sketching out what they hv to say)..

but the lesson to be learnt here is that.. WE'LL SURVIVE..