Monday, May 30, 2005


the blog! what were you thinking? i don't share such details on the blog...
its been a long time since i last blog... and i guess lotsa things hv happened..
the dog's gone back home...
carrie underwood is the new american idol...
ming has went on her trip to see the angkor wat.... (what a price to pay... hope you are enjoying urself!)

been spending time catching up with old frens...
a little trip down to ikea with mei in the blue tommisan.. haha... its fun when ur 'fiance's' away...
ice cold beer (and a vodka tonic and two lychee martinis) and the (in)famous chicken wings... with mei and pam...
and this thursday it will be in the OT to let terry extract my wisdom tooth...

congrats mei!! school's permanently out for you eh... finally...
start measuring urself for the cap and gown...
hope you enjoyed ur lemon and rUspberry ice cream... *sourpuss face*

ok time to get on with some actual work...
i feel a headache coming on... maybe i should go lie down...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

idol fever...

will it be vonzell, bo or carrie...??

hmm.. i hvnt done my bit to update my loyal blogees as to the status of the competition..

well.. can't blame me.. it got a bit boring when Scotty the Fattie refused to budge out of the competition...
gosh.. apparently there was this website some nincompoot set up to rally votes to see the psycho thru each week...
some americans really have nothing better to do...
yar.. and with scotty the fatty.. and anthony the lesser version of clay still in the competition... there was no doubting that the final 3 would be vonzell, carrie and bo... ok... not that i was rooting for constantine the 'butt crack face".. maybe just nadia..

hmm.. so who am i rooting for to reach the finals??
i must admit... i'm a sucker for the big ballads... and really was expecting bo to be kinda non-chalant bout the competition.. and hence throwing the competition... sometimes the audience really votes for the contestant who wants it bad enough... case in point.. scotty the fatty...

but anyway... after watching the commercial free telecast of idols... bo is the sure shot.. if he doesn't get thru... at least he'll still be guranteed a record deal...

vonzell suffered from some nerves with the big ballad.. thats second week in a row... cos she knows that she's the underdog going into the final three... with carrie never in the btm 3... and bo fast gaining popularity
and it looks like she might just break down at the finals if she gets there.. case in point.. diana degarmo's bung note when she performed Don't Cry Out Loud at the finals..not as if she would hv beaten fantasia... hmm... vonzell is a bit like fantasia huh.. without the big lips and ass... ok so maybe america doesn't need another fantasia... heh... at least she wasn't another jasmine trias... who's more like a shapelier version of scotty the fattie..

carrie... hmm... those who like her will say that she's really likeable... but those who don't will prob find her boring... i actually think that she's likeable when she's done with the song.. and a tad mechanical when singing... perhaps she's too focussed in trying to hit those high notes... but yar... i think she could do with a little more emotions...
but what's not to like?? she looks like alicia silverstone... she's an all american country girl....

let's just wait and see if there'll be any surprises...

just for ming...

Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
look how happy he is..
and how cute.. haha..
u can't see the overbite and bulging eyes in this photo...

ok.. this should brighten up ur day a little.. =)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

i'm tired of writing...

in the words of ming.... SHOW ME DA MONEY....
ok.. it was fun... initially... kinda fancy to begin with...
but there's always such as thing as OVERKILL...

i've written about 8 write ups...
and since they are mostly paid editorials (ie advertisements disguising as articles...)
you can only imagine the amount of mediocre stuff waiting to be embellished...

only one week into the job.. and i've enough stories to tell for a long long time...

take this for example..
interior designers dont speak english... ok not well.. ok maybe only some of them speak badly...
i had to call DESTON.. just so that he could refer me to PAUL... who took a good 10mins to refer me to ELLIE.... and then directed my inquiries to DESTON.... what the.....????????!!!!!!!!


i am having phobia of calling them up...

this other firm paid for an ADVERTORIAL... but i still had to churn out 1500 words... and the best thing is... i have to put in the name of the suppliers and waht nots along the way...
so as he was taking me on a walk thru over the phone..

guy01:.. ah yar.. and the parquet floor... you must say the supplier name.... chip and booty

me: huh? chips and vouz de?? (thinking that its some fancy name....

guy01: yar yar.... ah... then the sliding door.. is special one.....

me: eeeerrr.... wait.. can u spell cheeefs and beau des please...

guy01: oh.... CHEAP... as in not expensive one... and BEAUTY.... like beautiful.......

me: oh... CHEAP & BEAUTY!

yes.. so tehre.. what a job... never thought i'd coin the three words CHEAP AND BEAUTY in one sentence....
i am thinking of a psuedonym....


Sunday, May 08, 2005


Originally uploaded by lepetitmac.
my current houseguest...
my home is now the new spca for ming-discards.. heh... can't wait for when she dumps nellie here... then she can help me with the cleaning....

ok.. back to my houseguest...
who does nothing but eats and sleeps... and poops... can't blame him... nothing interesting in admiralty... and the rain just means that the garden is too wet for him to walk ard...

but i think he doesn't really mind... he seems contented to sleep... and change to a differnt spot to sleep every now and then... and follow anyone who's moving ard the house

oh yes.. he stares out of the window too!.. enjoying the view? prob not.. this doggy is scared of heights and can't jump... prob waiting for the woman who dumped him here.... tsk tsk

it happend so suddenly... a trip to town.. and the next thing he knew.. he was at the doorstep of the infamous blk688D... *whimper woof woof whimper*

Thursday, May 05, 2005

it pours...

my dossier is filling up with many more tasks and errands this hols...
it will soon overflow...

more articles!!
yay yay....
the verdict is in... the editor loves my work... and i will survive to contribute to more issues....
get your copy at the nearest newstands!! haah...
i can hear the money rolling in... whooopeeee!!!

ray ray: the circulation of ur mag will increase by at least three... yup THREE ppl offered to go pick up a copy that my BY-LINE (not BI-LINE.... ) appears in!! heee.... the power of pseudo-celebrity writers...

i WONDER HOW i got this job...
tsk tsk... the poor doggy with a gross overbite gets abandoned by litte-miss-i-throw-everything-away-after-one-week...
(case in point... the tiffany stuff that got 'lost'... damaged phone... and now a little living thing... at least she din dump u in the trash and claim that she din know where IT ended up...)
you may just out-marry ms elizabeth taylor before u even hit the big 5-0

heh... but in all honesty.. walking the dog isn't that different from going to the gym with ming ming... heeee...
(ok she is SO gonna kill me.... but... but... i cleaned up my room so that the dog can move ard without tripping on his stumpy legs...!! brownie points?)

and of course... last but not least...
dissertation stuff...
readings... more readings... those endless readings...

*lemme go get another cup of coffee.....

Monday, May 02, 2005

bye bye boh....

its now a little past nine... i'm guessing boh boh has met sy in kl after a gruelling 6hr train ride....
they are now on their way to hatyai...
met boh in the morning to give her a 'big' send-off... errr... more like accompany that poor gal to the train station lah...
and have her last fancy meal... ie: sandwhiches at starbucks with organic vanilla soy latte...

you guys should hv seen her... without her agnes b. tees... camper shoes...
lugging her big yellow backpack.. trudging ard jb in her flip flops...
but like i tell her... its only the beginning of her trip... it all goes downhill from here.... haha.. imagine 4sets of clothing rotated over three mths...

anyway... they're off on their trip.. *wave*
send me postcards!!!! =)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

i LOVE my job

i am now officially (all my other odd jobs)/ freelance writer!
i'm thrilled...
writing and being paid for doing it!!!
wooo hooo....
sure beats my own little 'publication' here...
but then again... all writers start somewhere...

(no... do not associate me with that xiaxue person... oh pls...)

imagine it now...
first an interior design mag... next lifestyle/food...
and then... FASHION!!
oooh.. fashion...

*camera flashes away....sauntering down the red carpet*

ok ok... i'm getting a little carried away...
but we must aim high rite??
